Friday, June 17, 2011

On the Nature of Woman

Wonder Woman, is probably often seen, as probably too, one of the higher Ideals, of Woman, out there. A Woman so self-assured, she has never been known, to take recourse, and converse truly, with a Man. In many ways truly, in Wonder Woman's universe, Men, are the source of all trouble, and in all ways truly, should be dealt with.

Many Men out there, have problems, not Interacting with Women really, but actually, Dealing with them. They might know for instance, how to amuse a Woman, but have no idea, what to do, if they do, annoy her.

This entry though, pertains in all, in helping Men out there, truly recognize, Women, for whom/what, they really are [as with learning, how to Interact with them, and also, Deal with them], by understanding, that Women (just like Nature), truly differ, by Region of Earth, inhabited.

Below will be presented, the proper way, for a Man, in any Region of the World, to view Women, of different Regions too, as in all ways really, this is truly how, Women, view other Women out there, and themselves too in general really [and how also, they do expect Men, to privately view them] [Privately, and not Secretly, or Publicly even] (one must understand this, as the mysteries of Women, are deeper, than what, this entry pertains truly, to show).

North America:

In North America, Women should always be viewed, privately that is, from the perspective, of a 4-point structure, as follows: Body, mind, Soul and Spirit. That in all really, Women in North America, have always viewed Men too somewhat, from this perspective [as with being a Husband, or Boyfriend] (and not Lover, which is all about, viewing someone Secretly). In general really, North American Women, tend to be the most, High-Spirited, of all Women on Earth, and in general too, do seek out Men, who are likewise (always high-Spirited, in one way, or another) [always] [in all too, Body, as with Image, does matter alot, to the North American Woman, as does the mind (as with general intelligence), and the Soul (as with confidence truly)].

South America:

In South America, Women in general, tend to view themselves, other Women, and Men too, in a rather, complicated fashion (and not manner either). What this truly entails to mean, by fashion that is, is that Women in South America, do view Men (and other Women too), highly, from the perspective, of Regional Identity [as not with Country really, but even State, or City perhaps]. To understand this, is to say, that Women in South America, do judge Men (and other Women highly), by the Culture [as based on, traditions, customs, practises, and even cultural law], they do originate from [meaning, if American, you impress, a South American Woman, by saying, you are from California, and not, 'the United States of America']. A hard way truly, to interact, with the South American Woman, as South America, has always been rather truly deeply, cultural (as compared to Culture), with other regions of the World [including India], falling behind, with regards to all this.


"Europa, the beautiful", some say, not knowing, the Tragedy, that belies all truly, with regards to this statement. For the tale of Europa, is one, of Tragedy abounding, as with truly knowing, the only true way, to view an European Woman, is from the perspective, of Comedy, Tragedy, Irony, and Parody even [as with their having, mastered all these]. For this environment, of Comedy et. al., is one, that surrounds truly, the Knight, in all his endeavours [in all, the perfect Knight, as with the Romance perhaps, is one, who truly too, understands, what Comedy, Tragedy, Irony and Parody are].


"Africa, Africa", wails the Man, who has never truly, understood life in Africa, as with associating it intimately, with its Womenfolk. For many of the troubles, that ail Africa, originate truly, from its Womenfolk, as with vice abounding, with regards, to how they generally, view things [as with themselves, other Women, and Men likewise]. For Women in Africa, tend to view, others truly (and themselves), from the following scopes: Country, Land, Nation and People [as with truly, their Functionings, and not Operations, or even Workings either]. All this, must be well understood, as Functionings here, speaks of, not only Resources, but also, Self-Government, in one way, or another [as with associating, Country with 'levels of speech', Land with 'general society', Nation with 'Media images', and finally, People with 'Historical images'].

South East Asia:

In South East Asia, how Women have viewed, Men, and others like them, has in all, probably, been the most backward, of all Regions, on Earth. For Women, in South East Asia, still view somewhat, themselves, Men, and other Women, from the perspective, of Matriarchal, Matrilineal, Matrilocal, and Matrifocal perspectives [all rather scholastic manners, of truly saying, but taking the potential of all this, into perspective, that Women in South East Asia, are influenced, by their Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters/Cousins, and Female friends, in how truly, they view themselves, Men, and other Women in society really]. In all, no matter how sweet talking, the Indian girl you meet is, towards one, you will not/never know, how she truly feels about you, unless, you meet her Mum, or even Cousins too.

East Asia:

In East Asia, its Women, who are perceived and believed, to be amongst the hardest (if not the hardest truly), to decipher, can be said, to be best viewed, from a camera perhaps, espousing, the following four lenses, of Archeology, Anthropology, Politics, and Communications. For it truly, is East Asia, that gave the World, the rather friendly Woman, whom one believes, is interested in them, but actually views herself, other Men, and other Women too, from the perspective, of Area/Locale of origins [as with Archeology/Architecture], Cultural upbringing [as with Anthropology, and Wealth/Riches too], Scholastic Intelligence [as with Politics, and an Education perhaps], and finally, Presentation skills [as with Communications, and how one, is generally viewed, by Society]. That is the East Asian Woman, whom unknown to most, actually does have, good Presentation/communications skills [as with even, the Japanese especially], but acts, the doofus, all around, until, one is fully engaged somewhat, to her [and then realizing, she is a Shark, of a kind/sort].

The Middle East & Afrique:

The Women of Afrique, have traditionally erroneously, been viewed rather Western, due to how truly, Society in general, in Afrique, has evolved. For Women in Afrique (and the Middle East), are rather similar, if one takes into account, the prevalence [in a disorganized manner], of Islamic culture, in Afrique itself. For Women in Afrique (and the Middle East too), view themselves, Men, and other Women, from the perspective, of the following views (as with basing, their views on others, and themselves, on the following) [the Religious, the Social, the Political, and Economics too in all]. The Religious, as with regards, to morals and morality in general. The Social, as with regards to acceptance in all, by Society. The Political, as with regards, to ones potential, as based on, acquired (or even accumulated), Intelligence [accumulated even, as with being, self-taught]. Economics finally, as with in all, the very concept, of Umma [and being Conscious in all, in dealing, with any problems] [the world, of Women seeking out, Men as good problem solvers]. In all, a way of viewing others truly, originating, from the Islamic world, and even Byzantine too [with Afrique interestingly enough, somewhat Byzantine, with regards to all this] [and the Middle East, truly Islamic].