Saturday, November 27, 2010

Modernity & the Search for Self-Expression

Jules Verne, is said, to be amongst, one, of the most, widely read, authors, to ever have lived [in the recent times]. His works [often classified], as, Science Fiction, speak [often], of a world, most, find strange, and even, disconcerting. In many ways, they don't, truly understand, the motives [of the characters], seen, in his, works. What appears, to be, confusing [and even disconcerting], to his, many readers, is that, while, his works [purport], to speak, of, a futuristic world, it also, appears [to many], to diverge, away, from, what, some call, Modernity [or even, Modernisation] [In all really, Jules Verne, very much, presents, a future World (modern in its ways), but still, very much, divergent, from, the World seen today (and that, imagined, for tomorrow)]. What exactly, did Jules Verne, have in his mind, when he wrote, his, many works? Why imagine, a world [rather interesting], but still, somewhat, rather, 'offsetting' [one might say]? We shall, in this entry, show that, Jules Verne, was pretty much [on the right track], in forecasting, the future, and that, Modernity [and Modernization theory], in many ways, is the real, 'offset', in the attempt, to create, a Future World [as in structural].

We live, in a World [in many ways], based, very much on, Political Structures (Politics, has in many ways, become, very much, our everyday, existence). To truly understand this, is to, understand, why, most see, the Earth, as a World [and others, as a Planet]. For those viewing, the Earth, as a World, in many ways, view it, from, very much, the kind of, Political based Structures [erected]. In many ways, they view, the Earth, from the preponderance view, of, Modernisation [as in, Electricity, Infrastructure, and even very much, Technology]. For those however, who view, the Earth [as Jules Verne, very much did too], as, a Planet, they tend, to view it, from the perspective, of, Innovation [as in, Climate, Nature, and Lifeforms]. What makes, Modernisation [in many ways], rather different, from, Innovation, is very much, in the, Political based structures, erected. In many ways, Modernisation, becomes, rather popular [in very recent times], due, very much, to, Japan [and its, Meiji Modernisation era] [In all really, it is Japan, that has helped, cement, 'the fact', that, Modernisation, does work] [This is especially true too, due, to its huge role, in creating/producing, technological marvels (of all sorts)].

In many ways though, Modernisation, has failed, due really, to a general lack, of understanding, of what, Political structures, are all about. In many ways, we can say, that, at the heart, of all (most), Political structures, are the elements, of, Help, Aid and Assistance; [that, in many (if not all), ways, Political structures, exist, to help, aid, and assist, others]. What we do find though, with Modernisation, is that, it (in many ways), is really, an, attempt, to escape, from, Nature, Climate, and Lifeforms (seen). That these three, are viewed, as rather, dangerous elements [and threatening (or predatory) in nature, and must really (not be fought), but avoided, at all costs]. Innovation on the otherhand, has mainly, been about, attempting, to create existence really, by uncovering, what, really constitutes, Help, Aid, and Assistance [in that, these three, are at the heart, of beginning, just about, anything] [In all really too, knowing, that any, kind of, problem, can be, resolved, by defining, these, three elements (help, aid, and assistance), rather well].

In all, Modernisation, has resulted, in what they call, Centralization; [Centralization, is a mode, of Governance, based highly, on, Rights, and very much, rule too (law), by, a few (or even one)]. In all really, with, Modernisation [and Centralization], once, it has been, agreed on [even brainwashed into one], that, Climate, Nature, and Lifeforms, are a threat, to ones, existence, then, a new way, of, living, based on, escaping these, and highly too, based on, Governance (to make it all work), has come, into existence. In all really, Centralization (is a rather), rigid way, of rule [existence], and in many ways too, goes against, our, very own, basic natures [and especially, with regards, to what, some, call, the Selfish Gene].

With Innovation though [and the technical World, that Jules Verne envisioned] (Centralization, is not, technical in nature, but rather, Scientific) [What, mainly, separates (physically really), Modernisation/World, from, Innovation/Planet, is very much, in how, reality/the physical, is manifested; With Modernisation, one sees, the preponderance, of, the Scientific Process, while, Innovation, sees, the popularity, of, Disciplines (as with, Operations Research)], (With Innovation though), one finds that, at the heart, of it all, is, the need, for, Self-Expression, and especially too, with regards, to, the Selfish Gene. What is, at the heart, of, Innovation though, is very much, how, they view, their, realities (as with the Selfish Gene). In many ways, this really refers, to the general lack, of, Self-Expression (permissible), and the attempts, to overcome this, by, very much, seeing, oneself, with regards, to, Spatial Locality [Space inhabited] [In all really, what motivates, 'immigrants', to move around]. In all really, one finds that, Spatial Locality [and the lack, of, Self-Expression], really, refers too, the inability, to move, in one, of, the 6 major points, of, the Cartesian Coordinate system. What this really means, is that, the, inability, to express, oneself, in any, of these, directions/points, leads one, to, viewing, the Planet, in several ways [and modes].

Is the Earth Flat?

The question of whether, the Earth is flat, has been, pondered, by many, thinkers, over the centuries. In all really, there are many, questions, as to, the very shape (and nature), of the, Earth, especially, with the growing, popularity, of the belief, of Reality, manifesting, in the form, of, Holographic Universes. But to make something, philosophically interesting [rather normal], we find, that, historically, people have viewed, the Earth, as being, Flat (land and water), Circular (as with a Globe), Lateral (as with a map), Axial (as in imagining, the center, of the Earth), and other two models, never really, popularized [the Earth, as a Map, folded, along, Latitudinal lines, and also, the Earth, as a Map, folded along, Longitudinal lines] [both these models, have never really, been, studied]. In many ways, the reasons, for, viewing, the Earth [as like], has to do really, with the inability, to, express, oneself [as with the Selfish Gene], in any, of the, 6 positions, of the Cartesian Coordinate system. As examples really, those limited, in moving, Frontwards (as with Self-Expression), tend, in many ways [when facing a problem], to view, the Earth, as Axial (in nature). Those limited, from moving, to the Side (as with, the Right), tend, to view, the Earth, as being, Flat (and filled, with, Land, and Water). Those limited, in moving, to the Side (as with Left), tend, to view, the Earth, as being, Circular. Those limited, in moving, Upwards (as with Self-Expression too), tend, to view, the Earth, as being, Lateral (and a Map) [this model, is rather popular too, in the, Centralized/Modernisation World, as most, problems in it, have, to do, with moving, Upwards].

All this, might be hard, to fully, understand/see [and explain], but, Jules Verne, did attempt, to do this, via, many, of his works, and especially, in his, five most popular reads:

A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Axial)
From Earth to the Moon (Lateral)
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (Flat)
Around the World in 80 Days (Circular)
The Mysterious Island (Longitudinal folded Map, and Self-Expression, limited, Backwards)

[In all really, the way, people, actually view, the Earth, is based, not only, on the lack, of, Self-Expression, but also, very much, how, they have been, reared, with regards, to, Self-Expression itself] [In general, if one has always, been limited, from moving, Backwards, they tend, to view, the Earth, as being, Mysterious (and even threatening)]

However really, what makes, Jules Verne, a rather, interesting read, is not only, in the gestures (of Self-Expression), but also, very much too, issues, of, Help, Aid and Assistance, that arise [due to the rather, interesting, problems faced]. In many ways, the way, a Society, is generally structured [as in what, is, permissible Self-Expression], leads, to, different kinds, of, Management Systems [problem based], that arise, to deal, with, issues/problems [as with, Help, Aid, and Assistance] [In all really, limiting, Self-Expression, in any one direction, leads, to seeking out, Help, Aid, and Assistance, from, Political Structures]. As mentioned before, different Management Systems [Political based structures really], have arisen, to deal, with, the kinds, of, problems faced, that arise, due, to the limiting, of, Self-Expression, in any, of the, 6 directions, mentioned. Those, facing limitations, in moving Upwards [Lateral Earth], tend to develop, Management Systems, that are, Hierarchical [in nature]. Those limited, in moving, to the Side (Left) [Circular Earth], tend to develop, Management Systems, that are proscribed, as being, 'Three-tier Management systems'. Those limited, in moving, to the Side (Right) [Flat Earth], tend to develop, Management Systems, that are, proscribed, as, 'Matrix Management' (Decentralized and Network based). Those limited, in moving, Frontwards (Axial Earth), tend to, develop, Management Systems, that are, rather similar, to, Computer Organization. These Management Systems, are rather, popularly theorized today, and hints of them [and their making], can be seen, in the works, of, Jules Verne above [in all, one should realize (and remember too), that, these Management Systems, very much, have to do, with, seeking out, Help, Aid, and Assistance (in all, their forms)].

[In the World today, Self-Expression, is mainly, limited, due, to a lack, of, access, to Help, Aid and Assistance (as with, Political structures), mainly due, to, Centralization (Governance), and also, very much too, the Establishment (as too, with regards to, resource access), and in all, Feminist societies]

Periodicity and the Subconscious:

Periodicity, is very much, a term, associated, with the concept, of, Periodic Time. In many ways, it speaks of, breaks [in change], within, a time period. What however, brings about, this, change, has never, truly, been theorized, by most; it is simply, said, to happen [as with the term, periodic changes]. In many ways really, Periodicity [and Periodic Time too], is never really, an Individual matter, and is associated, with, Group Formations, of all kinds. In many ways, what is been said, is that, Periodicity [as with Group Formations], is really associated, with [the concepts], of, Curses, Doom, and Agitations [in that, perceiving, any of this, about, to happen (especially, as with, Agitation), brings about, a, periodic change, in 'activity']. This is not, all too easy [to see], with the exception, of, Agitations [as in being, restless, due to, a rather, long, lecture]. As said before, it is all about, Group Identity/Formations, and what, one finds really, is that, Group Identities, are sometimes, very much, defined, by the bad/ill luck, that befalls, the members, of a Group [as with Curses, Doom, and Agitations]. In many ways too really, one finds that, this ill/bad luck, is very much, Subconscious (in nature), as it, can very well much be passed along, by, procreation and, longstanding interactional behaviour [within a group] [Schooling, in many ways today, mainly, teaches people, how to create, group formations, and interact, within them] [Most who go through, a rigid schooling curriculum, eventually discover (or simply find themselves), only, able, to interact, within, certain group formations, and very much too, discussing, only, certain issues].

In many ways too, one finds that, when, Periodic changes [do occur], what, is often, sought, out, is, Help, Aid or Assistance [in one form, or another] [as in, with, a break, in a, lecture, and the possible, seeking, to stretch, be in the sun, or even, drink, some water].

In the past really, while, various Group Formations (Political Structures) [as in too, Management Systems], might have been, created, to deal, with, Periodic changes, in many ways too really, Periodicity [one finds], was regulated, by, avoiding Periodic changes, very much, caused, by, Curses, Doom, and Agitations [why this is so, is because, Periodic changes, caused, by such mentioned, often, requires, (lots perhaps), of, Energy/Power, to rectify] [Long meetings, might lead, to, a long sleep].

In all really, what one does find, is that, in, the past, Political Structures [and Management Systems], were not, ubiquitous, in peoples, everyday existence [as people sought, to heavily moderate, the consumption of, Energy/Power, based on, the lives, they lived] [The consumption, of, Energy/Power here, really refers, to, their usage, as with regards, to seeking out, help, aid, or assistance]. This moderation, was too, very much, based on, the Wellness, of a people [that is, attempting, to defeat, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Tiredness, and even, Weakness, based on, the proper regulation, of a Body's, Energy consumption] [In all, Periodicity, also, very much, has to do, with, regulating, the Wellness, of, the Human Body] [This also refers, to making, Periodic time periods, rather long].

In the past, regulating/moderating, the, Human Body's, Energy consumption, has traditionally, been done, by, Women [in many societies]. This though, is a rather, old model, of, moderating, the body's [energy consumption], and at, its core really, is, moderating, the 4 basic instincts, seen, in us all: Hunger, Humour, Sleep and Sex.

Hunger Instinct: In the past, women, regulated, the Hunger instinct, by, food cooked [in all, good food, to preserve, the body's, energy levels]. In recent times though, the Hunger Instinct, is not, only moderated, by newer forms, of food (as with, snacks), but also, very much too, by, a set of activities, that people, like, to engage in [in all, it is moderated too, by what, we like, and dislike (to do)] [People who love to read for instance, might find themselves, not as hungry, as others (often)].

Humour Instinct: The Humour Instinct (for men especially), was preserved, by, their need, to be, acquainted, with womenfolk. In all, most men know (and acknowledge), that, a Feminine presence, is sometimes, required, to keep, ones energy levels, up (and in general, maintain, a state, of, excitement, and even, enthusiasm). This is because, the Earth, does have, all kinds, of, Energy currents, flowing in/around it, and too, that, women, are more, perceptible, to these, energy currents, and simply, being around, a woman, raises up, ones, energy levels, and wellness too (all this, as long, as her, Feminine state, is positive). In many ways though, this too, is not, really, necessary, as long, as one, understands, the, Energy currents, one can, tap into, simply, by knowing, about, their existence (as in, their helping one, develop, Periodicity) [Women today, and at times, in the past, defined, Periodicity, for society]. Different regions, in the world, are more or less, strongly, connected, to certain, energy currents [and even, sources]. We shall, below, attempt, to state this, and also, say, that, different peoples, in different regions, develop Periodicity, based on, these, energy currents:

North America: Season/Seasonal changes
South America: Winds [ebb and flow]
Europe: Venus (planet) and different, kinds, of the Moon
Africa: Geothermal currents
Southeast Asia: Ocean tides
East Asia: the Sun (as with, brightness & heat)
Middle East: Astral bodies (as with comets)

What is been said, is that, all these, energy currents/sources, be studied, with, regards really, to, all forms, of, Periodicity [and that, this, Periodicity, be co-adapted, into, the lives, of human populations, as with Regions].

Sleep Instinct: The Sleep Instinct, in many ways, had to do, with, all kinds, of, Plannings and routines. In many ways, knowing, when to do them [for instance, read a book, at midnight, or go, to sleep]. In the past, this kind, of, plannings/routines, was very much, regulated, by, women [based on, the availability, of light (in all its forms)]. In todays world (as with the past really), one finds that, keeping Time, is at best, based on, certain, Time References (Zones), that differ, with, different regions. Is it better, for a resident, of Canada, to live, by, Greenwich Mean Time, or, Pacific Standard Time. In all, what is been said, is that, clocks, in different regions, would best, be programmed, by, different, time zones, as with, regards, to energy levels [that in, some places, many, feel, rather tired, in the morning periods, and alive, in the night] [In all, what is been said, is that, Time (as with, thoughts, principles and practises), manifests differently, in different, Time Zones; and that too, certain, Time References (Zones), bide well, for, certain people, than, others, with regards, to, the Sun (as presence), and (thoughts, principles, and activities)]. In many ways (all this, probably difficult, to see), is that, what is really, been said, is that, different regions, of, the world, might do well, to base, their time, on, different Time Zones/References, and the realities, that spring up, based on, the Time (itself), the presence of the Sun, and (thoughts, principles, and practises), thought up. Below, are such possible, reliable, Time Zones:

North America: Mountain Standard Time
South America: Pacific Standard Time
Europe: Greenwich Mean Time
Africa: Central European Time
South East Asia: Eastern European Time
East Asia: Moscow Standard Time
Middle East: Western European Time

Sex Instinct: With the Sex Instinct, in many ways, it is all about, defining, Time units [of all kinds]. For instance, what constitutes, a second, or even, an hour. In many ways, defining too, nearly, all forms, of, measurement, used, in a region/place [as with regards really, to dealing, with, all forms, of, disagreements]. In many ways, one finds that, different, Time Standards, do exist, with, regards, to defining, Time Units (of all sorts). In many ways too, one finds, that, different, Time Standards, suit, different, Regions/Places, of the world;

North America: Barycentric Dynamical Time Standard
South America: Ephemeris Time (ET) Time Standard
Europe: Greenwich Meridian Time Standard
Africa: Sidereal Time Standard
South East Asia: Universal Time (UT1) Time Standard
East Asia: Universal Time (UT0) Time Standard
Middle East: Universal Time (UTC) Time Standard

In many ways, one must recognize, that, different, Time Standards, influence, all kinds, of, Standardization (seen in society), and also, very much, defining, nearly, all forms, of, measurement.