Thursday, November 18, 2010

In the name of the father.........

Whats in a name? For most out there, its probably (today), an aesthetic factor. In many ways, Names, are used, for nothing more, than, to present, oneself, desirably, to another. In many ways, our names, influence, many things, about us; from the way, we act, to the way, we do things, to even, the way, we think [as with, expressiveness/communicability]. Our names, matter alot [more than most think], and parts, of, the efforts, surrounding, Neo-colonialism, have always,had to do, with re-naming things [as Names, are very much, sources, of Ideals].

How we create, names, would be, a matter, of, interest to most. Names [usually], have an Air to them [this means, they evoke, certain, feelings, and Nuances]. In more ways than one, your name, can make you, feel, inferior, or even, superior. Names, are complicated [as they come, in, many forms]. A Name, can simply be, a name [as in, referrer], a label, a moniker, a title [of sorts], a term [as in explaining], and even, a sign [India (for instance), is really, a Name, signifying, a sign (often, associated, with, Hanuman), but was, redefined, into, being, a term (very much associated, with its, Imperialism history)].

How names are created, are not [only really], with, regards, to Cultural Identities, but also, very much, with, regards, to symbolizing God [God here, refers, to, God as Consciousness]. In many ways, when we say, that, God [is Consciousness], we very much, mean, that God, is often, actually, represented, by a single Word/Name. In many ways too, God [as Consciousness], is often (too), represented, in various pictorial representations. Seven of these, are rather, popular (around the world), and, actually, come, from different, regions, of the world e.g. God as Light, God as Sound/Voice, God as Divine Breathe [and other such examples]. However, each of these representations, of God (as Consciousness), is actually, associated, with, a name [that everybody, deems, rather holy]. Some of these, names, are for instance, Eloah, Bhagwaan, Amen [and other such likes]. These names [in many ways], represent, what is most, holy, amongst, a people/group/etc. Anything else, deemed, holy, is said, to manifest, from, the name [this means, that all, names (associated with a group), should evoke, the same, feelings/nuances, as the Name, of, God (as Consciousness)]. In many ways, names chosen, help us, in, our evolution [a successful lawyer, would not, call himself (for instance), 'Tomtom'] [In many ways too, Tomtom, does not, symbolize/signify, anything, holy (as with feelings)] [In all, a stupid name].

In all really, what is been said, is that, there, is one source [the Name of God (as Consciousness)], that is, the inspiration (as too, with feelings/nuances), for all, other words, that people speak out [for instance, in a Language] [See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil] [All this, helps, the people, in knowing, if what, they speak about, is, Godly (or not Godly)].

The names, we choose for ourselves, not only, influence, our, communications/expression skills [as in, physical, people, and lingual skills], but also, very much too, our, Self-Image [racial slurs, and epithets, often, fit, a certain, physical image]. In many ways too, most, out there, are very much trapped [in their lives], by, their Ancestry; this, in many ways [does not refer], to their, current situations, but, very much, the names, they have been, given [or have, given themselves] [i.e. are they holy/honourable, or simply, some kind, of, descriptor, of whom, they are]. With the proper name [e.g. Marquise de Sade], and believing in it, one, can achieve, far more, in Life, than calling oneself, 'Tomtom'.

What will be attempted below, is to give, people, descriptors [of God (as Consciousness)], seen, in many, regions, around the world, and hopefully, will serve, as, an inspiration, in knowing, whether, they are Godly [in name], or not. Our names [including, labels and monikers], make us, or, break us [in the Lives we live]. In many ways, choose, your name(s) carefully. In all really too, names, can be, simply, labels, monikers, a name, or even, titular [in nature] [as with, calling oneself, Ram]. If you want, to start of, on, a new Life, free, of all, forms, of, shackles [including, those placed on one, by, histories, such as, colonialism], then, giving oneself, new names [of sort], is, of the greatest, importance. These names, should not, only, reflect, the Name of God [as with, feelings/nuances], but also, suit one [in just about, all ways]. In all really, most, of us, have, three names, which, in many ways, define us [as with, moving/acting/doing, or, physical/peoples/lingual skills]. If you seek, to free oneself, from, ones Ancestry, then, [in many ways], having, a name change, is at the topmost, of, everything [doing so, is in, many ways, changing, ones physical/peoples/lingual skills, and also, very much, how one, moves/acts/does].

Below, will be presented, the, Names, of God (as Consciousness), somewhat used, in regions represented [but still rather popular], and a reminder, to all this, is that, all words [that you speak out], should evoke, God [with regards, to feelings/nuances]. All words, in ones language really, should be, based, on the, Name of God [as chosen], with regards, to, feelings/nuances. The Names of God (as Consciousness), presented here, have to do, with, praising him, and are not, exclamatory, as most believe.

North America: Eloah

In North America, God (as Consciousness), has often, been, represented, as Force. In many ways, this representation, is, similar, to how, God (as Consciousness), manifests, in the Bible, with Moses [and the Burning Bush] [In all, what is been said, is that, God as Force, is, similar, to God, in the Burning Bush]. In most ways too, most North Americans, will find, that, all (that is), holy, in their land, is very much [in feelings/nuances], similar, to the word, Eloah. In choosing a name (for anything), it should, evoke, the same, feelings/nuances, as, Eloah [this will enable most, to easily see, evil, on their land]. All this [i.e., the use of Eloah], is a suggestion, and another name, deemed, suitable, representing [God as Force], can be, used.

South America: Ela

The word Ela, is believed, to be, of, Yoruba origins, but is, actually, of, Islamic origins (West African) [South America (and especially Brazil), has often, had, a sort, of, Islamic presence]. In many ways, the word, Ela, representing, God (as Consciousness), is deemed suitable, as God (as Consciousness), is often, represented, in South American cultures (mostly Native Indian), in the form, of, a Great Wind. As mentioned before, all this, is a suggestion.

Europe: Amen

In Europe, God (as Consciousness), has often, been, represented, in the form, of, Light [often bursting out, from Clouds]. The word Amen [of Egyptian origins], was used, by, the Egyptians, for the, very, same reason [as too, with, Sun worship]. In many ways, all that is holy [in Europe], evokes, similar feelings/nuances, as the word, Amen.

East Asia: Zhenzhu

Zhenzhu, is believed [in most ways], to be, the name, of, God (as Consciousness), in East Asia/China [this though, is not, totally agreed to]. In East Asian cultures, God (as Consciousness), is often, represented, by, running, water springs. Anything holy, in East Asian cultures, is believed, to be, similar [in anture], to clear, running, water springs. In many ways, the word, Zhenzhu, does match this image [of clear, running, water springs].

South East Asia: Bhagwaan

In Southeast Asia, the Indian term, Bhagwaan, has traditionally, been, used, to evoke/praise, God (as Consciousness) [as to, with something, desired, manifesting]. In these cultures, God (as Consciousness), is often, represented, as the, Divine Breathe. In many ways, Southeast Asians [with a name, gotten, from, Bhagwaan], tend, to, communicate differently, from others [that is, they often talk, as, Indians, in Bollywood movies, talk].

Africa: Ar-Rahman

Ar-Rahman, is not, African [in nature]; it is, however, the Name, of God (as Consciousness), associated, with, Ethiopian/Yemeni culture. In African cultures, God (as Consciousness), is often, represented, in the form, of, a Voice/Sound [as with, the Book of Genesis]. The word, might not seem suitable, but, in general, Names for God (as Consciousness), in Africa, do, not, really exist [the other alternative, is the, Yoruba word, Oddudua]. Ar-Rahman, is deemed, rather suitable, in that, its the word, that, the Ethiopians [as Nabataens], once used, to form, a rather reknowed Kingdom (associated, with the, Queen of Sheba), spreading, from, Ethiopia, into, Yemen [In many ways, Ethiopians, are similar, to good looking Africans, due, to their culture, generally, being, Godly] [Second too, it must be known, that, the Ethiopians, did have, contact, with the, Nubians (during the Aksumite period), and in many ways, generally, influenced, Nubian looks]. The Kebra Nagast, is a book, that, in many ways, praises, the Name, of God (as Consciousness), and one, of the best books (out there), to teach, Africans, how to live [pretty much], individual/moral lives [similar in nature, to, Rastafarian culture] [In all, simply living, a Life, totally, based, on, a Name (given) (and holy) (as too, with the famed, Prester John)].

The Middle East: Alat

In Middle Eastern cultures, God (as Consciousness), has often, been, associated, with the Name, Alat. In Middle Eastern cultures, God (as Consciousness), is often, represented, by, Pure White Light [as in, streaming light] [a concept, borrowed, by the Yoruba, from, West Africas Islamic tradition].


Whats really, in a Name? To attempt, to answer this, is probably, to attempt, a study, of why, Civilizations, rise and fall. One will notice really, that, during, the rise [of a Civilization], all its [Symbols and Names], are rather, Godly in nature; during its decline, the opposite rather, is seen. While all this, can be rather, difficult to explain, understanding it, is, of the, most, prime importance. Different Civilizations, have risen [and fallen], for, different reasons. With Babylon for instance, rises [Associated, with big ideas], have often been accompanied, with falls, due, to Avarice [and great indulgence (in food, sex etc.)] [In many ways, falls, due, to symbols, associated with]. With Mesopotamia, the old game, of Power & Greed, has often seen, that any, 'man', rising, becomes, Caesar, and every, Caesar, has their Brutus [in many ways, the story, of, Caesar and Brutus, is, misinterpreted, as it applies really, to, Caesar, becoming, tyrannical]. With the Sumerians, it was, their, rejecting, their, Priesthood [and Religion], and deeming themselves, demi-gods (of a sort) [capable of all], that leads, to destruction [falls].

It is however, the history, pertaining, to, Egypt/Nubia, that is of, great interest [with regards, to, the rise, and fall, of, Civilizations]. This is mainly because, the rise [and fall], of Egypt/Nubia, has been, one, born, of, stupidity [as never seen before]. Rise and falls, mediated [in many ways], by, simple insults (at a party for instance), or even, sexual relations [of all kinds].

Why all this, is stated, is because, one, cannot, escape, their, evolutionary history. To explain this further, is to understand, that, as we, evolve, into, Higher Beings [such as Gargoyles, Light Beings etc.], we cannot, escape, our, past, evolutionary histories. This is said [for those], who have, a poor understanding, of, Egypt/Nubia history, and, good reasons, for watching out, for, these, populations, in ones, groupings [as Higher Beings]. The people, of Egypt/Nubia, are rather, frivolous [and stupid (in some ways)] in nature (all this, can only, be, understood, by, understanding, their true history). First off, do note, that, there has never, been, a united, Egypt (and Nubia), together. To understand this, is to understand, that, the split, between, Egypt [and Nubia], is rather, ancient, in nature [such that, the books, speak of, Egyptian, and Nubian races]. What this term, race, applies to, is the fact, that, Egyptians [and Nubians], from very long times before, have had, different, Genetic-based identities [as with, Aesthetic-based, Cultural and Individual Identities] [all this means, that, they have evolved, separate, from each other, and have been doing so, for, very long, periods of time, such that, the descendants, of these, two, civilizations, are now, different races]. To make, this story, more, complicated, is to realize, that, there is a, third group, to all this: Libya. While Egypt, as a Civilization, was mostly, Brown, and Nubia [Black], Libya, was where, most, White 'Egyptians', were found. In all, we are speaking, of, a history, of, three races: Egyptian, Nubian, and Libyan. Second to all this, it must be, mentioned, that, as with regards, to, Civilization, Egypt, was always, mainly, Middle Eastern (in nature) [i.e. similar, to Mesopotamia], while, Libya [and Nubia], have always, been, African [in all, Egypt, had far, more, closer ties, to, Mesopotamia, that it did, to, Nubia and Libya] [The history, of, Egypt (and, Nubia/Libya), has always, been, one, of, violence (of all kinds): wars, slavery, conquests etc.]. What is been said here again, is that, there, are no, real similarities, between, descendants, of, Egypt, and those, of, Nubia/Libya, as Egyptians, are far more, similar, to, Mesopotamians, than, to, Nubians & Libyans.

Why all this, is stated, is because, the world, does, face, a Peril [a word, not too, well known]. This Peril, manifests, in the belief [by many out there], that, Egypt, was the foremost, Civilization (of its time) [not necessarily wrong]; but, the further erroneous belief, that, Nubians/Libyans, are like, Egyptians, is very, worrying (and wrong) [there is no way, Nubians/Libyans, could ever, have built, the Pyramids]. Why this, is also stated, is due, to a false belief, by many, that, the descendants, of, Egypt, are numerous, in this world [thats a lie]. The vast majority, of people, claiming, Egyptian descent, are actually, descendants, of, Nubia/Libya. As mentioned before, those people, with, connections, to Egypt, are those, of the, Egyptian Art World, Greek Art World, and Celtic/Latin (Celtica) Art World. Alot, of what, most, associate, with, greatness, with regards, to, Egyptian Civilization, has to do, with, these, three groupings [the Arthurians for instance, were, Celtica, and today, just about, anything, interesting, in Europe, is, Celtica]. The Nubian/Libyan worlds, consisted of, Ancient Spain, the Middle Eastern Art World (Jew/Jewish), European, and Nubian Art Worlds. These people, form, the vast, majority, of believed, Egyptian descendants, in the world, and one, must know this, due, to a false belief, that, they, are as Intelligent, as the descendants, of, the Egyptian Worlds [they are not]. They instead, are a people, who have had, violent [and ugly histories] [of, wars and slavery], and this, has very much, shaped, their genes [what is been said, is that, even, if, we are becoming, Gargoyles, or Shapeshifts, this history (genetic), is still, very much, with us]. And as was said before, the World, faces, a Peril, as the descendants, of, Nubia/Libya, are amongst, the majority, in the world [and you just don't know, how stupid, they can be]. They are primitives [very unholy], who don't know, much, but believe, that survival [on this earth], is based on, breeding [like rabbits] [I tell you, honestly speaking, you just don't know, how stupid, these people, can be]. Members, of Civilizations [like China], are more, intelligent, than, Nubians/Libyans [whose only boast, is that, they built, the Pyramids] [they are that, delusional] [at the most, they were slaves, in Egypt].

To explain this further, the history, of, Ancient Spain, begins, with, Slavery [freedom from it], and since then, descendants, of, Ancient Spain [mostly in America], have dealt with, issues, of Slavery [being one, or treated, as one], nearly all their existence [it is now, a, genetic condition]. Those, of the, Middle Eastern Art World (Jews/Jewish), have dealt, with, issues, of, Anti-Semitism, nearly all, their existence [they though, would have you believe, its because, they, are highly intelligent (through their media of course), but, in reality, they have never, really, achieved much, and only, go on, and on, about, Einstein]. In many ways, Anti-Semitism, has manifest, into, Anti-Americanism [due, to the large, Jewish/Jew influence, in North America], all the way, to, Japan, where, the hatred, of, Japan [in East Asia], is rather, large [the Japanese, are of, the, Middle Eastern Art World] [They are not, Egyptian (as some believe)] [In many ways, one can know, who, belongs, to what, Art World, based, on how, they Say things; Egyptians, Say things, differently, from, Greeks (but still sound similar)] [Japanese people, Say things, like, Jews/Jewish people].

The history, of, Nubia/Libya [as mentioned before], has been, one, of great, violence, and this, is, very much, the Peril, spoken about, as these people, make up, a significant percentage, of the, Worlds population, and could, very well, bring down, the Earth, with, stupidities, like, World War 2 [one could be surprised, with the fact, that, a whole new war, could break out, due, to an insult, at a party] [thats how, the Nubian/Libyan world, has often, functioned] [they are really, stupid people].

In many ways, the world, is an ugly place, due, to the heavy, influence, of Nubia/Libya. To know, why this is, is to know, that, the vast, majority, of, Opinions, Beliefs and, Speculations, by most, out there [on the nature of reality] [modern science], come from, the, Nubian/Libyan Worlds. In many ways, Nubia, represents, Civilization today [alot, of, the Political structures, and even, Architecture (seen today) (modern), is of Nubian/Libyan, origins (in thought, and influence)]. Another something, that must be known, is that, most, Terms [that people use today], are actually, of, the Nubian/Libyan world. Remember, all, that is good, in, Europe, has always, been, of three sources really: Egypt (as in France really), Greek (as in Europe), Celtica (as in Arthurian, Napoleanic, and even, David Hasselhoff), and finally, Byzantine (Egypt/Mesopotamia) [they all, represent, cultural/structural identities]. European Art [and in general, European people], are of, Nubian/Libyan origins [so too, are their, World Wars].