Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration, might seem, a rather, interesting, but also, somewhat odd, title, to use. It would appear, too most, to refer, to, a forgotten age, whose time, has come, and past, and was not, rather, too interesting. It was simply, as many, believe, all about, simply, sailing ships, all around [even big boats too]. This entry though, is not, just simply, about, the Age of Exploration, but speaks, of many others things too. For instance, why did, Europeans, apparently, sail all over, the world, and not Africans? Why was Science, discovered, in Europe, and not India? Why is it, some people, can study, with loud, music on, and others not? Why are Americans, more interesting, than other people, out there? [really speaking, of Angel beings]. We all have, what they call, Core Beliefs. Core Beliefs, are beliefs, associated, with the Being, most call God [as in a Supreme God]. The God, we turn to, when we are, in trouble, of any kind. A God, associated, with beliefs, with regards, of what, is possible, and not possible, when dealing, with reality. Is it possible, for a man for instance, to jump, 20 feet high? These are beliefs, associated, with God. The history, of Religion, and all forms, of, altercations, actually begins, with, Core Beliefs. The worship of God [as with regards to Core Beliefs], is the oldest, form, of worship, and is, also, at the basis, of all, other, Gods/Goddesses, worshiped [this, is really, what makes, different religions, different]. 
In many ways, the expansion, of Religion, as with regards, to, historical warfare, with any, conquering group, forcing, its beliefs, on the conquered, had to do, with the worship, of a, Supreme God. In all, the worship, of a Supreme God, not only, separates, people [as it has done historically], but is, also, the basis, of any, form, of Power, Might and Authority, any, one group, might have, over, any other [Power, Might and Authority, is supported, by the, Core Beliefs, one possesses]. In the past, the Concept, of God [and Core Beliefs], was based, on, Civilization [Ancient in nature]. Members, of the same, civilization, had the same, Concept, of the Supreme God. Some civilizations, had greater, concepts, of God, than others, and hence, making them, mightier [the Egyptians, for instance, worshiped, Jehovah]. With time though, splits, appeared, to appear, as, different groups [within a civilization], began, to split, and worship, different concepts, of God Almighty [not Almighty God]. A good example, of this is the division, of Egypt, into, Egypt and Nubia, with the peoples, of Nubia, worshiping, Amun, as God Almighty [in Ancient Egypt, Jehovah, was known, as Ra]. Future times though, has struggles, between, peoples, of similar [or same] civilizations, worshiping, Gods/Goddesses, with regards, to, formulating, unique, Core Beliefs [this worshiping, happens, in the form, of, sects, and cults too]. In many ways, the very fact, that, Nubians, begin, to worship, Amun, and not Ra, early, in the creation, of, Egyptian civilization, very much, means, that, they, very much, have evolved, differently, from Egyptians, and are in fact, too, very much, different, people [the Nubians, could never, have built, the pyramids]. It is these, differences, between, Egyptians, and Nubians [based on the worship, of, God Almighty], that leads, to violent, altercations, between them, through out, Ancient Egyptian, history [something, that very, much, still happens, in, modern Egypt]. The worship, of God Almighty, has traditionally, been, associated, with men [surprisingly enough], and was, in many ways too, indoctrinated, in them [women, traditionally, have been, idea givers, and not, responsible, for, manifesting them]. 
This, in many ways, has made, women, somewhat, inferior, to men, with regards, to having, Core Beliefs [women, are highly, motivated, by fear, compared, to men]. In the past, this difference, between, men and women, leads, to women, been seen, not, as an, inferior group really, but as, a lower caste [of mankind]. Times have changed, once more, and Core Beliefs, are now, really, associated, with Higher Beings, than with, Civilization [or Cultures]. Core Beliefs, today, and in, the future too, will be, dependent, on whether, one, is a God, Gargoyle, Angel, and all the likes. It is these, differences, that in many, ways, makes, the different, Higher Beings, different, from each other [at the base level]. We shall below, attempt, to give, a proper description, of God Almighty, as conceived, by, different, Higher Beings, and also, eventually, explain, why, the worship, of, God Almighty, is highly important, in just about, any kind, of, progress [or development], out there [if one wants, to imagine, whether, a flying car, is possible, then, this belief, begins, with ones, Core Beliefs, and not, Scientific Experimentation (and the wasting, of billions, of dollars, in tax payers money, on, projects/experiments, than never materialize)]. 
God(s): Brahma 
Those, who are evolving, into, Gods [mainly in Asia], have traditionally, had, Core Beliefs, that were, formulated, by Brahma. It is, the worship, of Brahma [as conceived in India], that made, India, a religious powerhouse, and also, the major, Civilization, in the Asian region [China, and other such, Civilizations, were never, as mighty, as India, was]. The only difference here, which is, what, separates, Asian people, into two main groups [Asia and Japan], were the, Japanese. The Japanese, have never, truly had a, concept, of God Almighty, and in, many ways, evolved, simply, based on, life experiences [and probable outcomes] [In many ways, the decline, of China, and India, are due, to their giving up, on their, old Religions, as especially, based, on the worship, of, Brahma] [this was done really, by false, indoctrination, mainly, via, the British Education system, installed, during imperialism (India)]. Down the Rabbit Hole [What the Bleep!!], is based, on Core Beliefs, associated, with Brahma. 
Daemons: Seth 
 The concept, of God Almighty, amongst, Daemons today, is that, of, Seth. Seth, is an old, Nubian God, and, in many ways, arises, after, the worship, of Amun [Amun, was worshiped, until, the 18th dynasty, with the last, famous worshippers, being, Akhenamun and Tutankhamun; the assassinations, of Akhenamun (now called Akhenaten), and Tutankhaten (formerly called Tutankhamun), had to do, with the attempt, by both, to change, the worship, of God Almighty, from Amun, to Aten]. Later Nubian dynasties, however, worship, Seth, as God Almighty, and to this, very day, the worship, of God Almighty, amongst, most peoples, in Africa, is based, on Seth. There are however, certain, omissions, as with the, Pygmy peoples, and Khoisans, who worship, different concepts, of, God Almighty, as do the Bantu, and North African Daemons. North Africans Daemons, have traditionally, worshiped, an Egyptian concept, of God Almighty, known as Hapi, and are therefore, in many ways, different, from, black Africans [one can even, support, a case, for superiority] [Nubian Art, in North Africa, is of, superior quality, to that, seen, in black Africa]. Another difference, lies, with the, Yoruba and Igbo groups [both conceiving, God Almighty, as, Olodumare, and Chukwu respectively], with their concept, of God Almighty, based, on, Bantu Culture [such as, with 'Si', the name, of, God Almighty, in, Bamileke Bantu culture] [Si, is actually, the Bantu name, for, the Egyptian concept, of God Almighty, known as, Aten]. 
Shapeshifts: Quetzalcoatl 
Quetzalcoatl, is the name, of the, Meso-American (Olmec), concept, of God Almighty, who in, many ways, defined, Meso-American civilization, during, its heights. He was the God Almighty, worshiped, by the, Olmecs, and in many ways, also, the originator, of, Godheads [Olmec stone heads], as seen, with, the Olmecs. It was Quetzalcoatl, that inspired, the Meso-Americans, to become, seafarers [not associated, with Trade, but actually, sailing around, the world, in search, for adventure]. Meso-American presence, is seen [believedly], in the, Scandinavia [from a long time ago], and what, is called, Stonehenge, is actually, believed, to be, of, Meso-American, origins. Very old monuments. Michael Jackson, was, Quetzalcoatl. Indonesia, as Civilization, was the creation, of, Meso-Americans [many Indonesians, look, somewhat, like Condoleeza Rice]. 
Gargoyles: Allah 
The concept, of God Almighty, amongst, Gargoyles, is Allah. This concept, of, God Almighty, is rather, difficult [in nature to deal with], and in some ways, a superior God Almighty, to even, Jehovah. It is this, that makes, spreading, Islam, a difficult task, as most, out there, cannot, deal, with the demands [Core Beliefs], of Allah. This concept, of God Almighty, is also, seen, amongst, the Pygmies, of Africa, allowing them, to live, in, forests, year in, and year out [as mentioned before, Islamic Mysticism, which are, works, based on, Allah & the Supreme Goddess, were originated, by, the Pygmies]. In many ways, Islam, as a religion, can mainly, be, practised, by others, as a tradition, and not, really, as, Religion [as most out there, cannot, deal, with Allah]. In Asia as example, most, will find, Sufi Dance, rather difficult, but, find, works, inspired, by, Sufi Dance [Sufism] [such as, Sufi Poetry, or, Sufi music], a tradition [form of Religion], they can, engage in. With Islam itself, the Hadith [Sayings of Prophet Muhammed], are a better, substitute, than the, Qu'ran, as the, Hadith, are really, wise sayings, that people, with different, Beliefs, can interpret, in a manner, to suit them, comfortably [in all, a Daemon, will interpret, the Hadith, differently, from a Gargoyle, but all, interpreted, positively, and in a manner, suiting them] [the Qu'ran, is hardcore, Islam]. The Hadith, are sayings, by, Mohammed, appearing, to have been, inspired, by the, Hermetica [Greek work, based on, the Egyptian deity, Thoth]. For those, attempting, to discover, the wisdom, of, Sharia [as there are not, too many, open texts, for the general reader, out there], books, on Islamic proverbs and idioms [such as, 'Arabic Proverbs' by John Lewis Burckhurdt, or even, 'Arabian Nights Entertainment' by Robert L. Mack, are a good, introduction] [the Arabian Nights Entertainment, differ, from the, Arabian Nights (the Haddawy editions, and tending more, towards Islam), and the original, 1001 Arabian Nights (a Jewish work)]. 
Angels: Shekhinah 
Angels, as mentioned before, have their, origins, with the Essenes, the Middle Eastern Art world, and also, Jews [Torah] and Jewish people [Talmud]. The Jew/Jewish people, are a group, that, have had, a tumultuous history, as with, regards, to the worship, of, God Almighty [in all, the Jews/Jewish people, have about, a million, names, for God Almighty]. It is this, really [this ambivalence, towards, God Almighty], that has, in many ways, resulted, in the birth [and growth], of, anti-semitism [Anti-semitism, is rather old, going back, to the, Islamic world (Byzantine), and even, into, the modern ages, mainly, due, to Jewish/Jew beliefs, of the nature, of reality]. In many ways, Semites [Jews/Jewish], have been, a rather, fearful folk, and have, never, truly been, discriminated, due, to their perceived,success, as many believe [Jewish/Jew success, as perceived, has always, occurred, outside, the Jewish/Jew world; even, the Ottomans, were highly, influenced, by, Islamic culture, as were, German Jewry (the most successful, of modern, Jews/Jewish)]. However, the most, prosperous, of the, Angels (Jewry), have been, the, Quebecois [they, having built, a Jew/Jewish home, somewhere, out there]. Their success, has been, due, to the worship, of, God Almighty, in the form, of, Shekhinah, [a way of conceiving, God Almighty, in a manner, promoting, humanity; think Celine Dion here (Jewish)]. This way, of, conceiving God, can best, be seen, in the works, of, Martin Buber. 
Light Beings: Zeus 
Zeus, as God Almighty, for, Light Beings, might seem, controversial, as many believe, God Almighty, in their Culture, to be, manifest, in the form, of Wodan or Odin [Norse in nature]. This is not, really so [or even, so] [Wodan, is actually, of, Nubian origin, and similar, to, Amun] [Odin, is the name, of, God Almighty, in the original, Norse religion] [Nubian Gods, in Europe, are referred to, as, Germanic, and are similar (but not the same), to the original, Norse Gods]. Zeus though, appears, to be, the best, conception, of God Almighty, for, Light beings, as European Civilization, very much, has, a Greek substratum [the Sciences, for instance (based on Greek Gods), really, found a home, in Europe]. In most ways, Europe, is really, Greek [the word Europe, is considered, to be of, Greek origins], and not, Norse, or Germanic. Middle Age Europe, heavily relied, on, Germanic, and Norse Gods. 
Jinni: Odin 
The Jinni way, of conceiving God Almighty [as seen really, in Khoisan culture], is similar, to Odin, as Odin, was God Almighty, as worshiped, by many, primordial people [similar to Khoisans and Pygmies], in ancient Europe. Some examples, of such people, are the, Scots, of Scotland. Norse Religion [Odin, Freya, Loki], is not, really similar, to, Germanic Religion [Wodan, Frigg, Thor]. In many ways [if not all], Dais'lam, will be based on, Symbols & Signs, associated, with, Odin [as worshiped, by the Khoisans]. In some ways, Odin, is similar, to Allah, but different, with regards, to, creativity [Allah, requires, heavy intelligence] [the Norse Gods, are all about, creativity, as especially, seen, with Loki]. The Swahili way, of conceiving, God Almighty [Mungu], is similar too, to, Odin, and not, Allah. In many ways, it is, Mungu, that makes, the Swahili regions, feel, very much, like, the Scandinavia [and hence too, their popularity, amongst, Scandinavians, as a, tourist destination] [Scandinavians, in general, talk, similarly, to the Swahili (with regards, to any language)]. With Odin, been similar, to Allah, what one finds really, is that, the Swahili, interpret, the Qu'ran, different [Koran], from the Omanis. 
Elves, Dwarves and Men (Constellations): Jehovah 
 Jehovah, is often believed, to be, a Jewish God, but is actually, God Almighty, as conceived, by, the Ancient Egyptians [in the form, of Ra] [Ra, is broader, in scope, than Jehovah]. Jehovah, is a, rather, harsh, concept, of God Almighty, and can be, rather, strict. He is the God, seen, in the old testament, and his, rather strict nature, is what, led, the Ancient Egyptians, to enslave, the Ancient Nubians. The story, of Moses, leading, the 'Jewish' people, out, of an, oppressive Egypt, is not, actually, of Jewish origin [as most believe it, to be], but actually, a story, associated, with Ancient Spain [the promised land, was actually, Ancient Spain] [the Jews, who founded, Phoenicia (old Israel), were actually, Scribes, from Nubia] [the Torah, does not, mention, Moses, or the enslavement, of Jewish people]. The concept, of a Saviour [as with Moses, and even, Benny Hinn], is heavily seen, in, American Christianity, as many settlers, from, Ancient Spain, eventually settled, in America. Jehovah, is a rather, strict God Almighty, and failure, to obey him, can mean, one losing, all, they have, almost instantly. He requires, his worshipers, to be, able, to answer, to his call, almost, immediately [meaning, that one could be required, to show, Faith, Hope or Charity, on an, almost, immediate time]. The major difference, between, Ancient Spain, and Egypt, was in, the Gods/Goddesses, worshiped. While, for instance, the Egyptians, worshiped, Anubis, the Ancient Spain world, worshiped, Sab [jackal deity]. This way, of conceiving, God Almighty, is also seen, in, Australia, and is what, makes, Australians, similar, to Americanistas [Latins]. [the very Ancient Nubians, did worship, Jehovah, before, the worship, of Amun; what separated, Nubia then, from Egypt, was in, the Deities, they worshiped].
In all, one finds that, ones, Core Beliefs, very much too, also, determine, ones, genetic makeup [as ones Core Beliefs, are at, the heart, of all, forms, of intelligence]. In many ways [as obviously perceived], people, with different, Core Beliefs, cannot, breed with each other [properly], due, obviously, to being, of a, different, genetic make-up [Angel and Gargoyle] [and also, very much, the fact, that, different Angels, and Gods etc., exist]. In the past, differences, in Core Beliefs, were, at the heart, of the creation, of, Castes, and hierarchies, in society [according really, to work done]. The concept, of God Almighty [and the consequent, Core Beliefs, that one possesses], cannot, easily be changed. In all really, it is, a historical matter [most out there, cannot, worship really, Allah], based on how, one, has evolved, from a religio-spiritual, perspective. In many ways, it is dependent, on if, one, has evolved, being intelligent and spiritual in nature, and therefore, a person, who has, evolved, poorly, will find, that the, worship, of Allah, an impossible task. In many ways, it is our, conceiving, of God Almighty, that determines, our, evolutionary survival, and not, Civilization [in the form, of, structures, and Architecture], that determines so [the Babylonians (worshipers of Baal), never did really, make it, while the Scots, are still, very much, around]. Our Core Beliefs, are also, very much, at, the heart, of any, technology, and other ways, of, conceiving, Power, Might and Authority, that might, exist. 
In general, the more superior, ones, concept, of God Almighty is, the more, intelligent, one generally is. In many ways, while, the Western world [and especially America], is perceived, as being, technologically superior, it is really, the, Middle East world, that really is [their technology, is very much, like Magic]. [Most of theis technology, is unseen in todays, Western media, but a small, example, of differences, between, Higher Beings, can be given, with, regards, to automobiles]. The Maserati, is Gargoyle technology; the Bugatti and Ferrari (Lamborghini Gallardo), are Jinni. The Range Rover, is Light being technology, while the Maybach, is Elves/Dwarves/Men technology. The Jaguar, is Shapeshift technology, while the Aston Martin, is actually, Daemon technology. Finally, the Bentley and Lexus, are Gods technology, while, the Lotus and Porsche, is Angel technology. One should not be surprised, by all this, as most, tend to seek out, any information, out there, from the Western Media. Also, it must be remembered, that the, so called, Western workforce, is heavily, made up, of, immigrants, as the brains, in the workplace. In many cases too, this is, rather obvious, in the design [of the above automobiles], as the Maserati Quattroporte, is obviously, Middle East (Saudi), in design. As the Lexus too, is Japanese, in design. Angel design, is similar, to what, you see, with, GMC vehicles. [One should not, believe, any, of the above, conceptions, of God Almighty, to be, innately superior, to the others, as Seth for instance, is highly, knowledgeable, in Medicine; superiority, really, lies, in possibility, as Allah, has more, possibilities (in range really, and not depth), than Jehovah] [Deities, are associated, with the Law, or Art even, one practises] [Religious worship, in its, most, simple form, sees one, worshiping, God Almighty (often, in ritual form, but not, always so), and engaging too, in, Ancestor worship] [In all too, it is, the differences, within us, based on, Core Beliefs/God Almighty, that gives rise, to our beliefs, associated with, cleanliness, sacredness, purity, and all, other kinds, of, discriminative beliefs/behaviours; making fun, of a Gargoyle, can get you, slapped, while, doing so, to an Angel, would be, met, probably, with a downward look] 
The Age of Exploration: The Age of Exploration, in most, textbooks, refers, to a time, when, man, traveled, all over, the world, on ship, mainly, apparently, due, to Trade reasons [this age, falsely believed, to have been, created, by Colombus]. Human evolution, has passed through, several, Ages; the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Discovery, the Age of Invention, and finally, the Age of Exploration. Many, of the definitions, associated, with these, Ages, have been, reinterpreted [in some ways correctly], and in many others, not so. We can ascribe really, the, Age of Reason, with the beginnings, of, Civilization [a time heavily religious in nature, and survival really, based on, the ability, to reason well (as in a fight, with a dinosaur)]. The Age of Enlightenment [while associated, with the Age of Science in Europe], should really, be ascribed, to, Ancient Egyptian historical times, and the cultural influence, that different, Civilizations, had on, each other [especially, as seen, with Mesopotamia, and Egypt, in many ways, eventually, giving rise, to Byzantine]. The Age of Discovery, appears, with the creation, of Greece, and is, heavily associated, with, Science itself [the introduction, of Science, into Europe major, by, Greek-like Monks, can be seen, as a form, of Enlightenment, while, the re-introduction, of the, Age of Reason, into, a decadent and dying France, by Rene Descartes (a Brown), can be seen, in the same light]. 
The Age of Discovery, gives rise to the Age of Invention, and the numerous, inventions, created, especially, in Deutschland, and Italia. Finally, we have, the Age of Exploration (often confused, with the Age of Discovery in nature), and is really, all about, the study, of, human potential [and all possible, manifest possibilities]. In many ways, we now live in, the Age of Exploration [Michael Jackson, is human potential]. These different Ages, have in, many ways, been about, the, search, for Knowledge. Different, kind, of Knowledge, as each Age, still, continues, to exist, in one form, or another. When one, opens up, most, form, of textbooks [or other books really], out there, one finds that, the world, they explain, to be more interesting [even much more], than that, that exists, today. In many ways, the world, of textbooks, seems, to be, highly interesting, and the figures, featured in it, seemed, to be capable, of just about, anything [from Leonardo da Vinci, to Marco Polo, and even, Napolean]. The reason for this, not only, has to do, with, our Core Beliefs, but also, our ability, to naturally, access, different kinds, of Knowledge [data, facts, information, knowledge, info, informational etc.]. This ability, is very much, based, on our melanin content, as seen, mainly, on our skins. In many ways, our skins, function, as a kind, of brain, and are able, to store, lots, of Knowledge, which is later on, accessed, by our, various spiritual parts [in a world, filled, with lots, of activity (as the old world was), reading, was not, a truly, common, activity, and many, simply, were able, to access, Knowledge, stored/accessed, via their skins]. Reading, in many ways, was not, only, a religio-spiritual activity, but today [as in the recent past], was associated, with, accessing Knowledge, of distant places [those with, strong, neural networks, can access, Knowledge, not only, in distant places, but other, realms too (as with the Ancestral Realm)] [Such people, are often known, as Mediums (as with the Dalai Lama)]. 
 The modern Age, we live in [supposed to really be, the Age of Exploration], is one, whereby, not only, have our, Core Beliefs, strongly deteriorated, but also, very much, our ability, to access, and process, different kinds, of Knowledge. In many ways, this modern Age, was born, in America, by mainly, a Jewish presence of sorts. Jewish people, in America [in the recent past], attempted, to bring about, all Americans [together], and create, a unique, American Identity, based around, the powers, of the President of the United States of America [the American Melting Pot]. In many ways too, they influenced, the Science world, in America [Scientific], and created, a more inferior, Science based world, than that, formerly, expressed, by what, one could call, American Science [inventions based] [This is not, an attack, on Jewish people, but perhaps, on Angel beings]. It appears very much, that the, Jewish attempt, to unite, all people in America, led them, to create, Core Beliefs, based, very much, on an, old Jewish/Jew way, of conceiving, God Almighty [Shalom]. It is, a very old, Jewish conception, of, God Almighty [as seen in the Talmud], and also, very much, creates, Core Beliefs, strongly associated, with Facts [what is been said, is that, modern Science, is a, very, Fact based, Science (as in experiment results), and inferior, to, previous forms, of Science, based on, knowledge or information] [Facts, are the lowest, form, of Knowledge (Physical, in nature)]. In many ways, those educated, in, modern education systems, are indoctrinated, with, beliefs, in Shalom, and are, very much, Fact based beings [the reason why, educated people today, are seen, as lacking, intelligence, in one way, or another] [Fact based beings, are obsessed, with whats, going on, around them, and tend, in many ways, to be, insecure] [Stone Age man, was a, fact based being]. [In all, most technology out there, is actually, inferior, to that, of the past, but is believed, to be, more superior (due to looking shinier, it is believed); todays technology, is very much, fact based, while that, of the past, was based, on other kinds, of Knowledge. Tasers (as seen, in star trek), are actually, based on, Information, while, modern guns, are based on, facts. Interestingly enough, olden, European pistols, were based on, knowledge, and were more, superior (with regards to injury), than most, modern weapons (the power, of modern guns, lay, in their ability, to use, proper aim - a fact)] [Most today, cannot, expertly wield, a European Sabre, as it is, a weapon, based, on the ability, to access, and process, data] [the Musketeer] 
Trust and Exploration: The Age of Exploration, in todays world, in many ways, has been, limited, to very few, possibilities [Oil exploration, and even, Space exploration (an Angel endeavour)]. In many ways, Exploration, has been, limited, to few endeavours, due mainly, to, Trust issues. Trust, is a virtue, heavily, associated, with, religiosity/Virtuosity. It is, a very old, virtue [not comparable, to trust, as perceived, within, Patience (and all about, choice, option and possibility), but very much, associated, with, a fear, of things, not working/manifesting]. In many ways, people, when speaking, of, Development (as in Growth), in many ways too, are really, referring, to, Religiosity [the ability, to create, civilized societies]. This way, of thinking, of, Development, is very much, associated, with what, they call, Archeology. Archeology, is the, excavation, of olden, Civilizations [believed, to be, more civilized], than the present, in an attempt, to learn, about them [in many ways, this excavation, is an attempt, to learn, the History, of an olden, Civilization, based on, materiality, civility/religiosity, and famed figures] [modern Archeology, heavily, concentrates, on materiality, and especially, famed figures (an obsession, for example, with Tutankhamun)]. Archeology, based on, civility/religiosity, in many ways, is centered, around, technology, and in, many ways too, the virtue, of Trust. This, in many ways, is a poor, way, of studying, a civilization [as based, on civility/religiosity] [stone age, copper age, iron age etc.], and in many ways, attempting, to study, civilization, based on, civility, is best done, by studying, the World history (histories), that was, associated, with the civilization [as with the case, of Herodotus]. Trust though, is a very old, way, of basing, ones civility on [in many ways, Trust, was the virtue, associated, with Stone-Age people]. In much recent times [even Victorian], people, had risen, to higher ways, of expressing, civility/religiosity. It is only, with, modern Science/Technology, that we see, a reverting, to Trust, as the main virtue, expressed, via civility. This obsession, with Trust, has limited, the Core Beliefs, of most, to nothing, more, than defining, Power, Might and Authority. This way, of basing, ones, Core Beliefs, is the basis, of modern/Western Science, as mainly practised, in America. 
It is a way, of defining, Power, Might and Authority, as based on, Physical Structures [known as infrastructure (vs. architecture/planning, as seen, in the old world)] [Roman/Egyptian cities, had architecture], and also too, Western Science [Knowledge/fact based way, of defining, Might, Power and Authority (experts)]. In most ways, Western Infrastructure, is heavily based, on, Transport networks [of all kinds]. It is also based, on three, primary technologies, that define, Power, Might and Authority, in Western societies [the Car, Cellphone, and Computer/Internet, respectively]. Each of these, technologies, are heavily, associated, with, Transport networks, and in all, this mentality, is very much, Stone-age, in Thought [in many ways, they replace, Trails/the Wheel, Fire and the Club (a form, of software perhaps)]. Transport networks, are very much, fact based, networks, and at the core, of all, kinds, of communications today [Internet, optic fiber cables, are somewhat, laid down, in a similar way, to the way, a modern road, is made]. In the past, architecture/planning, was based on, Virtuosity/religiosity. In many ways, this form, of planning, was more, advanced, than what, you see, with, Transport networks, today, based on Trust [a virtue, heavily associated, with, time issues] [Old Paris, was built on, Loyalty]. Technology devices, such as, Cars, Cellphones, and the Computer, are very much, technology, based on, Language level, and also, Knowledge level. In todays world, most people, speak, Language, at the, Say level [a way of speech, primitive in nature, and similar, to Stone-age man] [In Europe, Language, had once risen, to the, mention level, and was, rather advanced, in nature (mention level Language, enables one, for instance, to develop, Telepathy)]. Information networks, were also, far more popular, than, communications technology, as seen today [Information networks, are based, on the high ability, to sense out (intuitive), and decipher, all kinds, of movement, and motion] [In many ways, a person, adept, at using, Information networks, can outwit, a whole army (similar to in nature, a criminal, on the run, for many years)][Cellphones, and the Internet, are in many ways, used, to transmit, facts, at the, Say level; most people, when using, a cellphone, computer, or car, 'act out'/talk, at the, Say level] [The restaurant, is based, on carrying out, conversation, at the tell level] [Cell phones, are simply, a more, advanced, way, of transmitting, knowledge/facts, as was done, in the very ancient, days, by blowing, a horn, or beating drums (all fact based)]. In many ways, when we speak, of, Growth [and Societal Development], we are, as mentioned, speaking, of, Virtuosity/religiosity. In many ways, the Age of Exploration, will be based, on, reaching, the heights, of all kinds, of, emotions/feelings [in more ways than one really, defining, civility, in all, its possibilities]. At the basis, of this, will be, how, people define, religiosity/Virtuosity. It is here, that two, civilizations (or lands), become, of great interest: Italy, and the Olmecs [Italy, was the home, of the, Italian, Sicilian, and Roman civilizations]. 
What makes, these civilizations, different, from others, out there, is that [with the exception, of the Roman], they were, heavily based, on World history [Italia (Northern Italy), was once, at the center, of, World history]. The Olmecs too, were heavily, defined, by World history, and not, Conventional history. Theres, were civilizations, heavily defined, by World history, and not, Conventional history really [such that, the Modern World (with regards really, to World history), was really born, in, Italia]. Today though, Italy, is dead, and in many ways, is a place, where, excavations, could very much, benefit, the world, with regards, to civility, and World history [the first, modern kind, Civil unrest, really took place, in Italia] [the unraveling, of Italia, was at the fore, of the unraveling, of the rest, of Europe]. In many ways too, Love [as an emotion], was never, as highly defined, as it was, in Italia (Northern Italy), and in many ways, making, Italia, at the very least, a World center, of sorts (Tourism, was really born, in Italia, and before then, they had, Travel)] [Marconi, was, World history, as often seen, in, Italia, as was, the Ferrari (Gallardo), and even, the Beretta 92fs (a pistol really, and not, a gun)] [Modern materialism (luxury based), was born, in, Italia (Northern Italy)]. With the Olmecs, it was famed personalities, that really made it, famous, as perhaps, in the modern day, with, Michael Jackson, as an example [amongst, the most famous, humans, on the planet]. 
(check out, a young, Alfonso Ribeiro) 
 In all really, Core Beliefs [and God Almighty], are all about, all, the possible, manifest, modes, of reality [or realities]. It is too, not only, limited, to defining, Power, Might and Authority, but also, all other, possible realities [worshipers of Zeus for instance, can turn off, a cars engine, with a, facial expression, while those, of, Quetzalcoatl, can do so, with a, hand motion]. The Age of Exploration, in many ways, will be all about, attempting, to manifest, as many, of these, realities, as possible [as mainly, with regards, to human potential]. 
Skadi [and in many ways, Thoth manifest]