Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Art of Living [Bk. 8 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

It is possible, for one, to have, all they need, in Life, and not, really know, how, to live it. They, could have the good home, all the money they need, the Knowledge too, and even, all forms [of opportunity]. Even then, many [probably having this], and also knowing, very much, about, the Stages of Life [as with, the Chakras], might still, not, really know, how, to live through Life [life as an Adventure, Journey etc.]. Clearer steps [really], are needed, to show, people, what can [very well], happen, to them, as they go [out there], to seek out, Life [happen, as in, disaster, or even, unforeseen problems (in general)] [An early death (of someone loved), for example].

Below, we shall attempt, to present, by Region, Lives [lived], and in, many ways, represent, the path, chosen [to live through], by, the peoples, of each, of the Regions [in this too, we shall, associate, each Life lived, with, a certain god (Trickster), that is, believed, to guide people (in general), through, their lives (as with, unforeseen, problems)] [In many ways, these, Trickster gods, are said, to live out, Life, in an unpredictable manner] [Many seeking Glory, and making, exact plans, will find them, derailed, by, certain forces (Trickster, in nature)].

In most ways, the Life plans presented below, [are not] basic [in nature], and represent, very much, great lives, lived [and not, just going, through, the Stages of Life].

North America: Alexander the Great / Reynard the Fox

In many ways, the lives, of, North Americans [in their greatness], can mirror, that, of, Alexander the Great. Being Specialists [by nature], they, like, Alexander, can be called, to [tackle], the most, intricate, of problems. Reynard the Fox, as, Trickster god, is whom, they are, as, they attempt, to seek out, Greatness, in their lives. In all really, they go, through out, Life, similar to [in nature], Alexander the Great.

South America: Simon Bolivar / Eshu

For most, South Americans, it appears, that, a great life, lived, is no, different, from that, of, Simon Bolivar [uniting, the whole, of, South America, and in, many ways, solving, problems seen]. For South Americans [whom are mainly, Leaders and Workers, really], and very much too, inspired, by the Saints, Simon Bolivar, appears, very much, to be, what, a great life, lived, in South America, really is like. Eshu here [as associated, with Capoeira], is not, really, the, Yoruba Orisha [Esu], but in, reality, is of, Native Indian origins, but, in many ways, mirrors, the Yoruba god, Elegba. In many ways, Eshu, is a, Trickster god, responsible, for, many, sudden changes, in ones life [as is often, seen, with the sudden death, with one, of two people, playing, Capoeira] [These things (someone dying, due to a kick), do happen, in, Capoeira circles].

Europe: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Loki

For most Europeans, a great life, lived, is not, too different, from that, of, W.A.Mozart, as their, lives, are about, giving, great performances, at almost, all times. In many ways really, it is, the Life, of a, Messenger, called out, to solve a problem [with time restrictions, to it] [a Mozart composition, is heavily, time based]. The Trickster god, associated, with all this, is, Loki. It is him, who brings about, mysterious changes, in, ones Life [changes, that appear, to have, no meaning].

Africa: Taharqa / Elegba

For most Africans, a great life, lived, is not, too different, from that, of, Taharqa [in many ways, spreading civilization]. With simply, a few men [as close aids], the Life, of Taharqa, is very much, prophetic in nature [as in attempting, to predict, the future], and one, can be called, to do this, just about, anywhere [African Economists, are rather popular figures]. The Trickster god, associated, with such, a Life, is, the Yoruba, Trickster god, Elegba. Elegba, is very much, a god, associated, with, instant creation, and instant destruction [moments of temper, that, can bring down, everything].

South East Asia: Ram / Agni

Ram, should not be, confused, with, Lord Rama, and in, reality, is the name, of, a famed, Hinduism mythological figure. In many ways, great lives [of, South East Asians], have often, mirrored, that, of Ram [in happenings and incidents]. Agni, is a famed, Trickster god, in, Hinduism, whom, in many ways, is, responsible, for various, happenings, in ones life [all, at the same moment]. In many ways, a Trickster god, who could, lead one, into wars [of all kinds].

East Asia: Miyamoto Musashi / Kitsune

Kitsune, is a term, in, Japanese, associated, with Foxes [as Trickster gods]. In many ways, the lives, of, great, East Asians, mirror, that, of, Miyamoto Musashi [as in, looking at, society, and knowing, something, is deeply wrong, but can't be, explained]. In many ways, East Asian societies, have deep, embroiled issues in them, that, can, in many ways, bring about, an, instant collapse [as did happen, in, China once]. Miyamoto Musashi, as, great life lived, is all, about, attempting, to seek out [this, great imbalance] [seeming underneath], and explaining it, to the people. In doing this, the, Japanese Trickster gods [Kitsune], would be, of great help.

Middle East : Saladin / Thoth

For the Middle East [a world, of Theorists], few other [such minds], equate really, Saladin, in, fervour [and interest], as Theorist/Mystic. This is because, he, was [in many ways], a lowly figure, in, the Middle Eastern world, who arises then, to bring about, great changes, to, the region. In many ways, its all about, believing, that, ones theories, are right, and, attempting then, to bring about, changes [from it]. Thoth, as Trickster god, is perfect, for all this, as, in many ways, this, involves, the explaining [to the people], about, ones ideas, as clearly as possible. There are two accounts, of Prophet Muhameds Life; one, is that, he was, Arabian, and the, other, Omani. In reality, the Prophet, was, Omani, but, the tales of him, as, Arabian, are actually, Mythological [in nature], and represent too, the Life, of Saladin [in many ways]. Thoth, brings about, Illumination [with such figures] [as in, perfect understanding, of, ones world].

In all really, one should, realize, that, these figures, do not, represent, Life as lived [by the masses out there], but, actually, great lives lived. Second to that, is knowing that, incidents [of all sorts], happening, in the lives [of these figures], might not, happen, to one, exactly, as in the tales [in many ways, the incidents, will be, similar, in nature (as with, moments of realization)].