Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Shairi

as perhaps with, Shaaban bin Robert.

The Shairi, of Swahili origins, is probably, the most advanced form, of Poetry/Prose, ever envisioned, by Man [more advanced, than anything, ever seen too, in Europe] [even Italians (Koranics), study this stuff].

The Shairi, in its Creative Writing form, gave birth, to the Hadithi [and the world even, of the Motion Picture] [and the associated, Motion Picture Industry too (as even encompassing, the 'Technological Devices' Industry)] [and not, mere, Technology] ['Technological Devices', as with Bond, James Bond]. So difficult, is it to write, a good Shairi, that most out there, could probably, not be able to write, a single line of it (as with regards really, to Flow/Rhythm) [and even, in the English language too].

It is the Shairi too, as with (inspired) Technical Writings perhaps, that is the very basis, of what some call, the Ultra-Modern world [or even perhaps, the Terminator 3 movie].

Shairi Logic = Matrix/Matrices Logic (and the world, of 'Technological Devices')