Wednesday, June 29, 2011

St. Paul

The Story of St. Paul, is one, of the more famous, Stories, in the Bible. It though, unknown to most, is not, a factual account, of the creation of the Church [whichever 'Church' that might be], but more or less, actually, a Story-Myth, having to do, with Italian Christianity itself, and the presence of Italians (Jinnis), in the Middle East.

It is in all, a Story-Myth, pertaining to Italian History in the Middle East, and taking truly, the form, of a Reform, of Middle East Society, with regards to stability issues, in themselves. To fully understand this, is to understand, that the History of the Middle East, is that actually, of Individuals, and not Governments, or Democracies too either. It is a History, of Individuals, adept in all forms/kinds/types of Communications, caught up, in all forms/kinds/types, of Networks/Meshes/Webs, that in all, threaten, to destabilize, their Societies in general.

St. Paul (Jinni), and as Story-Myth, plays the role, of an Achilles like Hero, out to save the day really, with regards, to the danger of a breakdown, of Society in the Middle East, due to the nefarious activities, of simply even, a handful (or even two truly), Individuals [and in all too, speaking of the unanimous presence, of Jinnis, in the Middle East] [As with Jerusalem, Islam, and even Graecian Civilization (Architecture)]