Monday, November 1, 2010

The Near-Death Experience [Bk. 2 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

"Life just has no meaning!!", is likely, a phrase, you are most wont, to hear, from, the mouth, of a, person, who has succeeded, in their own right [a self-made success]. A person, who upon, succeeding [as defined by the Media], realizes, that, there is nothing, much else, to do, in Life, other than, mundanely, manage, their success. Something, they discover, they, could wind up, doing, for the rest, of their lives. In many ways, it is not, really, that Life, today, lacks, challenges and adversities, to motivate one, to a higher level of being, it is that, Life, in general, is perceived, as being, nonchalantly uninteresting, and in most ways, really, lacking excitement. Its as if, once, you reach, a certain age, you have, in many ways seen it all, and nothing else, out there, really excites one.

Many, who eventually, enter, such a state [sometimes called, a Mid-life crisis], eventually, begin, to wish, for a re-birth, of sorts [including suicide too]. Some believe, in, probably moving, to a new, place, of existence, while others, seek, perhaps, to change, religion, and others, believe, in, meeting, new people, especially those, outside, ones ethnicity, and even others seek out, new forms of activity, to [as some say], "put the life, back, into their lives" [activities such as, mountain climbing, or even, bungee jumping]. In all really, as said before, they are, all, really seeking, a re-birth, of sort, so as to feel, renewed [as in, wiping out, ones memory], and begin, to live, Life again, with, great enthusiasm. In many ways, in all, it does appear, that, Re-births, of all kinds, are really, about, the search, for, enthusiasm, in ones Life [Enthusiasm, probably refers to, reconnecting, to the, natural forces, of, Crying, Grief & Laughter; forces, that are believed, to drive, history, itself] [in many ways the Age of Compassion, will mostly be about, Crying].

The Near-Death Experience, in many ways, is about, Re-birth, in one form, or another; it aligns one, with the forces of nature [out there], and in many ways, fills one, with, enthusiasm [what this means, is that, in general, it transforms, one, such that, one experiences, Life, as being filled, with great interest, and lots, of things, happening, due really, to being, in alignment, with the, natural forces, of, Grief, Laughter and Crying]. As said just before, Near-Death Experiences, transform one, and ones Life, is never, the same, even if, they happen, to live, in the exact, same place, they were living in.

Near-Death Experiences, are often, of three kinds [for most out there, Sex, appears to them, to be, the Near-Death Experience, they are, searching for, and that, will transform them, and totally make, Life, memorable]:

1. Memory based: As in having, experienced, something great, in the past, that one, always, remembers [a small example, is reliving, ones childhood].
2. Awakening: As in, awakening, to the, present times [or time itself], and very much, living, in the present, and in all, being, totally aware, of ones, environments, as with, regards, to the 4 elements, of water, fire, earth, and air [very much similar, to being, at an interesting, and even exciting, party].
3. Vision based: Vision based, Near-Death Experiences, are really, imagination based, visions, that in, some ways, or, another, gives them, a vision, of a future, to hope for [this very much too, includes, a vision, of heaven itself].

We shall, in the following, below, attempt, to show, just how, diferent parts, of the world, have, developed, certain procedures [often, in ritual form], to have, their live-ins experience, the Near-Death Experience, in one form, or another. We shall give, several examples, as, guidelines, for those, attempting, to put, the Life, back, into, their lives, without, believing, that Sex is the answer, to all.

Africa/Japan: Frugality

In Africa, and Japan, Frugality, has been, a way, of living, from rather, ancient times. Most believe, Japan, to be, an, affluent nation, but in reality, Japanese life [including traditional], has always, been lived, rather frugally, although, very much, pleasantly too [sleeping on floor mats, for example, and not, beds]. Japanese food, has also, very much, simply, been satisfying, and also, rather, simple, in nature [most Japanese dishes, consist, of rice] [Some Japanese, eat rice, all alone]. Japanese homes, in this day too, don't, have, too many, of the things, most, would believe them, to have [computers, video games, flat screen tv's etc.]. Africans too, have often, lived, frugally, although, luxuriously [meaning, something pleasant, to the eyes] [looking at, magazines, can be, a great joy, in Africa]. This form, of, Near-Death Experience [living frugally], resulted, in a, Near-Death Experience, associated, with, Awakenings [in all really, living frugally (as in being, conditioned, by the 4 elements), results, in one, awakening, to the true, natures, of their environments]. In all, it is a, Near-Death Experience, that happens, over, a long time, with one, awakening [on a given day perhaps], to a newer, more pleasant, reality.

Islam: Altered States

By Altered States, it is meant, that one, enters, an altered state, of consciousness [evolutionary, in nature]. In Islam, entering, Altered States of Consciousness, is done, via, fasting, isolation [as in, staying out, in the desert for long], and even, extreme modesty [with regards, to spending]. Doing this, oftenly, does not, really, result, in a re-birth [as in transformation], but really, in entering, a new, state, of consciousness [evolution wise] [one basically, sees things, differently, as a Higher Being, probably would]. This too, often results, in some ways, in one, having, a Vision [of sorts], especially, with regards, to, ones future [in many ways, it results, in, high creativity]. Again, as with the previous, takes time, to enter, these altered states.

Supreme Goddess: Conscious States

Worship, of the Supreme Goddess [in one form, or another, including, engaging, in media associated with her], can result, in one, entering, Conscious States, of being. Such States, very much, have, to do, with accessing, ones, Higher Being, and in many ways, been shown, new forms, of reality [that one, can easily, or even, quickly, engage in] [Light bulb ideas (popping up)]. In many ways, it simply, shows one, their, potential, and is very much too, a form, of, Awakening; one of the easiest ways really, to have, a Near-Death Experience.

Ancient World: Initiations

In the, Ancient World, Near-Death Experiences, were associated, with, Initiations [of all sorts]. Most out there, believe, Initiations, to be, rather simple, in nature [and a form, of, identification marker], when in truth, Initiations, done right, could result, in, ones death. People, in the past, died, during Initiations, and passing through them [successfully], was in, many ways, a marker, for, acceptance, into, society or not [in times, when the world, was, perceived, to be more, dangerous (even with regards, to survival), than it is, today]. Initiations, usually of the, Memory, and Awakening kind, are rather, not too common, today [Memory based initiations, were all, about, reminding one, of, ones, past lives].

Europe: Love

In Europe, Love based cultures [sometimes too, sub-cultures], were, at the heart, of, experiencing, the Near-Death Experience. Having a boyfriend [or girlfriend], and catching, either of them, in a, compromising situation, with another person, often, resulted, in a, Near-Death Experience. Being rejected, by the Love, of ones Life, resulted, too, in a similar experience. In many ways, European Love based cultures, is what, has in, some ways too, made, Hollywood, really popular [and in general, movies and tv (as being, memorable experiences)]. One of the more, forgotten, Near-Death Experiences, based on, Love, is the, Love at First Sight experience; totally memorable, and even so, if, this Love, is never, truly seen again. In all, cultures, that fully, took, into account, the natural forces, of, grief, laughter, and crying, and the basic, European belief, that, one, has never, truly lived, Life, if, they have, never, Loved. One of the great, and forgotten, relics, of history.

Egypt/Asia: Dreaming States

Dreaming States, might sound to be rather, hypocritical, in nature [as with regards, to, Altered and Conscious States, of experience], but in reality, really, Dreaming States, refers, in many ways, to, what, was called, 'The Purpose Driven Life'. In many ways, Dreaming States, is not, about, putting one, into, a state, of euphoria [in the positive sense], but actually, in a state, of, depression [even manic] [this depression though, is not, true depression]. On entering, such a state, and then, coming, out of it, one, in many ways, learns, how to, appreciate Life [Live for the moment, and, to the fullest]. In Egypt and Asia, entering, depressive states, was often, done, in the form, of, the Story [Stories told (Spiritual in Egypt and Love based, in Asia), that put one, in, a state, of, depression, and on coming out, of it, being reborn, rather, anew] [Many Christian based stories, of Saintly figures, battling, all kinds, of Demons (like the Divine Comedy for instance), have their origins, in Egyptian religion]. In many ways, attempts, to have one, learn, the meaning, of Life, by appreciating, every, waking moment [Asia, is a source of great, tragic, love stories, in most ways, greater, than, Romeo & Juliet; Love stories, that in some ways, could inspire really, the building, of, a Taj Mahal]. In all, terrifying experiences [in nature], and memory based too [including, the all too common, nightmare].

America: Higher Presence

America too, does have, its own way, of having, one, experience, the Near-Death Experience. This way, can best be explained, by the presence, of a God [the basic belief, that God, does, exist]. In many ways, it is, a way, of having, one believe, in the existence, of a God, and that, just about, anything, out there, is possible. How this, all happens, can be, explained, by two, American phenomenons: the Circuit, and the, "touched by an angel" paradigm. With regards, to the latter, this, very much, refers to, a person [or being], out there, showing [or showering] one, with great, favour, so as to generally [in many ways too], improve, ones life. An American Billionaire, offering, to buy one, a new car, or even, pay, for ones school education, is what, traditionally, America, has somewhat, been, all about [all leading, to beliefs, that, there is a God, out there, somewhere]. 'The Circuit', on the otherhand, explains, Americas [former perhaps], Entertainment Circuit [made up, of the, Sports, Movie, Music, and even, Fashion worlds], merging, together, for very much, a party, atmosphere. The Circuit, is in many ways, what, has made, America, reknowed [as the place to be]. It is an environ, in many ways, of, endless possibilities [fun wise], if one, is able, to enter into it. It is an environment really, where one, comes, face to face, with, all kinds, of, American [and even, International], Legends, and being, able, to say, something, to them. Going to a big party, uninvited [and being let in], and then, having, the opportunity, to run, into, Paula Abdul, or even, Michael Jackson, is what, America, was all about. Going, to a basketball game, and having, to see, Michael Jordan, dunk, from very, many meters away, is in many ways too, what, witnessing, a Higher Presence, is all about. In many ways, what made, the Circuit, rather, famous, is that, people, were expected, to act, naturally [and not, casually, or ordinarily] [acting naturally, is very much, like, acting, child-like]. When one, acts, naturally, one, is in many ways, themselves [truly], and in, such, a scenario, it is often, believed, anything, can happen, to one [the old adage, of, "just be yourself", when picking up, 'chicks', has its, origin, in America].

South America: Binges

Binges, might sound, like, a crazy [and even, harsh], word, to use, to explain, the South American, way, of experiencing, the Near-Death Experience. This is because, Binges, are often, associated, by many, with drinking, sex, and even, violence. This is not, exactly wrong, but, neither, is it, exactly right, unless, one takes, into account, the fact, that, Binges, are associated, with, what, they call, Baptism. Baptism, often believed, to be, a Christian ritual [and the entering, of the, Holy Spirit, in one], is actually, of, Jewish origins, and associated, with, the entering, of the, Spirit of God [Yahweh], into one. In many ways, what this, refers to, is, being, guided, in ones Life, in just, about, most things, by, the Spirit of God. In South America, Binges, of all kinds, were often, used, as a, baptismal rite, allowing, one really, to enter, into, a new state of life, by being, transformed [by the binges]. The three most famous, of these, baptismal rites [binges] were: sex, partying, and travel. Sex binges, are very much, misunderstood, believed though, to be, about, group sex. This is not true. They are instead, highly, ritualized, sexual experiences, that transform, one, making one believe, anything, out there, to be possible [at the very least, a famous actress, inviting, one, back, to her place, is a small example]. These ritualized sexual experiences, can be, highly transformative [most sex out there, simply, changes one; it does not, transform one], and in, some cases, resulting, in a Near-Death Experience, similar, to having, an, Out-of-Body, experience. This, out-of-body experience, simply, re-energizes one [with regards, to, inner strength/nerves], and makes one, believe, themselves, to be, born anew [similar in nature, to, Baptism by Fire]. Binges, associated with, Partying, were really, all about, having, as much, fun, as one could, within, a certain, period, of time. Having, so much fun [intensity wise], that ones mind, was [actually], blown away [having a mind-blowing experience] [totally, out of, this world] [Laughing all night long, is a, fine example]. In some ways, these binges, were, associated, with certain, safe drugs, that made, the partying, more real, and natural [being totally free]. In many ways, Binges, were supposed, to give, one, a totally, memorable experience, such that, even, if Life, became, a total misery, one, could always, look, back, to the past [not for inspiration], but in, reality, as an attempt, to, celebrate Life itself [the good ol' times]. Binges, associated, with Partying, where not, too different, from, Baptism with Water [in many ways, what, the Bar Mitzvah, in, Jewish ritualism, is all about (including, the dance, in a circle)]. The last form, of, 'Binging' activity[associated with travel], is much rarely [although rather common, with, Canadians], and very much, involved, traveling, all over, and living, from, place to place, while, simply, hanging out, and doing, nothing much. In many ways, it made one, simply, tire, of experiencing Life [from the pleasure perspective], and made them, want, to simply, do, something else [not pleasure driven].

Tibet/China: Magical Arts

In Tibet and China, Magical Arts, were often, used, to give one, a, Near-Death Experience. These Arts, in many ways, defined, Chinese Arts [as in the case, of, flying acrobats], and in, reality, were Arts, that made, one, have, a Near-Death Experience, based on believing, what, was actually, possible. Flying Swordsmen, were the lore, in Chinese Civilization, and it is these Arts, that, very much, made, Napolean, believe, that China, was actually, a, Sleeping Dragon. In Tibet, one also, sees, these Arts, but more, in, a religious form, with, small examples being, the kind of, Magic, seen, with David Blaine [the Tibetans, have certain, magical practises, that allow them, to, move objects, by, simply, making sounds].

That in, many ways, concludes, what, Near-Death Experiences, are about, and hopefully, offer, some guidance, to those, always, seeking out, the, transformative experience [often sexual], they believe, will breathe, in, new life, into them, and also, give them, the strength, to make it, all the way, through Life [or even too, the seemingly endless search, for lost Love].

[The dying, a thousands deaths, paradigm, in which, a person, seeks, lots of, failure, before, making it, does not, really work, as it in many ways really, kills ones, spirit, and is actually, what, the Higher Presence model, is really, all about]