Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Qulyssis

The Qulyssis.

A Day in the Life of Tom O'Flannery.

It is a Friday morning, in Dublin, when young, Tom O'Flannery, awakes, to the noise, of an empty house. Out of bed quick, and with a change, from his pyjamas, into, a t-shirt, and some khaki pants, he is quickly down, to the kitchen. The kitchen, is empty, but there is a note, from, his mother, telling him, of the breakfast meal, in the fridge. Done with breakfast, some fifteen minutes later, Tom O'Flannery, is out, of the house, on his bike, and riding away, into Dublin, to seek out friends, and adventure, in its own right.

Tom is riding, and looking around, as he does. Everything, kind of, looks, miserable, and rather silent. No motion in sight, and as he wheels on and around, even looking, into the houses, he passes on, all he sees, are drawn curtains, closed curtains and doors, and not, a soul, in sight. Down, at the end, of the street, he turns right, and down the hill, he goes, as he picks up, speed, while almost cycling, furiously. He is down the hill, and sits, on his bike, steadily, arms somewhat extended, handlebars clasped tight, and eyes, darting around, for almost, the sight, of a dog or cat, running into his way. He is up, almost, the hill, when he turns his head, and looks, into a, nearby park, with some kids in it, playing baseball. His steady and fast eyes, quickly catch, a glimpse, of Tim O'reilly, the American wannabe kid, in the neighbourhood. He stares at him, eyes intense, and decides to steer, his bike, almost slowly, into the park. The opening to it, a gateway, an opening, in an aluminum fence, feels rather narrow, as he passes, through, into it. He is in, and headed, towards Tim, and another group, who stand and sit, almost, surrounding Tim, as they listen, to him spew out, some talk, on him, and even, in a while, America [or the States, as he calls it]. Tim is holding, some mitts, on one hand, and a ball, baseball, on the other hand. As he quickly approaches the group, Tim looks up, and in almost, a split second, changes his voice, and tone, as he makes, everyone, aware, of the presence, of, Tom O'Flannery. Calls of, "Hi Tom", and, "Whats up Tom", ring out, as Tom O'Flannery, approaches, and stops by, the group, with Tim O'reilly, eyeing him, up closely. "So, whats going on around here?", asks Tom O'Flannery, as one of the Kids, in the group, quickly eyes him, and announces, that, Tim, was telling them, something, about the States. Tom quickly looks up, to Tim, and Tim, puts on, an emboldened face, as Tom, quickly quips, "Why don't you go there, if you like it so much". Tim continues, to eye Tom, knowing very much, that a fight, of any sorts, is out, of the question. Tom, once blackened his eye, with the swiftest punch, he had seen, on both sides, of the atlantic. Some small talk later, with nothing much gained, or learned, and a small quip, that the IRA, were cooler, than the US Army, Tom O'Flannery, is out of the park, on his bike, and riding away, after promising, to return on, much later.

Tom is riding, through a street, some way, away, from the park, when he notices, a rather, burlesque, woman, come out, of a, movie theatre, and as he looks on, at her, with an almost frown, deep, on his face, she happens, to turn around back, and on, almost immediately, seeing him, waves her hand at him, at which, he stands up, from his seat, and peddles on, away. Its Lisa O'Brien, waving, almost wildly, if not, madly, as he rides away, feeling rather, uncomfortable. He is down the road, turns a corner, and keeps moving, into, a rather, narrow and dark, alleyway, with a side latern, hanging, from the top side, of one, of the walls. He is through it, and as he, comes out, of the other side, he spots, a white car, appearing, to be reversing, and turning really, around, in a circle. The driver, quickly spots, Tom O'Flannery, and waves at him, before beckoning to him, to come on, to his side. Tom rides, rather slowly, and waywardly, as he approaches the car, and on getting near it, a small far distance, on the sidewalk, he turns, to look at the driver, rather squarely. "Tom, how is it going, mate?" "Seems fine to me", says Tom back, with a rather, quizzical look, on his face. The man looks back, at Tom, almost disappointed, and Tom, somewhat grimaces, as the man, continues, to stare on. "Where are you off to Tom?" he asks again, and Tom replies, "Just riding in and about, Mr. Quinn", and appears, to then turn, and begin, to almost, ride away. "Hey Tom", Mark Quinns voice, rings out, "I have something, for ya", to which, Tom, turns around, looking, rather disgusted, and annoyed, before seeing, Mark Quinn, reach out, to the side seat, next to him, and almost, grabbing, at something; it turns out, surprisingly, to be a coat. "What would I do with that?" yells out Tom, almost loudly, as he somewhat, bites and folds, his lower lip, looking, rather flabbergasted, at whats, going on. "I thought you would like it", says back, Mark Quinn, before Tom O'Flannery, turns back, and around, and swiftly, rides away, standing aloft, on his bike, as he does so.

Tom rides on, until, he arrives, at his favourite spot, in almost, all, of Dublin. Its a Games Arcade, and there are alot, of Kids, milling around, talking nothing much, and drinking down, some slurpees. Some girls, say hi to him, but he cares not much, to respond, to them. He is in, into the Arcade, after noticing, a black kid, he does not really like, very much. Always running up to him, saying hi, asking, what he's up to, and which chicks, are after him. He looks away, almost in a grimace, as he believes, that Ted, the black kid, has somewhat, seen him. He is in, and headed, towards his favourite game, when he spots, his closest friend, nearby it, playing, another game. "Shane", he somewhat calls out, as he sits in, into his favourite car game, and Shane, looks almost across, from the similar, car game, he is playing. "Whats going on Tom?" he asks, as he promptly, steps on the pedal, below his foot, accelerating away, as he notices, a corner, quickly, coming up. "How is everything going?" asks Tom back, as he sits in, rather comfortably, and slides, some coins, into, the game's, slots. "Amanda was here, looking for you" says back Shane, and Tom, looks away, downwards, as if, settling in again, and feeling, rather ashamed, if not, uncomfortable. The game begins, and he is off, playing, at a rather, comfortable pace. As he is playing, and realizing for the first time really, that the game, is becoming, rather simple, he somewhat, turns, to Shane, who still very much, concentrates, on his game, and says, "what did she want?" "Just stopped by, to say hi, I think", is what, Shane says, as he continues, playing on. Tom O'Flannery, remembers Amanda, and somewhat believes, she was a mistake, one to remember, in his so far, short lived life. As they play on, and a full, twenty minutes later, Shane turns to Tom, and says, "we better, be going". Tom takes that, as a signal, that the local prudish kids, a group, made up, of his ex, Amanda, and other Kids, American in spirit, will probably, be making, their way, to the Arcade. Talking loud, and nothing much, is all they do, as they appear, very pleasant, to everybody out there, attempting, to attract, attention, and garner envy. They are out, of the Arcade itself, and on towards, to the bike lot, as they jump, onto their bikes, and off, they ride away, into Dublin itself.

They have been riding, for twenty minutes, when they get nearby, to their first stop; its Shanes home, and he wants, to get, his sweater, from his room. Tom O'Flannery, is seated, outside, the steps, into, Shanes home, looking around, and even about, when a white car, slowly rolls by, unseen, upon when, noticing it, he quickly lets out, a slur "Ah! shit!!", as the car, slowly, stops by, and Mark Quinns, head, pops out into view, and he quickly says, "Hey Shane", before openly obviously, shaking his head, and saying again "Tom...O'Flannery". Tom O'Flannery, looks towards him, as if, having been called out, of a daze, and Mark Quinns voice, says to him again "So whats really going on, Tom?", to which, Tom O'Flannery, responds, by saying, "Nothing much at all". As Mark Quinn, is getting ready, to say something, having looked down, the road quick, a blue car, rolls on, next, to Quinns car, and Mark Quinn, quickly, pulls in, into the car, and rolls down, the opposite window, and begins, talking, to a man, Tom O'Flannery, knows nothing off. The man, looks, rather burly, almost fat, with a beard to his face, and somewhat sits, from what Tom can gather, in a manner, similar, to an IRA agent. He does not look Irish at all. Shane is out, of the house, as this is going on, and as they quickly, pick up, their bikes, Tom having mentioned, the name, Mark Quinn, and Shane having spotted him, through, the corners, of his eyes, they both, jump on, onto their bikes, as an old womans voice, calls, from behind them, almost admonishing them, as they begin to pedal away, standing on their bikes, with Shane a bit behind, Tom O'Flannery, pedaling too, while turning back to say, "Sorry Mrs. O'Connor", we have, to get going"; and as they both, pedal away, they do notice, Mark Quinn, quickly looking, across the window, onto their side, into what appears, to be a commotion, going on.

The two Kids, are on their way, away, from Shanes home, and riding fast, if not furiously, down the street, on the sidewalk, looking out, for nothing much, but putting a distance, between them, and the scene, created behind. Having been riding, for fifteen minutes, they arrive, at a fastfood restaurant, at Shanes request. They are in, Tom not looking, too enthusiastic, and upon, sitting, on a bench, and looking around, as Shane, makes an order, for both of them, he spots, all kinds, of familiar faces, working faces, seated around, eating, their lunches. Shane is back quick, with the order, which surprises, Tom O'Flannery, as he then, while seated, across Tom, hands him, his order, and sets down, to eat his. Tom looks, at the fries, right before him, no drink at hand, and after applying, some ketchup on them, begins, to chip away. Shane on the otherhand, is eating away, at his hamburger, fries, and Coke drink, that lays, right before him. Tom watches him, rather closely, while eating, his own fries, and then, somewhat later, says to him: "You should not eat that stuff", referring to the hamburger, "It will make you loopy, as those goons, across over there" he says, while pointing through the wall, as Shane turns, to look towards, the pointing finger, pointing seemingly, through the wall, and even across Ireland itself, and the seas too. Shane looks back, at the meal, before him, not wanting, to believe, what has been said, and with a quick glance, at Tom O'Flannery, continues, to delve, into the food, before him, looking somewhat, miserable, as he does so. The two Kids, are done, with their meals, and before too soon, are back out, onto their bikes, and wheeling away, again.

They have been riding again, for another, twenty minutes, when they arrive, at a hilltop, overlooking, a rather, steep descent. They look down, upon it, and Tom O'Flannery says, "last one down, is a woose", before they both, speed off, riding like the wind, not caring, for anything, in sight. As they are nearing, the bottom, each concentrating, on the road itself, and really, enjoying, the ride, for what it is, they both, notice, each other, and almost, immediately, and decisively, make an agreement, to slow down, and somewhat, rest, at the bottom, of the descent. They are down there, seated, on their bikes, nonchalantly, when Tom O'Flannery, somewhat says, to Shane, "So, who was Amanda with, when she came by?" "All by herself, but I think, Patrick, was around". Tom shakes his head, to himself, as he imagines, Amanda, with Patrick, besides her, almost, in disgust. It was because, of Patrick, that Tom O'Flannery, broke up with, or really left, Amanda, as she envisioned him, the coolest kid around, with his really blue jeans on, hat turned back, nike sneakers, and white t-shirt on. Tom had quipped to her, "Why don't you get with him then" and had left her side, and refused, to return, any of her calls. He did not hear, from her, for about, five or six weeks, and when he did, it was to do, with Patrick; they were together, and supposedly, happy. Shane says something, as Tom awakes, from the stupor, he is in, of him, having been kissing, Amanda. He somewhat catches, Shane saying, "Leo the Postman, is on his way down"; he looks up the descent, they just came down, to see, a blue, post office van, coming down, the steep descent. The van, begins to slow down, as it approaches, the bottom, of the hill, and when next, to the two Kids, slows down, and Leo the postman, somewhat, makes his way, across his seat, onto, the window by them, and upon rolling it down, says to them: "Howdy Kids, what is it, that you are doing, down here?" The Kids, both look at Leo the Postman, as everyone calls him, and reply by saying, "nothing much". "Hop in" he says, while pointing, to the back of the van, "I will drive you up, the hill", as they both, turn towards, the back of the van, and make, towards it. Inside the back, and Leo still talking much, mostly to them, but to himself too, the van, disembarks, for the top, of the hill, with Shane, somewhat looking relieved. Leo is telling them, of his day at work, and having come across, Tom Arnold, in an office, in metropolitan Dublin. The Kids listen in, as Leo, pointingly states that, Tom Arnold, offered him, his autograph, but he declined it, in return. The Kids, look at each other, not knowing, what to say, but somewhat shaking, their head, at the absurdness, of the whole story. "I totally declined it", he appears to be saying, to himself, "and then, swiftly turned around, and left, with everyone, looking at me, in amazement". The van, arrives, at the top of the hill, and Leo, continues, to drive on, with no intent really, it appears, of slowing down. Shane looks outside, the window, as Tom sits by, still, listening still, to what, Leo the Postman, has to say. "There were chicks all around, and they thought, I was truly crazy, for doing that". Tom continues, to listen in, as Shane, continues, to look out, of the window, partly now, wondering, where, they are headed to. The van, eventually slows down, after Leo the Postman, has had his share, of talk, and looking through, the rearview mirror, says, "I've got, to go down, the other way, so you guys, get off here now". The two Kids, at the back, open the door, to the back of the van, jump out, with their bikes in tow, and shut the door, soon after. Leo the Postman, head out, through the window, turns around, and says, "You Kids, best, be getting home now, it looks like, its going to rain". The two Kids, look at Leo, and somewhat in affirmative, somewhat agree, to his request, before the van, speeds off, as the Kids, look up, into the dark cloudy skies, above them; the sun, still shines though. They both do notice, they are not, too far, from the park, and decide, to head, towards it.

10 minutes later, they arrive, at the Park, and on getting there, push their bikes, through, the aluminum fence opening. On looking in, at the crowd, they do notice, that Tim O'reilly, is still in there, talking lots, to the other kids, and some girls too, at which, Tom O'Flannery, looks upon at, with disapproval. They get in there, and Tim O'reilly, appears, to notice them, almost immediately. Tom and Shane, make their way, to his little group, and stand around, and about, hoping, in Toms case really, that Amanda, and her crew, don't really show up. The Kids, are standing, talking to themselves, when one of the kids, in the group, mentions, that they should, head over, to O'reillys house, to play, some videogames. The other kids, look enthusiastic, at hearing, the proposal, but Shane and Tom, don't seem, to enthusiastic, in return. With the crowd, begin to grow, and even begin to look, ethnic, Shane and Tom, begin, to reconsider, the proposal, and soon after, in a rather, small group, are headed, to O'reillys, for a round, of videogame play.

They are inside, O'reillys home, about, fifteen minutes later, looking around, as O'reilly mentions, his mum, won't be home, for another, hour or two. Shane and Tom, are busy, looking around, as usual, as O'reillys home, is not, decorated, very much, in a similar manner, to other, Irish homes. There is a framed, photograph, of JFK, on one, of its walls; a few plates too, standing on side, locked in, into, two living room display cabinets, aside each other, with a rather small, American flaglet, standing, on one of them. O'reilly, is back, from the kitchen, with some juice, and biscuits to go. Shane and Tom, are seated there, having taken, one or two biscuits, and munching slowly, and looking, around, as O'reilly, appears, to be somewhat, looking at them, disapprovingly, as if waiting, for approval. As the other kids, begin, to play, the Sony Playstation, in the living room, with the TV, there is a small knock, on the door, as it opens wide, and a man, followed, by another, both wearing, full length coats, walk in, and somewhat, fully, into the living room. "Hey Tim", one of the men says, "is your mother home?" Its Tim O'reillys uncle, Peter Kane, with a friend of his, and Shane, and Tom O'Flannery, look back at them, almost, showing, some disapproval. Peter Kane, is a rather, well known name, in these parts, of Dublin, and even, documented, by the press, and police too. "When will she, be in?" he asks, O'reilly again, as O'reilly replies, "give an hour or two". The two men, make their way, into, the living room, and sit, on a nearby couch, opposite right, to where, Shane and Tom O'Flannery, are seated, on another, couch. They are both seated there, as Tim O'reilly, goes back, into the kitchen, to get them, some drinks, and the men, ask, the playing kids, "what game is this?" "Virtua Fighter", a voice rings out, in reply, as the kids, keep playing, almost watching too, at attention. One of the men, Peter Kane, turns to Shane and Tom O'Flannery, and asks them, "whats up?" The Kids, simply sit by, looking back at him, and don't say, nothing much, other than, somewhat shrug, their shoulders. Peter Kane, turns his eyes, back to the television, and watches, one of the fighters, or kids really, pummel, the other, onto the ground. The two men, watch the game and fight unfold, before them, before Peter Kane, turns back, to Shane and Tom O'reilly, and with one, of his fingers, onto his lips, motioning to them, for silence, he reaches in, into his coat, and pulls out, an automatic firearm, with a silencer, to it. He pulls it out, as he keeps, his other hand, and finger too, across his lips, while making, his eyes large, as he does so. Shane and Tom, simply sit there, watching him, pull out the weapon, before looking back, into his large eyes, as he does so; their eyes darting, from hand in coat, back, to the widened eyes. Peter Kane, having pulled out, the gun, turns to slowly, point it, at both, Shane and Tom, and as he makes, his eyes, somewhat even larger, lips somewhat pouted, before him, he quickly pulls at, the trigger, making both, Shane and Tom, jump, before he quickly, returns, the gun, into his coat, as one of the playing kids, turns around, upon hearing, the motion.

Tim O'reilly, is back, with the drinks, and as he sets them, down, before Peter Kane, and his friend, his mother, happens, to walk in, making her way, into the kitchen, before somewhat, stopping, at the living room, to look, inside it, and seeing the kids, Tim, her brother and his friend, and finally, Shane and Tom O'Flannery, whom, she greets, somewhat, excitedly. She is in, into the kitchen, and both, Shane and Tom, take the opportunity, to say, goodbye, to Peter Kane, his friend, and Tim O'reilly, before, somewhat quickly, heading out. They are both out, before Shane, points out, at, Tom O'Flannery, by saying, "he's really, a nut"; to which Tom affirms to, by putting a finger, to his head, while detaching, his bike, from a stand nearby, and making, a circular motioning gesture, with the finger, at the side, of his head. The two Kids, are on their bikes, and before too long, are headed off, away, from the house, and cycling at ease, as they both, decide, to go onwards, on, to their homes. The dusk, has set in, but everything, is still, very much, viably seeable. As they are riding, towards their homes, they both spot, a car, on the road, parked somewhat, along, the parking spaces, with two people, in it. They both, somewhat, at the same time, appear, to look, into, the car, and see, Lisa O'Brien, appearing, to have a conversation, with someone else, whom, they identify, as, the local politician, Peter O'Toole. The conversation, seems gregarious, and as both, Shane and Tom, slow down, to look somewhat, at them, Lisa O'Brien, happens, to turn, towards them, and begins, to somewhat, if not readily, wave at them. They both, pick up pace, and in no time, have left the scene, and begin, speeding off, towards, their homes.