Monday, November 15, 2010

Racial Consciousness

We live, in a world, where, Racial Consciousness [as with regards, to, Racial Identities], can never, truly, be, overcome. In many ways, our, Racial Identities, are, responsible, for how, we, perceive, Order [in our societies], and also, very much, basic intelligence [and manners]. Attempts, to build, bridges, between, different, Racial groups, have often, failed, as some, have, deep, ingrained thoughts [not really of others], but of, whom, they are [in a way they like]. Asking others, to be, accepting, of one [even, when lacking, basic manners], or, simply, accepting, conditions, imposed, by Governments [in a search, for, equality], does not, do much, for Racial harmony. Instead, one finds that, many of the, problems, associated, with, Racial Consciousness, were solved, back, in the day [unknowingly to most].

[Racial Consciousness (as should be mentioned), not only, has, to do, with, Racial Identities (as with, Feminine law, Law, Art etc.), but also, the, very fact, that, these identities, do, truly exist, and, do, represent, innate superiority/inferiority, between, groups] [One, cannot, simply say, that, all Americans, are, similar, to, Benjamin Franklin, due to, many stating, that, he was (simply), American].

In the past, Racial Consciousness, was, dealt with, in, several ways; interestingly enough, these, ways, were developed, during, the, Ages of Reason [and Enlightenment], and were, simply, a way, for, different peoples, to, interact, with each other. These ways, have, historically, been, termed, Traditions [as in, Beliefs, Customs, Laws & Practices]. It was, Traditions really, that, allowed, different kinds, of, people, to interact, with, each other, as especially, with, regards, to, Regional spaces. What constitutes, Traditions, can somewhat, be, summarized below:

Customs: Courtesies, Cordiality, Politeness
Laws: Chivalry, Modesty, Courtliness
Practices: Celebrations, Festivals, Gatherings
Beliefs: Fairness, Decency, Fidelity

The above, can be said, in general, to be, what, constitutes, Traditions, in all, their entirety [all, though, can be, interpreted, rather, creatively (and culturally too)].

In most ways though, all these [as in Traditions], have been, replaced, by, other structures, that, in many ways, are, rather, discriminative [and giving rise], to, vehement, Racial Consciousness. In many ways, these, structures, seem, rather divisive, and are, the cause, of many, a problem [termed national], within, a country, or region. In all, what you do see, is that, Traditions, have been, replaced [not necessarily erroneously], by, the following:

Customs: Local/National Media. In many ways, Media, that does not, attempt really, to bring people, together, but, in many ways, reports, different kinds, of, people, to each other [in many ways, this is how (for instance), different, Ethnicities, learn, about, each other] [In many ways too, this reporting, is, similar, to being, a tell-tale, and somewhat, talking, bad, of another].

Laws: Militaries/Defence systems. Lots of money, is used, by, most governments [out there], to build up, a, Defence system [and militaries too], in many ways, which, most, never really, use. In many ways too, Militaries [and Defence], are very much, associated, with what, they call, Judicial Law, and are, used, for much more, than simply, invading, other countries [even, neighbouring]. In most ways too, Judicial Law, is, the Law, that, members, of a Region, should all, be, totally aware of, as, it is, the Law, that can, spark, all kinds, of, outbreaks [from riots (Courtliness issues), to Disease outbreaks (Modesty issues)].

Practices: Ministries [and Local Government]. Ministries, and, Local government, are, in many ways, associated, with, all kinds, of, Culture-based Practices [such as, Graduations (Gatherings), Public Meetings (Gatherings), Protests (Gatherings), and all, such, other, likely events]. In many ways, they work, backwards [somewhat], to ensure, that, these, Practices, all occur [Gatherings, Festivals, and Celebrations, should be, interpreted, from all, their, entirety (as with, a food truck, showing up)].

Beliefs: Governmental organizations. Governmental organizations, deal, with, Beliefs, with regards, to, offering, all kinds, of, help [or assistance], that, any group, of, peoples, might need. Governmental organizations here, includes, Government Offices, such as those, associated, with, State Agencies, Public Forums [as in Meets], and even, Policing efforts.

In all really, one finds that, none really, of these, structures [set up], to replace, Traditions, really, function, that well [anywhere, out there]. Many [who live, in a Region, for instnace], even feel, Alien, on entering, a Government Office [of some kind], to ask, for help. However, many problems, that, face, many Regions [out there], can easily, be, resolved, by an, understanding, of, Traditions [from Immigration (illegal), to, Trade barriers, and even, Security issues] [All these, in many ways, are, People based problems, and should, have, the People, at, their heart (as with, regards, to solutions)].

Below though, will be given, several, inspirations really, that, different regions [around the world], can turn to, with regards, to, Traditions. These examples given, are in, many ways, deemed right, and are, examples, of, Civilizations, that each, Region, can turn to, for, Inspiration, with regards, to, creating, Traditions [an accompanying text, is also, given, as a, probable read, for all, citizens, of a Region]:

North America: Aztec Civilization

The Aztecs, are believed, in many ways, to have been, the, oldest civilization, to ever, influence, North America. Their culture, is still, very much, prominent,in, America, although, today, very much too, disregarded. Popular American Folklore [such as, the Tales, of, Uncle Remus], are actually, of, Aztec origins, and not, African-American, as many believe [or even presuppose]. In all really, most, American Folklore, believed, African, is actually, of, Aztec origins. Below too, are given, two, 'Example texts', that can, be used, as, a basis, of forming, North American Traditions, as have, been seen, before [lots of, American Literature, is actually, based on, Traditions] [in this way, it tends, to, drastically, differ, from, European lit (which is, rather cultural)].

Example text: Honey, Hush!: An Anthology of African American Womens Humour (Darly Cumber Dance); A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore (Harold Courlander)

South America: The Inca Civilization

The Incas, are believed, to best, represent, South American, Traditions, as many, of the, Traditions [seen there], are of, Native Indian American, origins, and in, many ways, many, Native Indian groups [there], have, similar Traditions, to, the Incas. An Example text, that could, be, of use [with regards to all this], is given, below. In many ways really, these, Traditions, are still, very much, in place, in, South America.

Example text: American Indian Myths and Legends (Richard Erdoes)

Europe: Ancient Greece (Helles)

The Greeks, are believed, to be, the best, Civilization, for Europeans, all over, to formulate, Traditions from. In many ways, this will, help, build bridges, between, different, Europeans [as with Trade issues] [and in general too, increasing, Trade], and also, very much, fight, all forms, of, discriminative practises, often common, in Europe, to just, about, anyone, out there [Cultural discriminative practises, and not, really, Institutional] [Living in Europe, can be ,hard, for outsiders, as they, can, heavily, be, ostracized, with regards even, to, human contact (and culture)] [Greece, appears, to have been, the, only civilization, in Europe to ever, have, united, different groups, of People].

Example text: Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)

South East Asia: The Indus Civilization

The Indus [probably the oldest, Civilization, in India], is probably, the best, Civilization, for, Indians, to base, their, Traditions on. The Indus people, were, of, Egyptian origins [and of, the, Egyptian Art world]. India today, faces, lots, of problems [Nationally], due, to the manifestation, of, new Traditions, that are, at the heart, of, many problems, in, India. These Traditions, are, the creation, of, Jew/Jewish people [Middle Eastern Art world], in India. They have, in many ways, made, India today, Westernized [to the detriment of all]. India, as a result, has, fallen apart. The best way, to remold it, is, to, return it, to, its olden day, Traditions, that, in many ways too, made, India, not only, a great, Civilization, but one, totally, memorable, in nature. No good, Example texts [could be found], as with, origins, in India, but, a suitable one, has been, found, and in, many ways, actually believed, to be of, Indian origins [and not Chinese].

Example text: Outlaws of the Marsh (Shi Na'ian)

East Asia: Chinese Civilization

The Chinese Civilization, is probably, the, most eminent, in, the whole, East Asian region, and, also, very much, the, most, varied. China [being very varied (as with, human populations)], is, home, to all, kinds, of, Traditions, traditionally used, to unite, all, different kind, of, Chinese folk. In many ways, Traditions, were at, the, backbone, of, Chinese Civilization itself, and one, cannot, speak, of, Chinese Civilization, without basically, speaking of, its Traditions [in short really, they were, everything] [as with regards too, to, political institutions].

Example text: Journey to the West (Wu Cheng'en)

Africa: Ancient Nubia

In many ways, Ancient Nubia, is, best, as, Civilization, for Africa, with regards, to, creating, Traditions, to live by, in Africa. This is mainly, because, African Life, is rather, different [in nature], from, Life, out there [else where], and in, many ways, most, find it, more or less, like an, outwardly experience, living, African Life. An Example text, has been, given, below, and is based, on, the Bible, as the Bible, is, the most, popular [and widely read], book, in Africa, with, regards, to Traditions [Africa, has heavily, been shaped, by, the Bible, with, regards, to all forms, of, Traditions (and especially Beliefs)]. The Bible, presented below, has been, somewhat, re-written, and presented really, from, the perspective, of, Traditions [rather than, the cultural] [it is, a, different Bible, and most, will, notice this, rather, immediately; all written, for, an African audience, and appearing, too, to be, of, Bantu origins].

Example text: The African Bible

Middle East: Ancient Egypt

Best Civilization really, for, the Middle East, as they, have, never quit really, being, Egyptian, with, regards, to Traditions [in many ways, it is this, that, makes, the Middle East, feel, Egyptian, and olden too] [Even, the manner of speech used, in, the Middle East, is, rather, Egyptian, in nature].

Example text: The Shanahmeh (Abolqasem Ferdowsi)

(The Shanameh, is actually, Egyptian, and not, of, Persian origins)