Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Textbook Fallacies

The Textbook, is a format, of presenting Knowledge, that has come, to be rather, prominent, in this Day and Age. Most though, don't truly realize, why in all, it is a backwards perhaps, way, of presenting Knowledge in all. First off, it should be known, that the Textbook, has no relation, to the Text [which in all, is about, presenting things, from a Religious Order perspective]. The Textbook on the otherhand, presents Knowledge, from the perspective really, of Pointing Things out. Thats all, Textbooks do, they actually in all, attempt to have one see things, from the perspective, of them, being pointed out, to one [and in all, a rather brainwashing manner, of doing things].

Most though, don't truly know, the true origins, of the Textbook. That actually in all, the origins, of the Textbook, are actually, African (North), and with the Textbook itself, made rather prominent (and famous in all), by Muslim Egypt [and the Mediterranean World, in tow]. In all, unknown to most, the Textbook, is a rather good manner/way, of presenting, African Knowledge, and especially even, African History too. This is mentioned, because many today, attempt to present, History, in the Textbook format, as with Pointing Out things, and in all too, as with the Textbook format, being an inferior manner/way, of doing this [what is been said here, is that, the Textbook format, only truly works, for Africa, and is rather in all, a disastrous manner/way, of presenting any other forms of Knowledge (non-African), and especially too really, European/Italian History].

[The Text on the otherhand, has been rather ubiquitous, in other parts of the World, and especially as with regards, to presenting, History itself]

The Video below, by 'Meatloaf', actually does show scenes, from Muslim Abbasid Egypt [the times of Mohammed Pasha], which the Textbook on the otherhand, tends to present, in a highly inferior manner [as with one, totally failing, to see, Caliphate Egypt, for what it truly was]