Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mirror, Mirror........

............. on the wall,
who's the prettiest,
of them all.

The above paraphrase, is acquainted, to many, who are well read, on fairy tales. Its a also a paraphrase, known to many [via the media really], and is rather taken, lightly, as a form of slight entertainment, before a mirror, and before, the advent, of something, big happening [later on].

Mirrors, are a rather, mysterious, form, of necessities, as regarding, their origins. Many know of them, but don't, really know, where, mirrors, really came from. Mirrors, are believed, to have come, into existence, with the Angel beings [glassy angels]. It is they, who are believed, to have brought, mirrors, into this world. One might think, marvelous, with regards, to all this, but not be aware, that mirrors, do pose, a kind, of danger. There are many, superstitions, associated, with mirrors, the most famous, being, that the breaking, of one, brings along, 7 years, of, bad luck. The real danger however, with mirrors, is that, they can, very much, affect, our core beliefs [the beliefs we hold, in our psyches, about, ourselves, and environments]. When you look, into, a mirror, one should realize, that, thoughts held, about, oneself/environments, while doing so, can be, programmed, into, ones core beliefs. In general, what is been said, is that, mirrors, can distort, ones, core beliefs, on oneself, and environments, simply, by looking, into them, and holding, certain thoughts. The even, bigger problem, is that, most mirrors, do not, offer, a true, reflection, of one. As a result, many, have a distorted, image, of how, they really look like [one can see, how mirrors, are distortful, by looking, into a mirror, with the use, of natural light, and artificial; the image reflected, tends to be different]. If one seeks, to truly see, how, they look like, a reflection, from, a window pane, would be, the way to go.

Mirroring, is a form, of activity, whereby, one attempts, to very much, act, like another, in just about, three ways: thoughts, sentiments, and allusions. It is through, ones Godly being, that others, can very well, emulate one, making one, believe, that they, and you, are of one Mind. If someone, is capable, of emulating you, at the, Godly being level, then, in many ways, they can, imprint, thoughts, into ones, core beliefs. Its a kind of witchcraft, that can be, highly damaging, with regards, to manipulation. If a person, can know, and hold, ones thoughts, sentiments and allusions, they can, very well too, program, ones core beliefs.

The Godly being, is itself, associated, with another, form, of Time. Time, as often, described, as being, an Age, Era, or Aeon [decade, generation, century and the likes]. Each of them, is about, Balance [Peace], Harmony, and Unity, respectively, and is a concept, of Time, heavily associated, with, women [as in the Elizabethan Age]. What characterizes, this concept of Time, are cycles [as seen too, with womens menstrual cycles], of ups and downs [rollercoaster], darkness and light, and finally, strong bonds and weak bonds [seasonal in nature]. This concept of Time, is heavily, associated, with what, they call, Spiritualism. Spiritualism [and not Spirituality], is a religious practise, associated, with the Godly being, and mainly, only practised, by women. It is a form, of, religious practise, heavily associated, with, worshipping, spirit beings, who affect, women, through their cycles, and in many ways, affecting, the world, via, these up and down, cycles. In general, what is been said, is that, it is women, who make, the world, go round [up and down, and the likes]. In some cases, women, who don't, practise, Spiritualism, might be inflicted, with an, evil spirit, leading, to witchcraft. This infliction, is more likely, to happen, during, a womans, menstrual cycle. A good source, in all this [as Spiritualism is often, a secret practise], is, "Our Mothers, our powers, our texts: manifestation of Aje in Africana Literature" by Teresa Washington. Spiritualism, as seen, in Nigeria.

The practise, of Spiritualism, and the Time, embodied by it, very much too, helped, women, create, this concept, of Time, as seen through, Calendars. In many ways, women, planning, the lives of others, or a community. This was mostly done, through, the study, of, astronomy, and astrology. For those, who don't, experience, this concept, of Time, life, appears, to be very much, a standstill. For those, without, the right women, in their lives, certain practises, such as, the old, French Kardecism [which is about, the worship, of famed Ancestral spirits], helps one, create, these cycles, of up and down. Kardecism like practises, are often, for example, associated, with priest figures. In many ways, Kardecism, is similar, to French Iconography worship.