Sunday, November 14, 2010

Horus Rising

Horus, is the name, of, the Egyptian god, also known as, Harpocrates, to the Greeks. Horus, in many ways though, was, associated, with initiationary rites, that, in many ways too, defined, Greek life. Greek life, as mentioned before, was based, heavily, on Fate; in many ways, Greeks, lived, their lives [not only], to enjoy it [to the max], but to also, very much, live it, to the fullest. In many ways, Greek Life, was based, on, the Occidental [as in with, personal history, touch, aspirations]. In many ways though, the Greeks, did it differently too, living, a life, where, Death, was very much, around, the corner, and a Life too, very much, characterized, by, Betrayal, Ridicule, and even, Abandonment [as with Odysseus]. In many ways, Greek life, was, characterized, by Love [in that, Helles, was the most, beautiful place, in the whole, wide world] [Greeks in all, wanted, to live life, forever, but Fate though, was, always, around the corner].

In these olden times [very much forgotten], all youth, underwent, certain, initiatory rites, to, prepare them, for Life. These initiatory rites, were, heralded, by Harpocrates, and in, many ways, were, supposed, to open up [these youths], Third Eye, in such a manner, that, they felt, deeply connected, to the Earth [this is rather, hard, to explain, but, these, initiatory rites, were similar, to circumcision rites, in that, they made one, aware, of a presence, greater, than life itself (as in, God Almighty)] [These rites, using Harpocrates, differed, from other, similar, Egyptian rites, that did, a, similar thing, in, opening, the Third Eye] [in all, the Egyptian opening, of the Third Eye, had to do, with, neuromelanin issues (as in, new intelligences)].

What made, these, initiatory rites [all different from each other though], important, is that, they, dealt [3 of them], with issues, of, Death, with regards, to, Mockery, being Forsook, and Desperation [what this means, as humans (born), and without, having, gone, through, any initiatory rites, we are all, very, sensitive, to mockery, being forsook, and desperation] [Initiatory rites, making us, aware, of a, higher presence (as in God Almighty), have us, not caring, too much (if at all), for mockery, being forsook, or desperation]. These initiatory rites [3 in number], were often, associated, with, certain elements [which believed, changed one], on contact, with them [within, these, initiatory rites]. These elements, were very much: Iron, Silver and Zinc [this all, is rather, difficult, to explain, but bear with us].

There is another, way, of explaining, these, initiatory rites [taking place at different times (as even, with age)], and in, other, civilizations, were associated, with, Virginity (as in breaking it), Love (and Heartbreak), and finally, Marriage (and crushed hearts). In the olden days, Virginity, was broken, under, certain, initiatory rites [this though, not, in Greece or Egypt]. These rites, were, supposed, to have [males atleast], have, a certain, experience, that connected them, to, God Almighty [somewhat]. This experience, very much, based, on, penile penetration [of a woman], was associated, with, a certain feeling, similar, to being, touched, with Silver [in all, what is been said, is that, penile penetration, was met, by, a certain, feeling, similar, to being, touched, with Silver] [In all, if you have had sex, and never, experienced, this feeling, you are still, very much, Virginal, and sensitive, to Mockery for instance]. Another experience, was based on, experiencing, Heartbreak [as in a Love relationship], and in all, based on, experiencing, Betrayal [and being Forsook] [this experience, was associated, in, initiatory rites, with Iron]. Finally, you had, Marriage, which was, capable, of having one, experience [a crushed Heart], and in, many ways too, one becoming, totally desperate [and even, having, deep feelings, of, Abandonment (loneliness)]. Initiatory rites, associated, with these feelings, were associated, with, feelings, similar to those, aroused, by, Zinc [as with, wedding rings too]. In many ways, what these, initiations [and associated feelings], were about, was, that, in many ways, one, was not, ready, to die, unless, one, had experienced, these feelings [if one, experienced them all, early in life, one, could die young] [if one died, earlier, one felt, they had very much, wasted, their lives].

Greece [as with Egypt], were, Civilizations, that, in many ways, were based, on, great inspiration [as with Horus, and the Muses]. The two [mentioned], did not, give out, mediocre dreams, to the populace [of both Civilizations], and, in many ways, both, Civilizations, expected, their people, to live Great lives [this is rather, not too, difficult, to explain, as with, Greece]. In Greece, Muses, were responsible, for, giving, Greeks, great inspirations, such that, at the end, of their lives, they had, very much, attained alot [in todays world, most really, don't know, what, to seek out, with, regards, to levels, of attainment/success] [At what level really, can, success reach? For many, today, unlike, in the past, success, is rather, at a very, low level (as in, material ownership)]. With the Greeks though, everyone, was supposed, to aim, for, certain levels, of Success [attainment]: Titans, Olympians, Mortals, Greats, and finally, Gods [as in Living God (Tutankhamun)]. Getting to any, of these, levels, was almost, a great difficulty, and one, had to, do, something, great, to become, any, of the above mentioned. This again, is rather, hard, to explain, in that, the Greeks, lived, very much, in a universe, and not, a realm [or world]. What this means, is that, Realms [Worlds], very much, deal, with issues, of, Betrayal, Ridicule, and, Abandonment [as with regards, to having, no problems, in ones life] [Those living, in, realms, seek out (very much), problem free, environments]. Greece, as a universe, was very much, different though. Even, at a young, age, Greece, had attained, great, achievements [atleast, in Architecture], and had, transformed, Life, to one, of living, in a universe [as in, they no longer, dealt, with issues, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment (as most understand them)]. Instead, the Greeks, lived, a life, where, Death, was always, around, the corner, and very much, experienced, Life, in the form of, Brushes (with Death) [Betrayal], Caresses (of Death) [Abandonment], and, Near Touches (of Death) [Ridicule]. In all, Life [and Civilization], were at, a higher level, than most, today, can really understand [most Greek Tragedies though, can help one, somewhat, understand this] [In many ways, most, civilizations, out there, have come, to lower, levels, of existence, as with regards, to, realms, and universes].

It is in Europe, where one, sees, Civilization, coming down, one, level, of existence, and in, many ways too, redefining, life, in ways unexpected. For instance, one sees, that, many, of the, initiatory rites [of the old world], are abandoned, in one way, or another [including those, dealing, with, Mockery, being Forsook, and Desperation]. What you see instead, is a, whole new form, of existence, arising, based, very much, on, culture [in many ways, Mockery/Ridicule, is dealt with, by, Manners (and etiquette), of all kinds; being Forsook/Betrayal, with all, new kinds, of, Social formations, and, Desperation/Abandonment, with, a culture, of great materiality] [In most ways, the Europeans (and most of, todays, world populace), would never, have been, able, to survive, in Greece] [The Greeks, on the otherhand, dealt, with all this, via, all kinds, of, Drama]. In all though, this does, not mean, that, Life, in Europe [was pitiful], but that, it was, rather different, in that, the people, had to overgrow, issues, of being, mocked, forsook, and, desperation [issues, in many ways, difficult, to overcome (as in, holding a grudge, for all, ones life)]. In many ways too, God Almighty (his worship), was replaced, by, real life Symbols (and Signs), of Power, Might and Authority [in all, Structures, of all kinds, were created, based, on the worship, of, God Almighty, by a Priesthood].

In a world [or Europe], gone crazy [as it often did], violence, could be, of the worst kind [as people, driven, by, Infantalism (mockery, being forsaken, or desperation), can do, the worst, of crimes] [rapes, maimings, mob lynchings etc.], were all, very much, unheard of, in, Greece [where though, instant death, was very much, around, the corner].

In all really too, one finds that, Life, today, has taken, on, another dimension, as most, are rather, too timid, to live out, Life. All this, due really, to people [all over], being raised, very much, as, Infantiles [and prone, to the worst, of, actions/violence, by simple, trigger mechanisms]. In many ways, what is been said, is that, most, are too, cowardly, to live out Life, as issues, of, Mockery/Ridicule, Forsakeness/Betrayal, and, Desperation/Abandonment, tend, to overtake, just about, any thought, they have [in all, we live, in worlds, were, the majority, are not, taught, any ways really, of dealing, with all this]. In many ways, Life, is very much, a prison, for most, as, they sit back, and simply await, for all lights [to turn green], before, chasing, their dreams [in all, they are too timid (as they somewhat, should be), with regards, to, the sensitive feelings, associated with, Infantilism]. As one can see, in, the Greek world, they dealt with, Mockery, Foresakeness and Desperation, via, Initiations, and with, elements, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment, via, Dramas [of all kinds] [People in general, were (prepared for Life)] [Today though, being prepared for Life, means, getting, an education, and atleast, learning, the 3 R's: arithmetic, writing, and reading].

In the Arthurian times, people, were raised, in societies, where, they never really, experienced, any, mockery, foresakeness, and even, desperation [in all, the raising, of, healthy, human beings]. Issues though, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment, were basically, thought out [and resolved as one saw fit] [In many ways, the Law, was based on, God Almighty, as with, regards, to these issues]. The Gnostic Christ [associated, with the, Holy Grail mysteries], arose really, to help, the people, deal, with these issues, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment. In other parts, of, the Medieval world, the Holy Mass [as in, the worship, of, Horus and Isis], was practiced, as it was, a Mass, that also, had, people, dealing, with issues, of, Mockery/Ridicule etc. In other parts, of the world [as in Byzantine], Missions [or schools really], associated, with, Simon Magus [and even, the Byzantine Jesus], arose, with, knowledge, to help, the masses, deal, with issues, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment [some of these schools, had, works, that had one, reading them (as in conditioning), all the time, so as, to make one, a perfect believer, with, regards, to Self-Belief] [These works, are similar in nature, to what, you see, in, the 'Tales of the Dervishes', with Idries Shah].

In all really, what is been said, is that, most, today, are totally, unprepared, for Life. In all most, deal, with, Infantile issues [as with, mockery, foresakness, and desperation], all their lives, and even worse, discover, sooner, that, they have, NO RIGHTS, with, regards, to, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment [most laws, in place today, deal, with what, one, calls, Prohibitions (as in, Prevention Measures)] ["Don't do this", scenarios]. In many ways, one finds, that, they are, totally defenceless, in Life, and in many ways, only, those, knowledgeable, in triggering, others, or protected, by, security systems, have, any kind, of, power. I do not, really, know, how to say this, other than, that, the average human, today, is very much, like, an animal-like primate [in most ways, this means, that, most, take out, their, Mockery/Ridicule (etc.), issues, on others, and especially, those, they perceive, as being, weak/defenceless]. In all really, Total Courage, can only, be gained, by dealing, with, Infantilism, and also, very much, issues, of, Ridicule, Betrayal, and Abandonment [as in, understanding them] [On doing this, one will then, recognize, the meaning, of the 'Purpose Driven Life', or, for those, at higher levels, of existence, Muses (or Horus) and greater aspirations].