Monday, September 30, 2013

Waltzing Matilda

Waltzing Matilda.

- as with it truly representing, anything truly memorable in all, and that did happen in the Modern times (and as with they arising with British Slavery/Imperialism in all), and outside the Victorian period too actually.



- the Arabian Nights, and as with speak of the World today, and as with this even referring to the Modern times in all, and whereby Courage in all again (and as with advancement or progress too), is only said to be associated, and with White skinned peoples that is.

The Bible

The Bible.

We live in a World today, where most don't know, what does constitute of an Alternate Reality in all. That when we do speak of Alternate Realities, we are in many a way even, speaking of perceiving Reality, and from the very perspective of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments in all too really. That many in all, have been made to view Alternate Realities, and as with speak of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and from the very perspective of Western/Modern Media in all [that in all again, what is truly said to be valid, or acceptable even, and when it does come to many an Arrangement, Formation and Alignment in our lives, and as with this speaking of the validity of Modern Democracy for instance, or how many students should there be in a class, if its okay to demean another in public, or if polygamy is okay, or even if stealing from a thief is okay too that is]. In many a way, Modern/Western Media in all, has strongly conditioned in all, many a person out there, to accept Alternate Realities, and as with speak of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and from the very perspective of Bureaucracy too [and as with it highly Elitist even].

In all, is to attempt to rectify many a person out there, and by telling them in all that, acceptable or valid Alternate Realities in all, can best be perceived via the Bible (and as with truly recommending everyone out there even, to atleast read the Bible once, and from the very perspective of Alternate Realities too), and as with truly pondering even, if its okay to steal from a thief, or even, if its okay to keep slaves that is.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Samson & Delilah

Samson & Delilah.

A summarized History of Central Asia (and not Saudi Arabia either).



The importance of Prose in our lives (or anything that can be termed Poetic or Poetical in all), is that, it does speak of our attempts, to breakdown Reality into its various parts, and as with speak even, and of attempting to make anything a Reality or not that is. In many a way, when we do speak of Prose as such, and in Modern Kenya too (and amongst the average person in all), Prose is in many a way not similar to poetical/poetic works and as seen in the rest of Africa too (and as with Kenyans in general believed somewhat europeanized actually), but that Prose in Kenya today, is very much along the lines of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

In all ways though, Longfellow, and as form of Prose and that does not work in Kenya at all even, it very much Austrian in its ways actually, but with the best Prose in all suited for Kenia/Afrique, being that by William Wordsworth actually. All this too, Prose that is, and as dealing with issues of Chaos and Disorder, and in our daily lives too that is.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Sankofa: Towards a New African Militarism.

Sankofa, and as with it even referring in all, and to African Militarism (and outside Afrique too), and as with Militarism in Africa (and as with speak of Nigerian Militias even), very much Nubian in its ways, and as with this referring even, to Respectability issues in Africa in all, and as with Nubian Militarism and Respectability too, in many a way dealing with issues of Slavery actually.

In all, Militarism and as concept in all, and within Afrique too, very much along the lines of the Boer War and by Pakenham that is.



Punt, and as with it actually referring to Djibouti and Eritrea (and not Somalia either), and as with this speaking even, and of where Africa in all, does actually meet the Middle East/Oman that is [and not through Egypt either].

Geo-Politics: Afrique and the Middle East

Geo-Politics: Afrique and the Middle East.

'the Americans'

'the Americans'.

Media Kenia

Media Kenia.

The Last Cavalier (the Vintage edition): Media and Kenia.

The African Diaspora

The African Diaspora.

- and speak even of African Aesthetics and African Communications in all.









Friday, September 27, 2013

The Sphinx

The Sphinx.

We live in a World today, where in many a way, we have failed to realize the very influence of our Voices in our lives. At the very least, this does refer to the very fact that, our Memories in all (from Short-term memory, Long-term memory, Working memory etc.), do in many a way even, function, work and operate too, around our Voices in all that is [and as with the case of a gasp too for instance]. 

In many a way, speak of the World today, and even throughout History in itself, is to in many a way even, speak of the very fact that, when we do speak of the Outcome in our lives, and in any form or manner too, we today in all associate it all, and with our Voices, and in the form of the Cry too. In many a way, speak of Egyptian Civilization in all (and the Egyptian Memory too), coming to shape a large part of the World, and via the Cry too, and as with it in many a way defined by the Goddess Isis that is. In many a way too, Greek Civilization differing from Egyptian Civilization, and as the Outcome, and as with speak of the Voice too, defined in all, and by the Echo actually [and as with Europe too, differing from the rest of the World even, and as with the European Memory in all, very much shaped by the Greek Memory, and via Graeco-European Civilization too (or Cornwall that is), and as with the Outcome and the Voice in Europe in all, shaped even, and by Echo, and in the very form of the Sigh too actually].

In many a way, is to attempt to free most of the World, and from the oppressive nature, and of the Goddess Isis too, and via speak of the Voice/Cry that is. That in all, most around the World, do in all again, and as with the Outcome too, Cry out in all, and in a similar manner to the Goddess Isis that is. In all though is to tell one that, and very much in the name of Self-Awareness too actually, that true change in all, can come to ones life, and via coming to define the Voice/Cry, and the Outcome too, and in a different manner, and from that as defined by the Goddess Isis that is, and via in all, associating the Cry/Voice and Outcome, and with the Sphinx too actually [and as with this making for a much happier world, and as compared to happiness in all, and as defined very much by the Goddess Isis, and as with speak again, and of the Voice/Cry and the Outcome too that is].

Isis, the Voice/Cry and the Outcome:

The Sphinx, the Voice/Cry and the Outcome:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013





While growing up, and attending school too, I was lucky in all to be introduced and to something in all again, that would very much make a difference in my life. That something was Innocence. In many a way, Innocence, and as with this even referring to a long-lost friend known as Wycliffe too, did teach me in many a way, of how not to give up easily, or even develop a defeatist mentality too, or even truly again, simply care not to know of anything that is. In many a way too, while schooling with Wycliffe, Innocence was at the very least defined, and from the very perspective of at least admitting that one did not know of something in all (and as with a question posed by a teacher in class too), and simply accepting the fact and without developing a self-defeatist mentality too.

In many a way too, later on in my life, I did come to realize that many in all had not been exposed to Innocence and when young, and hence in many a way, did not truly believe in God, or even accept Death as a reality in itself. For many, Innocence in all falsely associated and with not being sophisticated that is, and as with sophistication falsely believed even, to be the very key, to understanding life, and as in not giving up easily, or even been defeated in anything too that is. The truth in many a way though, does speak of sophistication in all, and as a state of narcissism even, as in believing one is God, or even that God does not truly exist either.

Historically though, many have been acquainted with Innocence, and as an everyday reality too, and via many a differing format in all. Take Egypt for instance, where Innocence in all, and as with speak even of not accepting defeat in any manner, did speak of the Shaman actually (and as with someone aware of the future in all that is), while with the Greeks on the otherhand, Innocence, and very much in the form of the Hypocrite too. In Italy, Innocence, and the Magus (or someone who knows the answer to anything almost instantly), and with Europe on the otherhand, Innocence, and speak too even of the Mozarts actually (as there having been many Mozarts in all, and even at the very same time too that is) [in all again, the Mozarts, as portraying Innocence, and via speak of how one did present themselves actually]. In Japan, Innocence, and speak even of Green Ronin [and as versus Black Ronin, or even Red Samurai/Ronin, or even again, as versus speak of the concept of the Sun King in Japan too]. In India too, Innocence, and as portrayed by Lord Rama, while in China, Innocence, speaking of Sun-Tzu in all [in many a way too, the term Southeast Asia, does refer to straight haired people in South East Asia in all, while Continental India, does speak of those in all, with Africanized hair but Brown skins too, while the Indian Subcontinent, does speak of Black skinned peoples in all, and with Africanized hair too, and also very much the history of British Slavery in India that is].

In all again, the very Story of King Richard and the Crusaders, and the English peoples in England too, does not speak of King Richard in all, attempting to free or protect Christian pilgrims in the Middle East too (Israel/Palestine), but in many a way truly, King Richard and the Crusaders, truly attempting to simply present themselves as Christians (and in the name of Innocence too), but facing stiff opposition from Saladin (and the Islamic world), and as with regards to the Crusaders more or less presenting themselves, as more civil in all, and than Saladin and the Islamic world too actually [in many a way even, Osama bin Laden, very much like Saladin in his ways too, and as with speak even of Bin Laden in all, criticizing the West in general that is].

Palestine and Innocence:

The Reprieve

The Reprieve.

When we do speak of a Reprieve, we are in many a way even speaking of accessing Reality, and from the perspective of what one could call a 'Sense of' something. Examples include, a sense of reality, a sense of humour, a sense of knowing etc. A further example, would be when one happens to choke on something, and then frees themselves and from the choking in all, and winds up experiencing in all again, a 'sense of relief' that is. In many a way, and to make this somewhat difficult of a post easy to explain in all, is to associate the Reprieve, and even the Modern Times we live in, and with truly freeing ourselves, and from all sorts and kinds of torment or sorrow that is, and in many a way even stating in all that, the Modern Times and as with speak of sorrow and torment, could very well be summarized in all, and as with torment and sorrow too, and as experienced in the 90's actually (and speak of not being able to free oneself from this torment/sorrow), and as with this truly stating that, the 90's in all were a time when most truly did not have/experience a 'Sense of' anything that is, and as with Reprieve even, a distant reality in all too then that is. 

However, and in all ways too, the above song by Big Mountain in all ('I love your way'), truly even representing the Reprieve, and in the Modern Times we live in, and as compared to the past, and when the Reprieve could very well have gone with the following Song, 'Canon', and by Pachelbel too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



When we do speak of Uniqueness, we in many a way even, speak of perceiving life in itself, and from the very Present too. That many today in all, do live life actually, and around the Now, and as with this even speaking of keeping Time, and as with making short-range plans in all, and with a Time limit to them too that is [and as with this Time limit even, defining success and failure in all that is]. In all ways even this does differ from living in the Present, and in many a way even, simply figuring out the best way in all, to carry out ones plans, and without taking Time heavily into consideration [meaning in all, speak of the right moment, and to act or fulfill ones intentions that is].

In many a way, speak of Uniqueness, does in many a way too, speak of Belief Systems actually. That we do in all possess many a differing Belief System [Religious, Systematic, Firm, Popular etc.], but with life today, and as especially when one gets to their late 20's even, only lived around Systematic Beliefs, and as with they even said to pertain in all, and in these Modern times too, and to only Security issues that is. In many a way, our Work Identities today, and as with they based around Job Employment (and as with it even a form of servility/slavery too), speaking in all again and of Modern Systematic Beliefs actually, and as compared to the past and when Work Identities in all, were very much based around Religious Beliefs actually.

In many a way too, Uniqueness and as also very much expressed, and in the form of Sensuality and Humour, and as with it all today speaking of finding self-expression and via the Entertainment Industries too [and as with Cheap Entertainment at the very heights even, and of Entertainment in itself too actually], but that Uniqueness, and as with regards to Sensuality and Humour, also speaking of what does constitute Achievement, Attainments, Successes and Accomplishments in our lives today, and as with most even, truly seeking out Sexual Attainments only that is.

In all, Uniqueness, and as speaking of our Belief Systems in all, and also speaking of Sensuality and Humour in our lives, and also Accomplishments, Attainments, Successes and Achievements too, but in all ways truly, speaking of creating an Individual Memory of our lives actually [that in all, life today does differ from the past, and as with speak even of the Movies and Television too (and speak of Modern lives lived to their fullest that is), in that, the Modern Times do associate Individual Memory in all, and with the very act of making Mistakes, Errors, Wrongs, Missteps, Snafus's etc., and in many a way even, the very attempt to correct them too that is]. This in all again does differ from the past, where Individual Memory in all, did consist of it all being Shared (and as with two people or even a group in all, very much having even, a rather similar experience actually), 'Longed for' Memory (and as with the case of a repeat situation), 'Warranted' Memory (and as with the case of a promise), Enjoined Memory (and as with it all, rather interactive even), Collective Memory (and as with it all speaking of similar intentions), Common Memory (and as with it all even referring it to Familial relationships) etc. That in all again, these latter categories of Memory in all, do not truly exist in our lives today, but were highly even common and in the past too (and as with everyday experiences that is), but that in all again, Individual Memory today, simply speaks of the error-prone that is.



Most out there, don't truly know what the word Potential does truly stand for. In many a way, Potential and in these Times we live in (and as compared to the Historical past even), does attempt to associate Potential in all, and with speak of Esteem and Confidence issues too. That in all again, ones Potential in life, has to do and with the Esteem in all (what one is able of, capable of, or even ones abilities too that is), that one has developed, gaining it (and as with speak of an excellent Education even), and then simply seeking out to succeed in life that is. On the otherhand, speak of Potential and from the very perspective of Confidence, speaks in all ways even and of knowing what Enlightenment and Transcendence truly are in all, and on knowing this (and as with training in an Art even), simply seeking out to succeed in life, and in one way or another that is. In many a way too, Europe today and as with speak of success even, defined and around Esteem issues, and with America on the otherhand, defined around Confidence actually.

This post though, does deal with Potential, and as with regards to Kenia too. That rather than go the more recent route of defining Potential, and via Esteem and Confidence issues too (but with all this too, seen in many a place around the World, and as with speak of History even), Potential in all, and in Kenia too, and as defined based around Shock and Exclamation actually [and as with this rather prevalent in the Ancient World even, and in many a way too, France and Italy defining Potential and as based around Shock and Exclamation, and as versus the rest of Europe, defining Potential in all, and as based around Confidence and Esteem too]. In many a way, all this said to help many a person out there, realize that Local Success in all, can be gained around Shock and Exclamation, and as versus Confidence and Esteem, and which are a little bit more complicated in their ways that is.




Straight Outta Compton

Straight Outta Compton.

When NWA did release their rather now reknowed Gangsta Rap Album, Straight Outta Compton, they were in many a way, denounced and outrightly attacked even, and by members of the Press too. To truly understand this, why all this was happening, is to first of all know, even obviously too, that they were speaking in all again, and of Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems in all that is. Compton, and in California too, as very well out of the reach, and of Modern America's Political Systems in all, and in the most interesting of ways, all this speaking of Self-Expression in itself too.

To truly understand the above, is to know just how Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems in all, do actually define Lawfulness in all. That in many a way, it does speak of Men and as being described Destructive by nature, and Women on the otherhand, as responsible peoples too. To however understand Destructive behaviour, and amongst Males in the Modern/Western/'White' World, is to surprisingly enough, associate Esteem and Confidence issues, and amongst Males today too, and with Virginity in all. That Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems in all, are actually and at the lower levels too, centered around Womenfolk in all that is. This in many a way does not only speak of what was described in the Information Age post, but in many a way too, speaks of the very fact that Women in society in general, are truly even aware in all (or being in the Know actually), and of what is going on in society too. 

To however be in the Know like Women in society are, one has to be initiated, and into their ways too actually. This in many a way does speak of being rather well acquainted with Women in all, and via Sexuality and Sex too. That in all again, and as with speak of Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems, life today is not lived around Experiencing or Feeling it actually, but in all ways even, all about Knowing it, and that to Know life, is to know Women in society, and who can in many a way help you know many another thing (and as with Women in society today, all knowledgeable of each other, but making distinctions and as based around the History of them all, and as with this History perceived via the lenses of Age, Gender, Race and Class issues too). Yet in all again, knowing life today, is knowing that all Women do know each other and in one way or another, and that seeking to know anything in all, does speak of all these Women in all again, communicating with each other that is [that if for instance, one wanted to open a business in a certain locale, one in all has to be in good favour, and with the Women associated with that Locale too, and probably all this via your knowing a Woman, who can make one be in favour, and with the Women in the said locale that is].

In all, Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems, and as centered around Women in all, also speaking mainly of solving Womens problems in society, and in many a way too, all this speaking of Self-Expression issues, as Men today in many a way, are inhibited from expressing themselves, and by being defined in a dual fashion: their either being Virginal (and unknowing of anything to do with life in general), or rather Sexualized too (and in many a way, their knowing of life and as with being informed by Women, and of what does go on in society everywhere that is). In all, Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems attempting to limit the Self-Expression of many a person (other than those favoured in general by Women), and with the exception of speak of Western Media in all that is [that full expression of the Human today, can only be gained, and not by engaging in it, but only truly via Western Media that is].

In all, Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems, and with their failing to be truly efficient even (and as with this referring to offering as many possibilities in life, even if based around just simply knowing it that is, and to everyone too), and all this having to do, and with Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems in all, truly only based around Power & Control (and as with attempting to mitigate anything described as Destructive behaviour that is), and with this referring not only to attacking Women and in just about any way or manner too (and as with speak even of a simple insult too), and as with attempting to tell many a Man out there that, and who do believe these Political Systems to not be valid in all that is, that they probably in all again would work, Western/Modern/'White' Political Systems, and if not based around Power & Control either (and as it all said to be based around mitigating Destructive behaviour amongst Males specifically, and as with this even speaking of entrapping men, and by describing them in general, as being Virginal/unknowing, or Sexually experienced / knowing too that is) [in many a way, being described as unknowing, speaks of one too as being rather unvalued in society in all, meaning that, ones life is rather worthless actually, as with speak even, of not being perceived as being worthy of living that is], but that in all again, these Political Systems, would work, and if based around Humouring actually [and as with not only Humouring oneself and succeeding in life, but Humouring others too, and as with gaining popularity amongst all, all about being in the know, and not via speak of Sexuality either, but the ability in all again, to humour just about everyone out there too that is] [and as with attempting to tell one that, Humouring in the Modern/Western/'White' World in all, and as with it even rather Political too, does reach its heights even, and with Gangsta Rap too actually].

Humouring (Political):

Monday, September 23, 2013



On the Nature of Woman:

Most Men don't simply know what to make of the Women in their lives. At the very least, they do associate them with Mothering and Mother figures, Sisters/Siblings and Womanhood, or even in all again Feminism, and as with it said to represent Female Intellectualism too.

Herein though, we shall attempt to give a basic detailing in all, and of whom Women truly are like. This too, rather important in all, and for many a Man too, and who does know there is something Feminine about them in all, and don't truly know what it is. A glimpse in all again, and in this post too, to simply help many a Man, and not too happy with the Women in their lives, to probably understand why this is.

To know Woman, is to know that unlike Man, she is highly described and by Esteem issues too [and as versus Confidence issues that is]. To speak of Esteem, is to speak in all again, and of just how one does Define themselves: what one is able of, their abilities too, or even what one is capable truly off. It is here, and as versus speak of Confidence too (and speak in all again even of Enlightenment, Transcendence etc.), that Women in all again, do define themselves and as based around Esteem too, and by highly even, comparing themselves in all, and from a Physical point of view too, to not only Men [and speak even of Male Genitals, and as versus Female Genitalia], but also in many a way, highly identifying with their Menstrual Cycles in all, and as with wondering truly even, why they do actually menstruate that is.

Second off, is to speak of the basic Psychology of Woman. That unlike Man in all, and who do tend to view things and from the very perspective of differences and similarities in all, Women on the otherhand, tend to highly view things, and from the perspective of Superiority, Equality and Inferiority too. In many a way, this does speak of projecting many a personal issue, and to oneself even, and even others too [in all, attempting to see just how one in all again, is equal to another and as with regards to Perfectionism, or who in all again, is superior or inferior to one that is].

Thirdly, Woman, and as by nature too, rather Fearful even. In many a way, the very way Women do perceive Goddesses in all, and as with speak of Women and unlike Men too, primarily viewing themselves, and from the Fear Instinct actually [and as versus Men, and who do primarily even, view themselves, and from the Subconscious Mind too, and basic speak even, and of routine in our lives that is]. In all, Woman, as not being Spiritual (and as compared to their attempting to fool many a Man, that they are very much like Goddesses), in that, Women don't truly know Spirituality and from the perspective of the Spiritual in us (and speak even of the Unconscious, the Soul, the Subconscious Mind, the Mind etc.), and instead, highly view life and from the very perspective of personal issues, matters and problems, and as with expecting other Women to help them deal with this all, or truly even, expecting Men, to be servile to them, and as with regards to all this too that is [in all, the very failure to use Spirituality, and in attempting to get to the very root even, and of many a problem, and as compared to living a life in all, and of the same problems, issues, matters in all again, being recurrent in our lives in all that is].

Behavioural Sciences

Behavioural Sciences.





To speak of the Behavioural Sciences, and the Modern Times too, is to in all ways even, speak of just what Western, Modern and 'White' truly mean in all, and as in many a way, they do actually speak of Behavioural patterns in all that is. In all again, Western Behavioural patterns, very much similar to those seen in Rap Music, Modern Behavioural patterns similar to those seen in many a TV Comedy show, and with being 'White' in all too, speaking in all again, and as behaving very much as a Cartoon actually [and not Animation either]. In many a way really, the Western speaking of the Daily in our lives (how we struggle), the Modern speaking of the Everyday in our lives (creating Identity, very much Family oriented in all), and finally 'White' too, speaking of our Personal lives in all truly [whom we are in all again, and with our Private thoughts that is]. In all again, these Behavioural patterns, also coming to define Modern Technology in our lives too.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Modern Communications

Modern Communications.

- their very Heights.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman.

Popularism in all, and as seen in the Orange Free State / Zimbabwe too (and as with the attempt in all, to keep the rather problematic and dangerous even, world of Popularism, under control that is).

The West

The West.

Many have hard of the term 'The West'. Most though don't truly know what it actually does mean, and just simply believe its a different way and of referring to the Western World, or even perhaps, Leaders in all again, and as emanating and from the Western World too actually. While the Western World though, can be said to in many a way even, to simply consist of Western Leaders in all (and such as speak of the G8 even), and Westernization in all again, can be said to be the attempt to spread Western News Media, Western Education and especially Western Entertainment and all over the World too, 'The West' in many a way, does speak of the Western World, and its very peak actually.

To understand this better, is to know what exactly does constitute 'The West' in all. That in many a way, it does speak of what some could term 'Western Humour' (and as with this at the basis even, and of Western Intelligence too in all), Western Social Constructs, and also Western Social Cohesion in all. To speak of Social Constructs in all again, is to in all ways even speak of places in all and, where at the very most, the so termed 'Western Intelligentsia' in all, do meet with each other actually, but in many a way too all this, not only speaking of a party perhaps, but that in all again, many who do engage in these Social Constructs put up by 'The West', are in many a way even, judged and as based around Racial stereotyping too actually [that in all ways even, this does speak of Modern Europeans, and as said the most perfect of beings, and everybody else judged according and to whether they do meet Modern European ideals and of Socializing in all that is]. To speak of Social Cohesion, is to also perhaps even speak of France and England today, and as said even, to be the perfect societies in all, and as with regards to the interaction between different peoples, but that in all ways even, these everyday interactions, are actually based around Sexual stereotyping actually (and speak of whom is the most attractive or handsome and of all of us too), and in many a way even, the very belief that Sexual stereotyping in all, and in the Western World too, is least prevalent and in Modern England and France today [the very belief too that, even the most funny looking of us, can sleep, and with the most beautiful of English 'girls' that is]. Finally again, is to speak of 'Western Humour' in all, and as with it at the very basis of Western Intelligence in all again, and as with it actually in all, said to be grounded in what one could call 'Trial and Error' actually, and as with telling one that, Western Intelligence in all too really, does actually emanate and with 'Trial and Error' in itself, and as with this even not only at the basis of 'Western Humour' in all (and as with remembering a funny joke too, and attempting to impress or amuse others that one believes have never heard the joke before that is), but that this 'Western Humour' in all, and as grounded in 'Trial and Error' (and as with truly thinking deeply and of how to impress another), and that Western Intelligence in all again, and as grounded in 'Western Humour' too, does speak in all too even, and of in many a way using 'Trial and Error' (and as with speak of Western Research even), and as the very basis, and of Western Knowledge Accumulation too [that Western Research in all, and as originating with 'Trial and Error', does speak of lots of time spent doing Research (and as with speak of Utilitarianism and Shangri-la too), and as with Western Research even, not actually speaking of the Logical in all, but in all ways even, and of finding an Instant Solution actually, and to just about any problem too that is] [That in all, most believe the Western World to operate around many a Theory, when in reality, it does operate in all again, and as based around Authoritarianism too, and the finding of an Instant Solution, and to just about any problem too that is]. In many a way too, those in 'The West'/Europe in all, and as said to be the most intelligent of peoples, and as with speak even, and of the Instant Solution that is.

In many a way too, this post very much has to do, and with freeing one from 'The West' in all that is [its Images in all again, and of grandeur too actually]. In many a way 'The West', and as coming to define Godliness in our lives, and as with those in 'The West' in all, not perceived Religious actually, but somewhat like God in all truly. In all, the best way to perceive the West, is to replace 'Western Humour' in all again, and Western Intelligence too, and with what some do term Icons/Iconography, and as with this speaking even of basic Humour & Intelligence, and not only in the form of Icons actually, but also in the form of Prayer too really. In many a way too, Western Social Constructs (and as with they falsely deemed traditionally European too) [and as with they more actually British in their ways], do speak in all again, and of socializing, and as based around Traditional Music too actually [and not Western interpretations, and of European Classical Music either]. Finally in all again, Social Cohesion, very much going and with the world of Folktales too.

In the attempt in all again and to trump 'The West' in all, and as with attempting to make all this Worldly in all too really, is to associate Icons and as versus 'The West' too, and the attempt in all again, to speak of what a perfect combo and as consisting of Icons, Folktales and Traditional Music too would consist of: that it would all very much be along the lines and of Lord Rama and the Ramayana as Iconography, Br'er Rabbit and the Folktale, and also speak of Jimi Hendrix and Traditional Music too that is [that these three in all, do trump 'The West', and as with regards to Western Class/Intelligence mentalities, Sexual stereotyping, and also Racial stereotyping in all too that is].

World Iconography:

World Folktales:

World Traditional Music (Putumayo):

Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Kenia/'Kenya' in all, and unknown to most too, is a place that has been known to many a person, and since the rather olden times too actually. At the very least, the first peoples to have know about the place, were the Swahili, and who have been on the Swahili Coast, and since nearly the ancient times too. The Image above, and of a Man with Ribbon on his Hair, is not European/'Central Europe' or even Italian either, but actually is an Image in all, and that was associated with certain groups of people (some Italian), and who did settle in Kenia (and near the Swahili Coast too), and in the rather old times too actually. In many a way too, the movie Casanova and as starring Heath Ledger too, is not true to its Italian ways/origins, but is actually a Kenian interpretation and of Casanova, and by these groups who did settle in Kenia that is.




- and as with they very much of American origins, and having been worn in America, and before the Western/Modern times too that is.

Leather Pants:

- and as with they very much Italian and French too (and one of the things that do make France similar to Italy), and as they even worn in Italy and France, and before the Modern/Western times too that is.

Leather Jackets:

- very much German, and as with speaking of German Moors too that is, and as worn in Germany, and before the Modern/Western times actually.

Rowan Atkinson:

- and as with he very much Rome/Roman/Italian, and not British or English either, and as with attempting in all and in many a way, to put a Human Face, and to Italy in itself too actually [that when one in general thinks Italy, think Rowan Atkinson, and not Monica Bellucci either for instance].

North America

North America.

- the rise of North America and into preeminence, and in Modern Times in all, should very well be put into its proper perspective. That in all ways and as most do believe today in all, it does not have to do and with the rise of Modern America and as a place with many an Inventor to it that is, but instead, a rise in all again, and that does very well go, and with the History of Migration into North America [and as with speak of Immigrants coming in from all over the World, and as including from Central Asia and Africa too]. In all, these Immigrants bring their own forms of Knowledge and Wisdom, and do in all ways even, contribute to living in Modern North America that is. In all ways too, and as with attempting to educate one on just how best to perceive North America, is to tell one that Modern North America in all, is primarily defined and by the Skyscraper actually, and as with this speaking even and of Toronto as probably the city in North America and that does most embody the Skyscraper in all (and everything that does go along with it, or match it too that is), but that in all ways even, the only true Skyscraper out there perhaps, is actually the Empire State Building in NY City that is. In all ways though, this said because most are attracted to North America today, and mainly due to European/Italian cultural influence in the place [and as with telling one that, what falls under Heavy Metal Music, Metal Music and even Grunge Music, and everything else that does match it, is actually of Italian/European origins in all].

The Western World

The Western/Modern World.




- and as with the above three referring in all again, and to the highest Potential that the Western/Modern World in all, has to offer, and as with regards to everyday living that is.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Islam: A Comparative View

Islam: A Comparative View

To speak of Islam and as an everyday reality too and for those in the Middle East, is to not only speak of it as it is presented today in all, and very much in the form of Authoritarianism too, and also speak of many a Traditional Title in all interpreting Islam and in many a different way (as this is true of Islam and the Qu'ran, that the danger of it all actually does speak of the fact that it can be interpreted, and in just about thousands of ways too, and as with this referring to Politics in all, and as seen in past recent times and in the Middle East too), and as with telling those in the Middle East that, a fine way of looking at Islam, is from the perspective of the Message actually. What this does mean is that, the Message in all, can be promulgated in all again, and in endless ways that is: meaning, it could be broadcasted, declared, disseminated, proclaimed, sowed, voiced, endorsed, 'made public' or even simply ventilated too. In many a way, speak of Islam and as perceived as such and in the Middle East today, speaks of Yemen and as with they not fully followers of Islam actually, but in many a way seek to sow the Message, and in many a way too, speak of the Nation of Islam in America (NOI), and also of Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad, speaks of them in all, and as interpreting Islam and from the way the Message could be promulgated, and as in attempting in all again, to spread the Message, and in the form of voicing it too actually, and towards a Minority audience that is.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Political Structures

Political Structures.

We live in a World today, where many are not offered, many an alternative in all, and when it does come to learning just how to survive that is. What this does mean is that, we live in societies today, highly Centralized, and to the extent that, we do in all even speak of a single person, ruling over 5-10 Million people actually [and as with speak of many a Modern Presidency today too that is]. This was not true of the past, as in the past, people in all did live in societies, and which did offer, many an alternative in all again, and as with regards to what kind of Political Structures, they did desire in their lives that is [in all again, speak of societies, and which by example perhaps, can  best be perceived today, and from the perspective of a Country, having not only a Presidency, but in many a way even, speak of Religious Leaders, offer a different opinion in all, and on how life should be lived that is].

This post, does attempt in many a way, to re-introduce the masses in all, and to just how in all again, to go about best perceiving Political Structures, and in their daily lives too. Three examples will be given (though numerous do exist), and as with they pertaining to the following: (1). Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, (2). Religious Philosophy, (3). Religious Instruction.

To speak of Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, is to not only speak of it as having been traditionally popular all over the World, but that in all again, Ceremony in all does speak of many a social engagement (but one too, very much accompanied and by a form of dress that is), while Rites do speak of just how one greets and parts with another, while Ritual on the otherhand, is rather known, and simply speaks of creating bonds, and of the intimate kind too that is. In many a way, a way of living seen all over the World, and as with the example of 'Middle Egypt' for instance [and as with it separate from Lower Egypt too (towards Cairo), and even Upper Egypt (towards Nubia)] [and as with also saying that, alot of Modern Scholarship and Media out there today, and that does speak of Ancient Egypt, actually only speaks of 'Middle Egypt', and not Lower Egypt or Upper Egypt either, and as with those in Lower Egypt in all, in many a way too, living life based around Religious Philosophy, while those in Upper Egypt, did live lives based around Religious Instruction actually] [In many a way too, 'Middle Egypt', and as with they Afro-Asiatic speakers, while Upper Egypt on the otherhand, was actually made of Semitic speakers, and with Lower Egypt, made up of Semite speakers actually, and as with telling one that Jews in all, are not Semites and as Modern Publishing tells one, but are instead actually Afro-Asiatic speakers, and as with Anti-Semitism too, speaking of a time in History in all, where Semite speakers (and as they found in Lower Egypt, Greece and even Italy), were very much hated on, and by other groups of people actually (and as with Anti-Semitism too, rampant amongst Semitic speakers actually)] [in many a way too, Egypt as rather divided politically, and as with mentioning that the Egypt of the Bible, is actually 'Middle Egypt', and in many a way even, those from Upper Egypt, and especially Middle Egypt too, were not often given free passage, and into Lower Egypt that is].

When we do speak of Religious Philosophy, we are in many a way speaking of creating Political Structures, and as based around Habit, Custom and Tradition in all [and as with all this rather Constitutional in its ways, and as with Habit speaking in many a way of the Extrapersonal, Custom of the Interpersonal, and Tradition of the Intrapersonal too] and with Religious Instruction on the otherhand, speaking of Vice, Virtue and Ethics  in all that is.

In many a way, a good way to perceive the History of Europe, and as with it one whereby many a group of people perhaps, would set up a Political Structure, and as based around the three mentioned ways of living (though many others did exist), and then waited to see, if anyone would be interested, and in their way of living that is. A fine example of this was France, and whereby those who chose to live under the King of France, chose in many a way to live a life based around Religious Philosophy (and as with this speaking of the Jesuits in France), while those who did choose to live under the Queen of France, lived a life in many a way based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual (and as with this even speaking of the Musketeers), and finally those who did live directly under the Church in France (and as with speak of its Cardinals too), actually did live a life based around Religious Instruction in all. In many a way though, there did exist several other ways of living in France, and such as speak of the Arthurians (and as offering a way of life based around Myth), and also the Merovingians too actually (and as with they offering a way of living life, Byzantine in its ways, and as simply based around Scholarship actually) [and as with this referring even, to truly seeking out a good University Education for instance] [for other groups though, many of them in all, were actually simply educated, and in their Homes too actually, though they did have other many a Learning Institution to turn too actually].

In many a way too, life in Sweden and as based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, but with the Royal Family in Sweden, separate from the rest of Sweden in all, and as they did (and to this very day too), live a life based around Religious Philosophy actually. For Spain too, is to perhaps speak of the magnanimous work Don Quixote and by 'Cervantes' too, and as in telling those in Spain that, the work in many a way, is actually based on Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, and which could come to revolutionize everyday life in Spain actually.

Finally in all, speak of America too, and as with this speaking even and of the Promise of America (and the American Dream too), and which does in all refer (and as with speak of Boston too), to the very fact that, Americans in all are rather creative even, and with coming up with many an idea in all again, and on how to live life (and as mentioned above too), but more or less at the Communal level that is [that this in many a way speaks of the American Dream, and speaks of American History, and as a place whereupon landing on its shores, Boston that is, one was in many a way offered a basic way of living, and within America too, but with not too much help offered either (you simply had to know whom you were when you did it all that is)]. In many a way, America still rather helpful in all, and as with regards to all this, and in many a way too, speak of life in America today, speaks of the Southern States in all, living a life based around Evangelical Movements too, and which in all again, do attempt to create life/Political Structures in all, and as based around Religious Instruction too. In many a way too, speak of the Notre Dame in America (and as with it accompanied by a University/'Learning Institution' too), speaks in many a way, and of offering a way of living in all, and as based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual too [and as with this too, the very way even Italian-Americans in all, do live their lives: Ceremony, Rites & Ritual that is].

In all though, the concept of the Presidency, still valid, but unknown to most, it is actually an Ancient way of living (or Political Structure that is), and one even, associated with Sumerian Civilization for instance.

Finally, the name Europe, very much Celt/Arthurian, and speaks of Arthurian lifestyles in all, and as truly even, coming to define a unified European Identity in all that is. 

Ceremony, Rites & Ritual: