Friday, June 24, 2011

The Graeco-Romans (a redux)

as with they, having given birth, to the 'Western' American world (Wild Wild West)

[with Pink truly perhaps, as Lady Justice herself]

Whom again truly, were the Graeco-Romans really?

It is they actually, who gave birth, to what they do term, the Modern (as averse, to the Traditional). The Traditional in all, is based, on primarily basing Life on Art, Philosophy, or even, Science/Geometry [while the Modern, bases Life, primarily on, Scientific Terminology].

Thats what truly separates, Modern folk, from, Traditional folk.

In all too, it can be said, that, there are 5 primary ways, of looking at, American History in all:

1. Art/Media
2. Military/Institution
3. Romanticized
4. Civilizational
5. Folk

The Art/Media version, of American History, is today often presented popularly, via Hollywood perhaps, and is a version, of American History, having come into fame, in the past, few, generations. A version of American History, that attempts in all, to associate American Progress, with certain, American Images [such as the Maverick, or Hustler even] (and in all, rather Media driven too really).

The Military/Institution History, of America, is in many ways, the rather true in all [as with well kept records], History of America, and in all speaks of, America, as a rather troubled place, with regards mainly, to Security/Defence issues. Rather unknown version, of American History, only presented, in the form, of the True Story (and via Hollywood too even) [Security too, as with, Survival issues pertaining to, Food Security in all too really].

American Romanticized History, has already been presented, as being, the History of American attempts, to conquer, its Hinterlands [and warring too, with supposedly said 'Red American' savages].

American Civilizational History, rather common secretly too, amongst, its womenfolk, is one, that views America, from the perspectives, of Ancient Spain, Arthurian America, and Graeco-Roman/Roman America [and rather highly, Culture/Cultural based too even].

American Folk History finally, a rather troubled History in all, speaks of Famed/Famous American Characters really, but Famous truly, in more or less, the Symbolic perspective [as with they, fully truly, representing, a Neighbourhood in America, or a State even] (such as for instance, the Sport Athlete). In all perhaps truly, not only, the History of American States (51 of them) [and their foundlings], but in all too, American State Symbols [as compared, to American Military/Institution symbols] [State too, as with Religion, and relationships between, Men and Women too also] [In all also too really, the version of History, that most Americanistas, truly adhere to].