Friday, September 27, 2013

The Sphinx

The Sphinx.

We live in a World today, where in many a way, we have failed to realize the very influence of our Voices in our lives. At the very least, this does refer to the very fact that, our Memories in all (from Short-term memory, Long-term memory, Working memory etc.), do in many a way even, function, work and operate too, around our Voices in all that is [and as with the case of a gasp too for instance]. 

In many a way, speak of the World today, and even throughout History in itself, is to in many a way even, speak of the very fact that, when we do speak of the Outcome in our lives, and in any form or manner too, we today in all associate it all, and with our Voices, and in the form of the Cry too. In many a way, speak of Egyptian Civilization in all (and the Egyptian Memory too), coming to shape a large part of the World, and via the Cry too, and as with it in many a way defined by the Goddess Isis that is. In many a way too, Greek Civilization differing from Egyptian Civilization, and as the Outcome, and as with speak of the Voice too, defined in all, and by the Echo actually [and as with Europe too, differing from the rest of the World even, and as with the European Memory in all, very much shaped by the Greek Memory, and via Graeco-European Civilization too (or Cornwall that is), and as with the Outcome and the Voice in Europe in all, shaped even, and by Echo, and in the very form of the Sigh too actually].

In many a way, is to attempt to free most of the World, and from the oppressive nature, and of the Goddess Isis too, and via speak of the Voice/Cry that is. That in all, most around the World, do in all again, and as with the Outcome too, Cry out in all, and in a similar manner to the Goddess Isis that is. In all though is to tell one that, and very much in the name of Self-Awareness too actually, that true change in all, can come to ones life, and via coming to define the Voice/Cry, and the Outcome too, and in a different manner, and from that as defined by the Goddess Isis that is, and via in all, associating the Cry/Voice and Outcome, and with the Sphinx too actually [and as with this making for a much happier world, and as compared to happiness in all, and as defined very much by the Goddess Isis, and as with speak again, and of the Voice/Cry and the Outcome too that is].

Isis, the Voice/Cry and the Outcome:

The Sphinx, the Voice/Cry and the Outcome: