Monday, November 15, 2010

To Pluto and Narcissus: An Understudy

To Pluto and Narcissus, was, a posting [much below], that, in many ways, spoke, of our, two, basic natures. That, when, we are, all, by ourselves [deep in thought] [as in, been alone], and that, when, too, we are, simply, trying, to act, naturally [ordinarily, casually, formally etc.] [as in, been lonely]. The former, referred, to Narcissus really, while, the latter, to Pluto.

In most ways, most of us, don't know, whom, we are, with regards, to these, two basic natures. As a result, we are, prone, to some, brainwashing [as in, the form, of insults], when, we don't, know, whom, we are, with regards, to both, basic natures. While one, may know, how, they think [for instance], they might, not know, whom, they are, as they think [some think, as, beggars, others,, as presidents, and, others, as, bosses, and even, others, as, thieves]. If you don't know, whom, you really are, as, a Muse [Narcissus], and even, as, a Being [Pluto], then, you can be, easily, brainwashed, by just, about, anyone [even through simple, offhand comments], to be, like, someone else. French people today [for instance], are very much, like, Congolese, people, with, regards to, ones Being [in short, French people, today, act, very much, like, the Congolese, when, acting, naturally, casually etc.]. This is important to know, as every, other, of our, identities, is shaped, by these, two, quintessential, natures, we possess [In all, a French person, becoming, President, of France today, on being, attacked, would probably, react, like a, Congolese president, would]. In most ways too, Suppression [as with, injuries, attacks and insults], often, is used, to shape, these, very two, basic, important natures, we possess [as in, suppressing/shaping, these two, natures (of a person), means, that, the person, is fully, under, the control, of another] [as in, feeling, weak-knees, on seeing, someone else]. In all, we have to, know, whom, we are [with regards, to these, two basic natures], so as, to be, fully, ourselves [in control], and also, prevent [very much], most, forms, of, violence, out there [in most cases, these two, basic natures, very much, shape, the environments, we reside in, with, regards, to, moods, atmospheres, temperaments, air, climate, and, feel, of any, of the environments, we inhabit] [in all, a person, in a bad mood, can affect, the way, a room feels].

As a result really, presented below, is, an attempt, to show, people [around the world], whom, they can be, when, tin thought (as Muses) [so as to think rightly], and even, when, simply Being [themselves] [do note, all this, is not, limiting, as the, examples, shown below, are, affected, by our, levels, of, expression/communication]. In all, these two, identities, are whom, we are, when, we don't know, whom, we are [at any one moment] [when we are, simply thinking, or just, simply, laying about].

North America: Bacchus and Poseidon

These two gods, are, Roman [in origins], and appear, to be, the best, way, to unite, all, North Americans [very much together] [as in, everyone, is rather, predictable (to some extent)]. Bacchus [Roman dgod], is best, for, North Americans really, as, Muse; Poseidon [or Neptune, as, the Romans called her], is best, for, North Americans, as, simply, Beings.

South America: Voltan and Acan

Voltan and Acan, are both, Mayan gods, who, appear, very much, to best, represent, South Americans [and Cubans], as, Muse, and, Being, respectively. These two gods, are, similar, in nature, to, cartoon characters, seen, in, the X-Men series [with Wolverine, as, Voltan, and, Storm, very much, similar, to, Acan].

Europe: Heracles and Achilles

Both Greek, and both, rather famous, Heracles [as Muse], for, Europeans, and, Achilles [as Being], appear, to very much, match, the, basic two natures, of, Europeans out there.

South East Asia: Vishnu and Ganesha

These two gods, are, in many ways, whom, Southeast, Asians, are, when, they are, Musing [to themselves], and even, when, simply, just, being Beings; in any case really, Vishnu, is, Muse, and, Ganesha, is, Being.

East Asia: Bodhisattva and the Buddha

The Bodhisattva, and, the Buddha, are both, beings, that, East Asians, can, refer to, when, being [very much], as, Muse, and Being; the Bodhisattva, is very much too, a stage, reached, by those, of high, creative powers [as in, being, a Muse], and the Buddha, is whom, East Asians, very much are like, when, at Peace [or simply, Being].

Africa: Dedun and Sekhmet

Both Nubian gods, and both, responsible, once, in many ways, for, making, Nubia, a reknowed, civilization [as in popularity]. Sekhmet, in many ways, is, Nubia [as in, Being], while, Dedun, represents, the Nubian, as, Muse. These two gods, it is believed, will not, only, make, Africa [rather peaceful], but also, very much, unite, White, and Black, Africa.

Middle East: Atum and Wosret

Both Egyptian gods, and both, rather famous, in, Egyptian history. Atum [in Egyptian Mythology], is believed, to have, created, the world, while, Wosret [in many ways], is, responsible, for the moods, atmospheres, and, feelings, associated, with, Ancient Egypt [as in with, everyday life].

In all, what is been said, is that, these, gods, are whom, one, really is, when, they are simply, being, themselves [only expressed/communicated, differently]. If you don't know, whom, you are [here], then, for instance, you can, easily, be scared, by someone, even, with a, stare [or look], due really, to, brainwashing [cowardice, stupidity, fearfulness etc., are all, due, to not, knowing, whom, you are, with regards, to, your, two, basic natures, as, Muse and Being].