Friday, September 3, 2010

The Policing State

Suppression and Western Influence:

Most have, probably heard, of the word, Suppression; many though, don't really know, what it, means really, and what, to equate it to. Some, believe it, to be, about, domination, or, at the very least, similar, to, oppression. For many though, suppression, simply means, putting one thing, or someone, down. Making them, 'feel', inferior. In reality though, suppression, does not, really have to, do, with mockery, but, ridicule; ridicule, in many ways, equates, to, avoidance.

Suppression, is also very much, associated, with what, they call, Western Influence. Western influence, is a term, not fully, understood, by many, but, simply refers to, the Western world, influencing, the way, one, goes about, doing things. In general, what it means, is that, the, Western world, has, all, the perfect universities, and, research institutes, and knows, the answers, to all, problems, out there. However, this gets, deeper, as, attempting, to solve, a problem, without, solutions, from the, Western world (Western influence, so to speak), leads to, a backlash (ridicule), and avoidance. Avoidance, is something, most want, to avoid, as being, blacklisted, by, the Western world, means, you cannot, get, any kind, of help, you might seek out. Everybody, generally avoids you. Thats what, Western Influence, is all, about, as mainly, practised, by the UN.

Suppression though, is intimately, associate, with what, they call, our, 'mentalities'. Our Mentalities, differ, in nature, but are, very much, how, we go about, solving, our problems, in life. Our beliefs really, as associated, with, our problems, and their, outcomes, in general [if I do x, then y, will most likely follow]. There are, several, 'Mentalities', out there, and we shall, purvey, a few, of them, as, examples, on how, problems, are generally, solved, in society.

State of Mind: A State of Mind, is a, general way, by which, people, reason, about, a problem. In general, it is, all about, reasoning, about, a problem, with, regards, to, setbacks. What happens really, if one, fails, in their, attempt, really, to solve, a problem. In many ways, setbacks here, refers, to the, general fear, of being, held back, in just, about, any other, attempts, one makes. In general really, its all, about, attempting, to stay, positive, with regards, to any, obstacles, arising, from, problem solving.

Mental States: Mental States, very popular, in India, are about, problem solving, via, presenting, a probable solution, in a public setting. This can mean, attending, a party, and, generally arguing, with folks, about, why, ones idea, will work, in general. Attempting, to prove, in general, why, ones idea(s), will work, and even, work, rather well. Mental States though, are, associated, with others, putting down, one, and attempting, to explain, why, ones ideas, will not, work. In general, in all, there is a fear, of, isolation [from society], and survival, if ones, idea(s), are found, to be, illogical.

Mindsets: Mindsets, are very much, about, creating, a path, to success. Generally, outlining, a set, of steps, which, when followed, leads, to the, outcome, desired. The simpler [the steps that is], the better. This, should not, be, confused, with an, instruction set. Instruction sets, are, about, teaching really. Mindsets though, are very much, too, associated, with, punishment, and, even mockery, upon failure.

Mentality: A Mentality, is really, all about, solving problems, from the, perspective, of, self-respect, self-worth, and self-confidence. In general, this means, coming up, with, solutions, to a, problem, that, enhances, ones, self-respect, self-worth, and self-confidence. In general really, what is, been said, is that, upon, finding, the solution, one can, easily see, how, they will, gain, self-confidence, or self-worth, from applying it.

The above, very much, constitute, what they call, 'mentalities'. However though, one will find, that, applying, any of the above, mentalities, to solving, a problem, today, will lead one, to, encounter, opposition, from forces, out there. Opposition, that generally, tells one, they, cannot do, as they, wish to. All this, is, partly associated, with, the, 'political process', but delves, much deeper, as, opposition, is what, the, 'Policing state', is all about. The 'Policing state', should not, be confused, with, the Police State. Policing, in general, is about, putting obstacles, in ones, way, to prevent, people, out there, from doing, as they wish to. This, does not mean, that, there is a, right way, or, wrong way, of doing, things,but rather, one, should not, be, doing, anything, at all. Police States, are very much, about, being, arrested, after, one, has done, something, wrong [or perceived as such]. Policing states, on the otherhand, are very much, about, watching, the general public, to prevent them, from, doing anything, without, strict permission. In general, policing states, gave birth, to, fascism, anarchy, and even, nazism. The Western world, today, is really, a, policing state. Anarchy, rules, in many places, for when, one, attempts, to do, just about, anything, one finds, the masses, turn against, one, in many ways [from demonstrations, to hot gossip].

Suppression though, at its heart, is all about, seeking, approval [both self-approval & public approval]. Self-approval, really, has to do, with, crossing, psychological barriers. One might wish, to accomplish, something, but find, that, ones, identities, limit one, in one way, or another. Approval though, has to do, with, policing [identities & self-approval, may very well too, be all, connected, with, propaganda]. Psychological barrier, is a term, not well, understood, by many, but rather, known, and used, often, when attempting, to explain, why, one, cannot, get, to the, 'next', level. Perhaps, if one, is attempting, to date someone, or even attempting, to buy, a sportscar. People, who use, psychological barrier, openly, often, associate attaining success, with, a set, of events, happening. In reality though, psychological barriers, very much, have to do, with, our, expression, and, communications skills. The more developed, they are, the easier, to find, solutions, to our, problems, and attain, success.

Suppression really though, as a, political tool, of control, is all, about, limiting, ones, expression, and, communications skills. Thats Suppression, in a nutshell. When this, is done, the people, suppressed, kind of, police themselves. They are, incapable, of doing, much. Suppression, and, limiting, communications/expression skills, is very much, associated, with, anxiety too. In general, suppression, puts one, in a, state, of anxiety. Anxiety, is generated, via, insults, attacks [unseen in nature], and, injuries, which, is what, policing, is all about. One, is most likely, to be, insulted, injured, or, attacked, by a, security guard, than, a police officer. The problem, with, anxiety, is that, it limits, our, communications/expressions skills. Even worse though, is that, attacks (insults etc.), when done, in a manner, that invokes, indignation, astonishment, or 'astounding', have one, boiling, with rage. The problem, with this, is that, suffering, such an 'attack', can very well, mess, with ones, body hormones. When this happens, one, experiences, sharp pains, as in, the case, of being, insulted, by someone, prominent, in public. If ones, body hormones, are messed with, alot, rather, one, eventually, enters, a state, of, deep depression, and, constant paining. What makes it, even worse, is that, if, this, humiliating attack, is exposed, to the public, and people, associate it, with one, then, their thoughts, upon, seeing one [or even, thinking of one], can have, one, reliving, the, painful event, and very much, re-experiencing, the associated, pain again [remembering such events, can also, trigger this]. If such attacks, are, constant, to one, or are, done, by someone, out there, constantly, the two, persons here, begin, to, slowly, evolve, into, creatures (inferior), of some sort. Usually, the victim, becomes, somewhat, like an animal, and the, purveyor, of the crimes, becomes, more or less, like, an evil creature [gollum perhaps?!!].

Historically though, suppression, was used, to deal, with, troublemakers, in society. Suppression too, is at, the heart, of, slavery itself. It is, the mechanism, used, to create [slaves], and enforce, slavery. Suppression though, is a, very popular, technique, for controlling, the masses, in the, Western region, and, African too; both where, relationships, are based, on Unions, gone wrong. There are those, out there, who will, make you, feel, like, you owe them, something; this can, easily, be used, as, the basis, of, servitude, to another. In general, when, another, makes one, feel, like, you owe them, something, and, you just don't, feel it, one, should know, they are, being suppressed.

Suppression though, is still, very much, a, legitimate life experience, with regards, to growth. In general, it is, associated, with what, they call, the, Stages of Life [adolescents for instance]. The, Stages of Life, are very much, about, growth, in, communications/expression skills. In the past, they were [Stages of Life], very much, associated, with, initiations, rites, and rituals: [of the passage variety]. Today though, Stages of Life [and the successes associated within], have very much, been, wiped out, in favour, of, seeking Respect [as a form, of success]. In general, people, spend, their whole lives, seeking out, Respect, and not, living life, as, with regards, to, the, Stages of Life. Few, are chosen, to seek, success, today, and those, who attempt to, on, their own, face, suppression, and the, possibility, of, suffering, a breakdown [nervous] [People who are suppressed oftenly, don't feel, worthy, of success/Respect].

In all, the Western world, is one, supervised, via, avoidance. People, simply avoid, doing, anything, due to a, fear, of, suppression, and, hormonal attacks. The Avoidant Personality, is the, major defining, personality, of Westerners. In Africa though, they have all, become, very much, like, animals. In all though, Suppression, as a, legitimate form, of ruling, is, enforced, not through, law enforcement, but, by the use, of, forms, of technology, known as, 'technological'. In short, this is, very much, what, Jacques Elluls, spoke about, in, the Technological Society.

The major, problems, associated with, Suppression [generally arising from it], are many, in, nature. The most, common though, seen today, are: Masturbation [as a negative habit, in an, attempt, to feel great, and free], Learning disorders, and, Panic attacks [when faced, with just about, any problem]. In many ways, suppression, defeats, life itself, as many, go, through life, without, having achieved, anything much. One must, understand, that the, goal, of Life, is not, to, seek Respect. Many believe, that, seeking Respect [and gaining it], will lead them, to a, life, where, they can feel, great [all the time], and free too. In reality though, feeling great, and free, all the time, is really, all about, developing, communications/expressions skills. If one, does so, to, a high degree, they can, solve, any problem, they face [using 'mentalities'], and attain, any thing, they desire, out there. Thats what, Life, at its heart, is all about: developing, expressions/communications skills.

Dealing, with suppression, can take, many folds. One, of them, is based, on a, psychological trick. In general, should one, be, 'attacked'/suppressed, and very much, feel, the hormonal pain, one, should seek, to limit, this pain, by finding out, who, called, for the 'attack', why, and generally, making, this known. However, there is, still, another way, of dealing, with, suppression, in, general. This involves, very much, adopting, the, psychological profile, of, the Jester. The Jester, is a, figure, that, in general, does not, take, things, too, seriously, but does. The Jester, kind of, slides away, from, suppression, with, humour. Louis Farrakhan, the formerly, enigmatic, leader, of the, Nation of Islam, is really, a Jester [many prominent figures might wish to emulate]. For, the average joe though, one might, wish, to read, the, Heroides, by Ovid, to know, what, Jesters, are all about. An introduction really. In other cases, one might, wish, to look, at the, Chappelle show, skit, featuring, David Chappelle, as, Rick James, and, a Jester. The whole skit, is very much, about, suppression.

In all though, as a, finality, one should, realize really, that, solutions, from, the old, European civilization, heavily, differ, from those, from, the modern, Western 'civilization'. In all really, those, outside, the, Western world, should be, free, to choose, their, own solutions, and do, as they, like.