Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kant Contra Nietzsche

Immanuel Kant, and, Friedriche Nietzsche, are, two, well, rather known, Philosophers [of the more, or less, Modern Age]. They both lived, during, different times, but, both, appear, to have, had, similar thoughts [and views], on Life itself [and its meaning]. They both, lived, in Europes, where, Religion, had very much, ceased, to exist, and Life [in general], was very much, meaningless [especially], from, the perspective, of, a Life lived.

What made Kant, and, Nietzsche though, rather different, was, that, Kant, saw hope, in his, existence, while, Nietzsche, saw none. They both, suffered, from, a certain, condition [or even malaise]; that, of not knowing [in totality it appears], whom, they were [even, with regards, to a National, or, Family identity]. In many ways, they both, simply, lived Lives, where, they, attempted, to define, themselves, by understanding, their, Environments [as with Kant], or, simply Knowing them, in depth [as with Nietzsche]. Kant, set to know, himself, by totally, describing, his Environments, and then, seeking, to know, how, he fit in [or whom he really was], within, this framework [in many ways, Kant, gave birth, to, Modern Science, and Modern Science it appears, has never, progressed, beyond, his rather, deep insights]. Nietzsche, on the otherhand, saw, to see [himself], as a, Psychological Being, very, much, trapped, in a world, that, made no sense [Culturally], and in, many ways, a world, that, made him, feel, Psychologically sick, in, just about, every way [Nietzsche, is not, too well known, as compared, to, Freud (or Jung), as, he has nothing, good, to say, about, himself, and hence, Western civilization].

In all really, both, Kant, and, Nietzsche, sought, to seek out, whom, they really were, in the, world, believing, the, external world, very much, unchangeable, and hence, lifeless, in most ways. Most, have a, hard time, understanding, Kant, and Nietzsche, as they seem, to ramble on [as with Nietzsche really], on whom, they are, in the worlds, they, themselves, saw [and defined]. In all really, those, acquainted, with Nietzsche, and, Kant, can easily see, that both, were, asking, the wrong, primary question, with regards, to, their existence [whom they are, within, their worlds]. Instead really, a better, question, would have been, "What are we, about?", with regards, to dealing, with, their problems/worlds. Asking, such, a question, one, then, can easily see, that, Kant, was very much, about, being, an Idealist [as with, problem solving], while, Nietzsche, was very much, about, being, a Priest [of sorts].


For many, out there, the question, of what, to do, with, their lives, bothers them, to no ends. Most, simply, don't just know, whom, they should be [as in, what to do], with, regards, to their, lives. Ancestral spirits, can be, of help [with this], but, in many ways, they, simply ,give one, a, broad spectrum, of, whom, they could be: as with, Teacher, Writer, Scientist [and all the likes]. In many ways though, still, many, out there, seek, to narrow [all this], to, something, specific, they can be [as in, "What they are, all about"].

The reason today, why, so many, seek out, Success [as in Glory], is so, to, engage, in, certain, Cultural practises [rather, backward way, of living]. What this means, is that, upon, Success [as with, Glory (and being famous etc.)], most, out there, seek, out, certain, Life experiences, very much, driven, by, partying [and even sex]. In many ways, they seek, to, become, rather popular, and, visit, the world [partying], and also, hopefully, engage, in all, kinds, of, sexual activity. In all really, an, outmoded, way, of living, as, it ceased [to be popular], in, the Egyptian times, and, appears, to have been, done, much better, then [as in, becoming popular, in, Egyptian times, was, very much, an, Adventure] [Meeting, all kinds, of people (no discrimination), and eventually, interacting, even, with Kings].

In past times, Success [as in, seeking Glory], was, very much, more, about, Access. In all, on, Succeeding, one, was, very much, allowed, Access, to, all kinds, of, things, and, in many ways, helping, one, make all, kinds, of dreams [even crazy], come true. A Successful person, could, walk, into, a, Research institute, and ask, to speak, to, the director [for just, about, any reason]. They could, dine, anywhere, and were, often, offered, meals, other customers, did not, have, access to. They were, showered, with gifts [and praises of all kinds], and their, professional opinion too, was sought out, on, many issues. In all, it was, a Life, based, on, Cultural principles [One sees this, rather well developed, in, India, with, the worship, of, Brahman] [Not to be, confused, with, Brahma (as in God Almighty); Brahman, was used, to seek out, new, Successes (or even lives), at, a higher level] [The Brahmins, of India, worshiped, Brahman, and, were supposed, really, to take, India, to, the next level].

In recent times though, living, Life, has been, based, on, seeking out, Inspiration, from, certain, sources, as with, regards, to [What one is all about] [their place, in society really]. Three sources, have been, often, sought out, for this:

1. Ancestors
2. Mythology
3. Economics

In most ways, seeking out, Ancestors [rather more common, in, the recent past], is more, or less, about, continuing, in the work, they, used to do. Simply doing, as ones, parents [and especially too, Grandparents] did, and living, a Life, based, on that. Very communal in nature, and has, worked great, in the past, and, was seen, in a, rather, creative format, in, India, where, families, in the olden times, would seek, to have, members, doing, just about, any, kind of work [in all, many, Indian families (as in extended), were rather, self-sufficient, and in, general, an environment, of, great motivation, was created, in knowing, that, just about, any kind, of, problem, could be, solved, by someone, one knew]. Mythology, in these, present times, doesn't, really work, as, it is, heavily, based on, Whom, one really is [as in, Hero, Legend, Legendary etc.]. As one, can see, Life, has somewhat, moved, to a lower, level, of existence, today. Economics, is probably, the way, most, today, seek, to define, themselves, as in, seeking out, an, Economics Handbook, and looking, to, find out, exactly, what jobs, are, on offer, by, a Government [as in, looking, at, Salaries too] [Too many, doctors, no mechanics]. In many ways, the last, model, is rather, very poor, and, in many ways, while, pretending, to be, entrepreneurial [in spirit], is, rather, heavily institutionalized [too much Market regulation].

We shall below, attempt, to answer, the, question, most, out there, have, with regards, to, living, Life today. Questions, very much, National in scope, and, the basis too, of, Mythology, in more, ways, than one [i.e., asking, "What am I about?"]. What can I do, out there, to make, a difference, in the lives, of, many [how do I define myself (as such)]. In many ways, one really, finds, that, this question, is really, about, finding, specific work, to do, that one, would, enjoy [being a Legend, is intertwined, with, the work, one does; work, one has, to love in general]. This, question, is not, too easy, to answer, but, certain, Religious demi-gods [perhaps], do, help answer, this, question, for one, In many ways, when, prayed too, help one, know, specifically, what, they can do, with, their lives [based on, perhaps too, having, many choices (of work), available].

Below, are the, religious figures, that, people, of, different regions, of, the world, are, acquainted with [knowingly, or, unknowingly]; Included too, are Religious Symbolism, that go, along with them [acting, as inspiration, for higher achievements].

North America: Specialist

North Americans, are all, Specialists [by nature]; thats what, they are, all about, and, Specialists, are people, who, basically, solve problems, in, a new way, or, by using, new insights [spiritual]. In all, what is been said, is that, North Americans [on facing, a problem], are very much, Specialists, by nature [they approach, every single problem, as, a Specialist would] [They basically, in all, tackle problems]. Celine Dion, singing, problem solving, love songs [as a musician], is very much, a Specialist. In many ways though, Specialists, seek, to make, their world, perfect. In this regards, they are, associated, with, certain, Religious Symbolism, that, helps them, in, their work [as in, getting, to the next, level]. This Religious Symbolism, is, Mary [as the Queen of Heaven]. It is to her, they pray to, when, they want, to get, to, the next level [in their work], or, with, their world. When, a Specialist [in North America] though, wants, to find, something, to do, they can, turn, to, the, Native American [Cherokee] Gods, for this, as, Native Americans, in, America, were, often, responsible, for, giving, American people, dreams, to live by [with regards, to work].

South Americans: Saint

All South Americans, are, basically Saints, by nature. South American Christianity, is heavily, associated, with, the worship, of, Saints [Catholic]. Saints, are people, who, set about, making, things right [as in, the fact that, South American civilization, progresses, with, the people, having, Grand Visions, and then, setting out, to, make them true]. Saints, are needed, to, make this happen [St. Barbara, is probably, the most, famous, of Saints (in South America), and very much, the most, capable]. In doing, their work [to set things right], South Americans [as Saints], were, associated, with, the Weeping/Crying Madonnas [it was they, who told, South Americans, of the, next level, to rise to].

Europe: Messenger

Europeans, are all, by, nature, Messengers. Messengers, are people really, who set out [or are sent], to solve, a, specific problem [with time as issue]. In many ways, European Christianity, has, strong notions, of, the Messenger [in it], as, especially, with regards, to, their Religious Figures. In many ways, the, Messenger, is a performer, and in all [too], is associated, with, the Black Knight [and even, Black Sun], as, Religious Symbolism [these two, Symbolisms (magical in nature), are what, every, European, aspires, to be, as a Messenger] [The Black Sun, is used, by, authoritative figures]. In all really, with regards, to, finding, what kind, of work, to do [or problem to solve], Europeans [have traditionally], and could very well, use, the, Germanic [not Norse], Gods/Goddesses, for this [in short, pray to them, to find out, what work, to do, as Messenger].

Africa: Prophet

Africans, are all, by, nature, Prophets. This means, they are, a people, rather well versed [in some cases], in seeing, into, the future. In many ways too, they are, people, who very much, live [always in some cases], in the future. In finding, what work, to do, as, Prophets, it is, obvious, that, Africans, should turn, to, the very many, Prophets [in history], for help, via, prayer [Prophet Elijah, would be, rather good, for Africans]. With regards to, Religious Symbolism, Africans, can very well, make, use, of, the Dragon [as seen, in, East Asian religions] [Dragon Symbolism, in, East Asian religions, is actually, associated, with, an African presence, that was, once seen, in the region] [In many ways too, Martial Arts, associated, with, strong, Dragon Symbolism, were often too, practised, by this, African presence (a good example, being, Muay Thai)] [In all, simply meditate, to, the Dragon Symbol, for, inspiration].

South East Asia: Physician

All Southeast Asians, are, Physicians, by nature [what this means, is that, they are, by nature, healers (even spiritual)]. Southeast Asians, approach [almost all], problems, they face, from, the perspective, of, a Physician [as in a healer] [Offering, clear solutions, to, a problem, is basically, what, a healer does]. As a source, of, inspiration, for work to do, Southeast Asians, can, easily, turn, to the, 10 Incarnations, of Vishnu [Krishna, Rama etc.], for, inspiration, by praying to them [they can tell one, what work, to do]. With regards, to, inspiration, as with, Religious Symbolism, Southeast Asians, can aspire, to be, Grand Viziers [or Viziers], as was, Imhotep [who in many ways, became, a Living God] [In all, rather than, pray, to, Brahman, Southeast Asians, can, pray, to, Imhotep, with regards, to moving on, to, the next level (in many ways too, rebuilding, India, to its former, glory)].

East Asians: Counsel

All, East Asians, are, by nature, Counsels [of sorts]. They are people [who by nature], like, to offer, advice [or even, advise], to others. In many ways, working, in, East Asia, is very much, about, being, a Counsel [of sorts]. When working, as, a Counsel, East Asians, can, turn, to the Gods/Goddesses, of, Thai Buddhism, for help with this, as, some, can be, prayed to, with, regards, to finding, a, Vocation [In all, many, of these, Gods/Goddesses, are said, to be, of, Indian origin, but, are actually, Egyptian (via India)] [The Indians, never did, pray, to these Gods, and it, appears, they were, strongly associated, with, Egyptian priesthoods] [In India, the only, worshiped God (who is of, Egyptian origins), is, Sri Krishna]. In seeking, to rise, to, the next level [of inspiration], East Asians, can, easily turn to, the Ying-Yang Religious Symbolism, for this inspiration [in many ways, Symbolism, associated, with, finding balance, and very much too, Counsel].

Middle East: Mystic

Middle Easterners, are by, nature, Mystics [there is a very, strong, tradition, of, Mystics, in the, Islamic world]. Mystics, are people, who, solve, problems, by, theorizing them [and not, really, being Thinkers]. Theorists, are by, nature, people, who seek, to, solve problems, by, formulating models, of, realities [and possible realities]. With regards, to doing, their work, Middle Easterners really, are, really too, of, two kinds: Gargoyles and Jinnis. For Gargoyles, as Inspiration [to reach the next level], they, can turn, to, the worship, of, Horus [as Falcon-god], for this Inspiration [Horus, comes in, many forms] [Sri Krishna, is also, a form, of Horus]. Becoming Horus, in many ways, is about, becoming, Pharaoh [which is what, Gargoyle Middle Easterners, really, aim for]. With Jinnis, Inspiration, is achieved, by, praying, to Thoth [as god]. In many ways, Thoth, is associated, with, Sun emblems [seen partly, in Ancient Egypt], but in, popular form, with, the concept, of, the Sun King [once seen, in France] [Jinni women, on the, otherhand, worship, Hatsheput, as inspiration] [Hatsheput, was the, Egyptian Sun Goddess]. In all for both, work to do, is gained, by, turning, to pray, to the, various Mystics, seen, through out, Islamic/Byzantine history.

One should not, find, this limiting, as just about, any, career, can be, in the form, seen above. As in really, an Engineer, can be, any, of the above. As Counsel, an Engineer, is, very much, a Consultant really [as an example]. Physician as Engineer, is, very much, a, technologist [finding, technological solutions, to all problems]. Engineer, as Prophet, is associated, with, what, they call, Engineering works. Engineer as Messenger, is, basically, someone, who uses, Engineering [as a discipline], to solve, problems [in all, using, Engineering knowledge, as, principles, thoughts, and practises]. Engineer, as Mystic, is very much, a Theorist, coming up, with, new Theories [of all kinds] [Einstein, and even, Feynman, really belong, to, the Islamic tradition (of Mystics), as they, were both, German Jews, whom, are a people, who have, always, been, associated, with the, Islamic/Byzantine world]. Engineer, as Saint, is very much, what, people believe, an Engineer, to be, while, Engineer as Specialist, is more or less, an, Engineer, as a specialist [solving, rather intricate, problems]. In all really, all these, kinds, of Engineers, are actually, suited, to the, regions, they have been, associated with [in all] [However though, they can still, find, work, in other places, as with, a South American, Engineer, engaging, in, Construction work, in Europe].