Sunday, September 5, 2010

Whats out there?

The above, painting, by famed, Italian, Artist, Caravaggio, is a, depiction, of, Judas (Iscariot), betraying, Jesus Christ. In, Italian Christianity, Judas, is often, said, to be, Jesus', twin brother. Many, don't know, why, this is, but, an, explanation, will be, attempted here.

Many, out there, believe, we are, all alone, in this world. That, in many cases [amongst the most religious really], we are, here, on a, spiritual, evolutionary journey, back, to heaven. Thats, what, many, who consider, themselves, enlightened, about life, believe. There are those though, who often wonder though, "Is there, other life, in this world?" Most seek, to, discover, whether, Alien, life forms, do, exist. And while, there is, believed, to be, some, evidence, of this, Alien, life forms, they, are generally believed, to be, incapable really, of, survival, on this earth. They are, believed, really, to be, wanderers, through portals, gone wrong really.

We live, in a, multi-dimensional, and, multi-layered world. What this means, is that, other levels, of existence, and, connected, to this, earth, do exist. There also, exists, portals really, from which, it is, believed, that, Alien life forms, can, visit, this earth, due really, to, the instability, of the, earth itself [what some consider, to be black holes]. This phenomenon, however, is not, a, common occurrence [as most believe it, to be]. Even then, still, one must, remember, we live, in, a, multi-dimensional, and, multi-layered, world. What this means, is that, other beings, out there, who can, influence, this world, do exist. Many are known: Angels, Gods, Spirits, and even, Ancestors. These, are the ones, most known, by, many. However, there exists, other, such forms/beings, including, Daemons, Gargoyles, and even, Higher beings. Whats been said, here, is that, all, these forms/beings, can, influence, life, on earth, and often, do, more than, it is believed. In short, we are, not alone.

The Essenes & the birth of Christianity:

Chrtistianity, and the, Church, are very much, believed, to have, been, creations, of, St. Peter [under instruction from Jesus]. In reality though, the birth, of Christianity, begins, with, St. Paul, and his, battle, with a group, of Christians, known as, the, Essenes. Most people, don't know, much, about, the Essenes. They are, the group, responsible, for, introducing, the concept, of, Angels, into, Christianity [something St. Paul battled]. Since then, Christianity, has been, very much, a, problematic, religion. It is they, who, very much, introduced, the, concept, of, favouritism [by higher forms of existence], into, Religion. That some people, were, more favoured, than, others. They sought, in a, confusing manner, to explain that, while, all humans, were equal, some, were, favoured, more, than others. They even, fought, against, slavery, as it, existed, in the old days [believing, that a, criminal, and a, merchant, were really, one, and the same].

What is, been said here, might be, confusing, to some. As mentioned, Higher Beings, do influence, life, here, on earth. And many, out there, have often, believed, in a, conspiracy, by, great Nations, like, America, to rule, over the world. Many, to this day, still, believe them. They are right, but, not really so. To up, the ante, on this, conspiracy theory, one might, want, to consider, the possibility, of an attempt, by Angels, to take, over, the world, via, the spread, of Christianity, with, America, as a home base. Sounds crazy, but, if there is one, conspiracy theory, you want, to believe in, it is, this one.

"And how, is it, that, Angels, would attempt, to take, over the world?" some might ask; via, a very, simple, methodology, one might possibly say. One, of the modes, of worship, introduced, by, the Essenes, had, to do, with, the worship, of, Guardian Angels. Angels though, as mentioned before, are, highly problematic, beings, and, for many, out there, it would be, best, to believe that, the spread, of Christianity, actually, begins, with the, belief, in many, out there, of, Guardian Angels. The painting, by, Caravaggio, of Jesus, and Judas, represents, the main, problem, with Angels: betrayal. What, the painting, signifies, is, Jesus (You), being, betrayed, by your, Guardian Angel (Judas). Thats what, Angels do, if, you do not, do, as they, wish you to.

The reason, many believe, in, Angels, is really, because, of, North America. This is Angel land. And Angels, are known, to help, people, whom are, in trouble, in one way, or another. In many ways, due, to American, Influence, around, the world, the belief, in, Angels, has come, to, become, rather prominent. Angels, in our lives, show up, as, that, inner voice, which we, identify, as being, our own, telling us, what to do. The battle, between, our, dark side, and, good side. Somehow, it became, attached, with the, concept, of, Guardian Angels.

We are not, alone, on this earth; remember that. This world, is influenced, by, beings, from other, dimensions, and the, practise, of, Religion, is at the heart, of this all. These, other beings [usually Spirits], do often, visit, this earth. What is been said though, is that, be wary, in your, dealings, with, Angels. Traditionally, in many, cultures, around the world, the battle, between, ones good side, and, evil side, has been, mediated, by, other forces, other than, referencing, a book, written, in, North America [by an Angel].

Africa & East Asia: Family Spirits.

In Africa & East Asia, praying, to, family ancestors, with, regards, to major personal problems [involving our dark side], was, usually, the norm.

Europe: Spirits

In Europe, the belief, in, Spirits [such as fairies and elves], was rather, common. The most, popular Spirits, were, earth based, and, water based.

Middle East: Allah

In the, Middle East, the worship, of, Allah, was used, as a, mediator, to, difficult personal problems, people faced.

Southeast Asia: Lord Krishna

South America: Oracles

In South America, mediation, of, ones dark side, was done, via, mastering [and even memorizing], Oracles. One basically, thought, like an, oracle, in, solving, difficult, personal problems.

Americanistas: Coptic Christ

The Coptic Christ, very much, refers, to our, higher selfs [the person, we very much, wish, to be, morally]. Most Americanistas, are not, Angels. In, Indian religion, Shiva, represents, our, higher selfs.

One, should not, take, all this, lightly. There is, a conspiracy, abound, and, it is, an, Angel conspiracy. They, very much, in, many ways, wish, to install, their rule, over, this world. Just, about, anything, evil, associated, with, Christianity, has to do, with, Angels. Be wary, of them, for, they are, kind of, crazy, and one, should not, attempt, to use them, to solve, major, personal problems. How Angels, came, to affect, and, influence, our, inner personal voice, and thoughts, is not, well understood. One though, could blame it all, on, the media. In short really, don't trust, that, inner voice, in you [that you know is yours], to solve, problems really. It is possible, that, this, inner voice, is a result, of, subliminal programming, by, the Western media. Refer, to the, above, powers, listed, above, in solving, most, difficult, personal problems. What Angels do, mainly, is make one, paranoid [as does, ones, inner voice]. Thats, their greatest weapon.

Again, once more, we are not, alone, on this planet.