Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Totem Animals

The very Idea, of Totem Animals, is known, to most (out there). Today though, it is often, presented, from the very belief that, we should in all, attempt, to live, like, the Wild Animals (Totem Animals perhaps) do, live. This is not erroneous in nature really, but perhaps, it can be said too, that, the inspiration, for Conventional Living (as with cultures), can be, partially said, to come from, 'Totemic Animals'.

This entry though, presents, Totem Animals, from, another perspective: that of Human behavioural modes, as pertaining really, to how, they respond to (and send out too even), all, forms, of Stimuli, Indicators, and, Signals [that in all really, Totem Animals, and especially those, deemed, Sacred Animals, can, help us, learn, how to, properly/adequately, send out (respond to), all, forms, of Stimuli, Indicators, and Signals even] [that in all too really, they are far more advanced, than Humans, in the doing of this (and especially too, with regards, to the, environments, they live in)].

In many ways really, the sending out (and responding to), all forms, of 'Stimuli', is also in all, strongly associated, with, Communications Protocols (such as Ribaldry), and even, the Geography (of the place) we inhabit. In many ways too, the traditional definition, of 'country', has always, referred, to, the three, definers, mentioned, in the, previous sentence [that of, the kind of 'Stimuli' seen, Communications protocol, and, Geography even (Weather, Climate, Vegetation etc.), seen, in a place].

Most though, fail to learn, the very importance, of sending out (or responding to), Stimulus, In a basic way really, the importance of this, lays, very much, in how, one, Transmits/Receives, Knowledge, of all kinds. That in many ways really, this is a part of us, strongly, today, associated with, out Mothers [and perhaps too even Mother Figures]. In all though, the reason for understanding this, is to know, that, how we Transmit/Receive Knowledge, with regards, to, Stimulus, Indicators, and Signals even, very much defines too, our, environments, with regards to Peace (signals), Harmony (indicators), and, Unity (stimulus) even. That in all really, if you do live, in, a cluttered, noisy, accident prone environment, its because, the way (really), the people in it, Transmit/Receive Knowledge (in all), is in all too, uncivilized (as with, lacking, Civility) [this means really, their way of conduct, way of behaving, and even simply doing, is more or less, primitive (in nature)].

In all too really, our ability, to send out (or respond to), Stimulus, Indicators, or even, Signals, is in many ways too, not only, associated, with, Mothering [but in many ways too, why, both men & women, seek out, Female Companionship (of one kind, or another)] [That in all really, in some cases too really, Female Companionship, is deemed, capable, of, improving/invigorating, our, Natural Intelligence (as with regards really to, anything, to do, with, Stimuli, Indicators, and Signals even)]. However though, this is rather ancient really, and, Totem Animals (as with regards to this), can be used, to, much more heavily improve on, our abilities as such [at the very least, and even too, as with, regards to Sacred Animals, Totem Animals, can make us, way more, civilized, as with regards really perhaps, to the fact, that, Creatures (civilized Animals perhaps even), have Mating Rituals (as compared to, the primate like, sexual behaviour, most, Humans today, engage in)] [In all, Sacred Animals, actually, do seduce, their mates].

With regards really too, to the, Transmitting/Receiving of Knowledge, and, what they refer to, as, Civility even, it can be said, that, this communicating really (as with Civility), is denoted mainly (perhaps), by, what, they call, 'Phrasing' [in all really, the pauses, hesitations, and even, 'second guesses', that, we have, while, communicating, to another] [that in all, these, three, determine in all, what, a civilized conversation perhaps, between, two (or more folks), is, moderated by].

Below, we shall present various cultures (as with regards really, to, mainstream cultures, and Mainstream media even) [such as local newspapers], that can help, the denizens, of, a said Region, in developing, their, Phrasing Skills [and in all too, create, civilized environments (as with regards really, to all forms, of, actions)] [In all really, cultures, as through Mainstream media, that, help with, civilized discourse (from talk, to, motioning), as with in all, making them, rather Civilized].

North America: Quebecois culture

- as with, rather unknown (but well developed) Quebecois media perhaps.

South America: Nordeste Brazil

- as with, its popular/mainstream culture (often, seen, in the form, of the story).

Europe: German (Leipzig) cultures

- the Germans, of Middle Germany, have always been, superior, to other, Europeans, as with regards mainly really, to, Civility (and Phrasing).

Africa: Igbo culture

- Igbos, are in many ways, the most, civilized, of all Africans.

South East Asia: Indo-Pak (Mughal) culture

- those, that they refer to, as, Indo-Pak, are descendants, of, Mughal Islamic India, and are neither, Indian, or, 'Pakistani' even. In many ways too, the most, civilized, of South East Asians.

East Asia: Sino-Chinese culture

- the Sino world, in many ways today, is, presented, from a rather, political view (as with, Sino-Japan really), but traditionally, the Sino world, was, simply, a cultural complex, in which, different, East Asians, engaged (and communicated in), with each other. A world, that even led, to the French, building, French Architecture in China, made the Jesuits (Dutch), settle there, and even too, leading to, outside settlers to East Asia, improving, on the cultures (of East Asia) [as with, Red Samurai, and Ronin too] [Lots of Italian culture, entered, into East Asia, via, the Sino-Chinese world, and, Oman too] [Red Samurai, is of, English inspirations, while, Ronin, is of, Italian].

The Middle East & Afrique: Victorian cultures

- for a Middle East Region, that, often feels, alienated, from, the rest, of the World (as with regards really to, Civility, and, especially, Phrasing), Victorian cultures (mainstream), is as good, as, it can get. In many ways really, the culture, that gave birth really, to, modern cafes, coffee in the morning, international newspapers, and even too, popular European Bars [and a world too, falsely believed, to be, modern English/Europe mainly] [but having existed too before, in, (Colonial & 70's) Kenya].

In all really, the above, is associated with, what, they call, Norms (behavioural, and, cultural too). Norms, in many ways (as with Phrasing really), are used, to denote Equality, Superiority, and, Inferiority, in a Society [that in all, those, who tend, to Phrase things, poorly (as with, Transmitting/Receiving Knowledge), are deemed inferior somewhat (as with, regards really, to Society), and something today, erased, from Society, such that, Caveman Phrasing (as with popular American 'Ghetto' slang perhaps), is deemed, the norm such that, a person, with a degree, from, Harvard University, is today, seen, the equal of a, 'Gangbanger'] [In many ways too, Phrasing, does determine, the, kind, of Vocabulary, one, does use].

Below though, will be the return, to, the topic, of, Totem Animals, as with showing really, how important they are in, generally, creating, a Civilized Society [as with defining perhaps, the sending out (responding to), to, all forms, of, Stimulus, Indicators, or, Signals even] [In all too really, determining, the kind/type, of Stimulus, Indicators, and Signals too, seen, in a Society] [for example, how should one, greet, another, on the streets? Should you run up, and talk to, people, you do not know?, What to do, when, insulted?, Is shouting permissible, when, attempting, to make, a point?, How should one approach (as with signals perhaps), a person/mate, deemed, of interest?] (etc.)

In all really, the attempt really, to erase, primate like, behaviour, from, Society.

North America: the Cougar

South America: the Jaguar

Europe: the Eurasian Lynx

Africa: the Leopard

South East Asia: the Black Panther

East Asia: the Tiger

The Middle East & Afrique: the Lion

- the Ethiopian & Kenyan Lion (respectively)