Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Art of the Start [Bk. 7 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

The purpose, for this, entry, is to teach, the, masses, on how, to get, started, in Life [living as they want], and what, very much, prevents them, from, doing this. There are several [if not, many], Forces, out there, that, prevent most, from living, their Life, as they, truly want, to, due, to not, seeing it, as it, really is.

Within this entry, we shall, attempt, to show, the, best model, to use, in getting, Life Started. In most ways really, most, simply, don't see, the World [as it really is] [as with, regards, to how, it is, structurally constructed really], believing it, to be, a most, complicated, place; [it is not].

We shall here, base, this Start, on Life, on, Self-Development, and also, Development [as seen, in, the Histories (kitab al-duwari)]. These two, are seen, as, the basis, of starting, Life, now, as in, many ways, they are, the simplest, to engage in [for the average joe].

What is been said, is that, rather, than, an Individual, engage in, educating themselves really [as with texts], it would be, much better, for them, to develop, Emotional Depth [as was shown, in the entry, on, Self-Development (as with Yoga)]. That, is very much, at, the basis, as getting, started, on Life, really, requires, Emotional health, rather than, Physical/Mental.

Second of all, the, Development format, is best, seen, as, the most, suitable, for an individual [to get, started, on Life], on their own, as, compared, to other, models, such as, those, based on, Progress, or even, Advancement. In many ways, the, World, of the future, is capable, of, quickly, disintegrating, mainly due, to, Compassion [and Exploration] issues. In many ways, the way, structures [of all kinds], are erected, will, determine, how safe really, the, World, will be to most [in many ways, the World, is capable, of, being, the worst place, in the Universe, or being, simply, the most, wondrous (even in history)]. How this, can, be manifested, will, very much, depend on, the Structural Formations, seen, everywhere, out there [some, are best, for, dealing, with Compassion (and Exploration) issues].


Most out there, hear, all kinds, of talk, pertaining, to, Development. It is, in many ways, mainly, talk, as most, never do [really see], anything manifest. The reason for this, is due, mainly, to most, failing, to grasp, how, the World, is actually, ordered/structured. In most, Development talks, most, tend to, concentrate, on the Land format [as pertaining, to Development (Histories - Kitab al-duwari)], and, in many ways, getting people, moving, on, Development itself. This is all, mainly talk, as, nothing much, ever manifests, as mentioned above. The main reason, for this, is, because, of how, the World, is actually, structured/ordered. Many, believe, the World, to be, structured, on an, Advancement model [based on, Country, Nation, Land, and, People]. Those, they believe, are, the Political- based formations, seen, in just about, everywhere, especially, due, to the prevalence, of, Passports [and all, other forms, of, Identification]. In reality, the World, is, structured, according, to an Advancement model [based on, Ethnicity (Religion), Background, Ancestry, and, Heritage]. In many ways, what is been said, is that, the, Concept, of, Country, or Nation, does not, really exist [today], as many believe it to, and that, most, countries [out there], are actually, governed, on a, City-basis [in that, what, constitutes, a country, in most places, of the world, are actually, Cities governed, and nothing much, between them] [the other exception though, apparently, needed, to have a country, is an Airport]. In many ways, most, will find, whats, really preventing them, from, fulfilling, their dreams, is actually, their, Ancestry, and Heritage [and some Background too].

As with regards, to all this, one, can therefore, see, that, the best way, to deal, with, their Ancestry issues, is to, develop, Emotional Depth [as with, Self-Development]. Dealing with, Heritage [in many ways], is all about, getting, started, on, Development [more, on a, personal/communal basis] [As for Background (as in lacking Knowledge, to fulfill, a dream), there exists, very, many solutions, and this (despite what, most, believe), should not, be seen, as, the major hindrance] [At the very least, it involves, the mastery, of, what, they call, Technologies (and not, Technology, or, Technological)].

We shall below, give, several basic, examples, on, Getting Started, with regards, to, Development [and in many ways, changing, Heritage (and street activity), just about, everywhere] [We can all, agree, that most, out there, simply, hate, the cities, they live in (due mainly, to, the street activity, seen)].

Examples though, will be given, from all, forms, of Development [as with formats].

Development Format 1: Language

Language, as a, Development format, was previously, described, and in, many ways, consists of, developing, Language, to a level, where, its Mainstream Politics, very much, drives, Development. The easiest way, to get, this started, is to, view, Language, from, another perspective [that of Vernacular]. Vernacular, is a way, of, engaging in Speech, based, very much on, acting naturally [ordinarily etc.] [or simply, just Being]. In many ways, one will, realize, they can, only, engage in, Vernacular, with people, at, the same, level, of, development [as with, intelligence, and, expression skills], as them. What is, proposed here really, is that, people, of the, same, Higher Being [as in Gargoyle etc.], get, together, and start, interacting, based on, Vernacular. In many ways, one will, find [as mentioned], that such folk, are at, the same level, of, Emotional development, as one is [the easiest way, to connect, with such, people, is to realize, that, they speak, Vernacular, with, the same/similar, Voice Pitch, as one].

Development format 2: Land

Development, based on, this format, is not, as, difficult, to engage in, as most, believe it [to be]. It begins really, with, one, finding, a place, they like, to relax in [or generally hang out], and spending, some time there. In many ways, attempting, to meet, similar people, who, would enjoy, spending time, at, the same/similar locations. The way, to really meet, such people, is to, know, they 'Say' things [similarly, to one, and also, very much, move, or act, in the same manner, as one]. The second way, to get, started, on all this, is simply, really, to find ways, to talk, with, other people, on, Democracy issues [issues really, on how, to make, something, real] [Such people, engaged with in this, should, very much, talk, in a similar manner, to one] [This talk, should not be, on real issues, but, on just about, anything (making it real, as with, Democracy as a process)] [People engaging in this, should not, fear, speaking, their minds, as people, who talk, just, like one, and are similar, to one, with, regards, to views (and politics)]. Finally, the third way, of, doing, all this, is with regards, to, Communal Building, as mentioned before. The only difference really, is that, talk, about this, can, be engaged in, with Businessmen, Professors, Politicians too, and just, about, everyone else, deemed, helpful.

Development format 3: Art Worlds

This format, is rather, beneficial [in many ways], although, not, the easiest, to deal with. It is, beneficial, in that, in many ways, it brings, about, change really [fluidly], to the, Heritage [and Ancestry], one has. In many ways, it is not, about, huge change, to ones World, but mainly, a change, in the way, people, relate [or even mix], with, each other. Getting started, on Arts, is, simply, changing, ones, environments, as inspired, by, the Arts [of all sorts]. In all [as mentioned before], this, is all about, changing, ones, Conflicts, Looks and Preferences. As one can see, it is not, the easiest, to implement, and in, many ways [at the very least], is about, engaging, in, Family Media entertainment. On the other hand, it at, the very least too, involves, looking at, an Art World, and engaging, in its, Literature (Conflicts), Art (Looks), and, Design/Works (Preferences). There are many, Art Worlds, to engage in, but, it is best, to probably choose, that, associated with, their Region [unknown to many, a song, can (for instance), have one, thinking, up, a Drink, to drink to] [in many ways, thats, how, the Art Worlds, spur, development] [Pepsi and Michael Jackson]. Each region, was very much, given, an Art World, to, inspire towards to, and, in many ways, the growth, of, Art Worlds, can not, be, mediated [by anyone] [they simply, spread] [Most believe, this, format, difficult, to, engage in, which is true perhaps, due mainly, to, the Art content, one uses] [Modern Art (as with, Family Media perhaps), will not, really, spur things, strongly (economically wise, as with, employment)] [Other Art too, can take, time (some time too), to grow] [One of the more interesting, Art Worlds, proposed, is, Italia (with Kenya as Land). This Art World, should not be, confused, with, Cultural Formations (as with, Markets, and Travel), in that, their, similarity, perhaps lies in, the use, of Italian, perhaps (between different peoples). In all, what, Italia, has to offer (with Kenya as Land), is to, teach, people, how to live, Life, based on, interesting communications (Protocols). In many ways, teaching people, how, to live, stress-free lives. If a person, in Peru, has, a friend, in Japan, they, do not meet (under Travel/Markets), but really, in Kenya (to simply, enjoy themselves). In many ways, this life, is of, Americanista - Legion/Colonial Kenya, origins]. In all, Art, can have, people, thinking of, living, in a certain, way, rather quick [structurally], if, they truly, realize, that what, holds them back, is nothing more, than, Ancestry, and, Heritage [probably, the easiest Art World, to engage in, is, the Middle Eastern Art World (as with Quebec)].

Development format 4: Histories

This Development format, is rather, one, of, the easiest, to engage in, as it, in, many ways, is, about, re-living [not just being inspired by], a former life. Whether it be, reading, Biographies, or even, real Histories [as with, Roman, or even, Shakespeare], and simply, choosing, to live out, the, lives, spoken of. In most ways, it will be, ones, Background [as doctor, engineer, journalist etc.], that prevents one, from doing this, but this, should not faze one, as what, some, call, Technologies [and not, Technology, or, Technological], are all, one needs [as with, regards, to tools], to make, most things, happen. More or less, individual in nature, but requires, thinking, with regards really, to, Technologies.


In most ways really, this form, of, organization, is best seen, as, being, best, for the World, in the, future [speaking really, as, worshiper, of the Supreme Goddess (and not, just, Americanista - Legion)]. In many ways, what is, proposed really, is that, let, Individual [and Communal life], be, based on Development [and Self-Development]. Let too, what constitutes, countries (today), be, built on, models, associated with, Progress [as seen, in, the Histories (kitab al-duwari)]. Let too then, the World, interact, with, each other, via, Advancement models [such as, Country/Nation, or even, Background/Heritage]. Uniting a country [through Progress], is more, easier, than most, believe it, to be [Folklore (as with Legends too), can be, used, to drive, a country's, economy, much better, than most believe] [Private Organizations (as with Intellectual Capital), are much better, at, bringing change, into, a country, as compared to Government]. The World, best meets, today, via, Advancement models [and not, Development, as, has been, seen, in the, more recent pasts].