Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thebes Egypt (notes)

The music/sounds, of Thebes Egypt

The Cartoon movie depiction though, shows scenes, from (New) Kingdom Egypt, and in many ways too, is rather erroneous, as with presenting, the 'Egyptians', with Dynasty Egypt bodies, and so called 'Slaves', with, Pharaonic (Kush) bodies.

This is mentioned, because in all, Egypt, was highly a Civilization, based around the Body, even moreso, than rather famed, Italian (Civilizations) Bodies [in all, as with Italians being perceived, as being statuesque, the Egyptians though (Pharaonic & Dynasty really), did have greater, bodies, than they did].

**in all truly, beliefs in the Body, being a Human Temple to God, originate, in Egypt, and in all truly, the Egyptians, did not believe, in slavery, unless for good Religious reasons [and not Political]