Monday, September 6, 2010

Vitruvian Man

The above, image, is considered, to be, one, of, Leonardo Da Vincis, more, famous works. They call it, the, Vitruvian Man. It is, a drawing really, of what, Da Vinci, considered, to be, the, perfect, proportions, in a, human being.

Western Power & Subjugation:

The above image, is an, image, of what, very much, constitutes, success, in the, Western world. This, as, described much earlier, is the, basis, of, Western power, as it is they, who create, the, images, by which, people, seek, to identify with, and also, very much, emulate. Images, which are, what, 'becoming Western', is all about.

The study, of, human proportions, has interested, many, over, a long time. In many ways, having, certain proportions, was, considered, in harmony, with, gaining success. In short really, you could, not, gain success [or become succesful], without, the accompanying, body image. In the old days, scholars [in England atleast], were, expected, to look, very much, like, Robert Redford.

This, is very much, a, complicated subject, to study, for it is well known [or observed really], that, people, with certain, body images, prefer, or like, to do, certain things. It is been said, that, people, with, certain body images, like, to eat, certain foods, dress, in a certain manner, listen, to certain music [weighty/fat people, are known, to like, OG rap music], and even, talk, in a certain, manner. In many ways, some ancients [Egyptians and Greeks really], believed, that, having, certain, body images, was tantamount, to, building civilization itself [the belief, that body images, lie, at the heart, of civilization]. What makes, the study, of, body images, interesting, is the fact, that, certain, body images, have, certain, voices, accompanying them. What this means, is that, if, one, was to, change, the shape [in general], of ones, body, ones voice, would, change too. It is, in all, a, complicated subject, and the old, French Civilization, was, very much built, on having, different, body images [the Musketeer being the most famous].

Western Subjugation, refers, to, Western attempts, to, control, the image [body really], of, non-Westerners, out there. The attempt, to make people, believe, that all, Africans are ugly, Middle Easterners are skinny, and Asians, short or smelly. It is, an attempt, that has, worked, rather [or even really] well, as most, people, outside, the Western region, attempt, to seek, success, based on, their body images. However, it does not, work, as most, feel, fraudulent, on making, wealth, but still, having, poor body images. You can have, many women, around you, but if, you have, a skinny body image, you will, feel, like a fraud [the image of having, many women, around one, goes along, with, lanky, body images] [Robert Redford is lanky].

The reason, why, many, seek out, a, good, body image, is so as, to feel, good, about themselves. This is not, self-acceptance really, but, the general, feeling, of just, being, healthy, wealthy, and wise. Simply feeling good, all the time, even, if, nothing much, is going on, in, ones life. The reason for this, is due, to the fact, that, many, with poor, body images, spend alot, of their life, attempting, to seek out, avenues, to feel good. They spend, lots, of money, visiting spas, drinking beer, eating spicy/sweet foods, and most of all, seeking, lots of sex, and lots, of acceptance [from women in general, and even, their mothers too]. Many, in the Western world, who cannot, attain, a certain, body image, very much, wind up, suffering, from, mental conditions, such as anorexia, and, bulimia. In general, many waste, their lives, away, chasing, the desire, to feel good [about themselves and all the time], believing, in many ways, that, attaining success, will make them, feel, as such [feel good, should not be confused, with feeling free]. In reality, as said before, twice or thrice, what one, wants, to do, is, seek out, the, perfect, body image [so as to feel good, all the time], and spend, the rest, of their time/lives, actually, seeking out, all kinds, of [important], successes. Not too many, people out there, today, would be, explorers, because, the work, probably, does not, have, the money, success, and women, the, average joe, might seek out. With, the perfect body image [and the resultant, feel good factor], one, can easily, be, driven, to seek out, all, kinds of, success: from being a chef, to being, a textbook writer.

Different regions, of the world, have, traditionally had, different, body images, as, pertaining really, to, their cultures. Finding, these body images, is not, simple, but an, attempt, has been made below. The images, fit, both men, and women.

North America: Rugged

The traditional, body image, of the, North American man, and woman, has been, the Cowboy [and Cowgirl]. It is, the body image, that has, been, at the basis, of all, North American [American really], success.

South America: Lanky

The traditional, body image, of, South Americans, is similar, to that, of Vega, in the, Streetfighter, videogame series. The same, body image, that, Tango players, and even, Capoeira players, have, historically, possessed. It is the image, that is, the basis, of, South American culture, and especially, the Earl too.

Europe: Well-formed

In Europe, traditionally, the body image, has been, that, of the, Matador. This body image, has been, the basis, of nearly, all, European success figures, from, Musketeers, to Robin Hood, to even, Football players. The creation, of body images, is what made, Spain, a, traditional powerhouse, in old Europe.

Africa: Well-built

In traditional Africa, African warriors, possessed, body images, similar, to that, seen, with, Bernard Hopkins above, and most, middleweight boxers, out there.

Southeast Asia: Lithy

The image above, of a, lithy, professional wrestler, is an, image, that has, traditionally, been, associated, with, Indian culture [and still, somewhat seen, in bollywood movies].

East Asia: Stout

The body image, often, associated, with many, American movie stars, has been, the, traditional norm, in Asia. A headshot [of Matt Damon], has been used, here, to describe, this, body image, for one finds, that, possessing, this, body image, goes along, with, possessing, a certain, facial structure/image. In short really, one, is really, after, a certain, facial structure/image, and not, body image really. This image, is also seen, amongst, Samurai warriors. Bruce Lee, actually, had an, African, body image.

Middle East: Langy

For the Middle East, the body image, seen, in the, sports world, and, especially, Tennis, Football, and Basketball, has rather, always, been, the norm. Body images, such as those, of, Roger Federer, Kobe Bryant, and, even, Anna Kournikova, are those, that have, been, seen, traditionally, amongst, Middle Easterners.

The old belief, about life really, that, the goal of it, is to, seek out success, and with it, comes, all kinds, of spoils [especially sex, and good food], is very, outmoded, in nature. It is, a belief, whereby, one, pursues, success [not to be enlightened or generally intelligent], but so as to be, pampered, and pleasured, by others, on succeeding. It is, a very, old belief, going back, to the, Ancient days, and, civilization, had progressed, much further, than that [with regards to success]. In general, in times recent, people, created body images, that made them, feel good, about, themselves, and hence, enabling them, to seek out, all kinds, of, victories [successes], and making, civilization, progress, more rapidly, than most believed. In recent times, many, were happy, just being, story tellers.

What they call, Western subjugation, at its heart, is what, movements, designed, to destroy, indigenous cultures [via so called, Westernization], are all about. Its not really, the destruction, of, the cultures themselves [via limiting cultural practises], but mainly, via, the destruction, of, body images, traditionally associated, with those cultures.