Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Romans

How can one, truly explain perhaps, the Romans, so as for one, to be able to possibly, fully comprehend, whom they were. The best way possibly, would be, how, the Italians (their 'neighbours'), possibly saw them, as compared, to the Anglo Mind [and beliefs, in the rise, of Rome, from Market-City, to Empire, and finally Civilization].

1. Esicrucian Man: As a Higher Being in all, not driven to act, unless 'it' fully understood, the true/full nature, of something (or someone), and then driven too, to act in all. In all truly too, this is what, made the Romans, Greek.

2. The Roman Generals: As with they, creating an Empire/Civilization, that stretched, all the way, into Asia Minor [that being, Taiwan], and in all, attesting, to the Power, of the Roman Gods.

3. Tessellations: As with the Roman Civilization, the only Civilization perhaps, to somewhat fully operate, from the Tessellations level, of Communications (guidance, resolve, idea's), as with they, even having, a Priesthood, to deal with this, and they in all, giving birth, to the world, of:
  • public outcry: or firm calls, to resign
  • political mayhem: or violence, destruction, and rioting all over
  • public demostrance: or conspiracies, invasions, or even assassinations