Monday, September 23, 2013



On the Nature of Woman:

Most Men don't simply know what to make of the Women in their lives. At the very least, they do associate them with Mothering and Mother figures, Sisters/Siblings and Womanhood, or even in all again Feminism, and as with it said to represent Female Intellectualism too.

Herein though, we shall attempt to give a basic detailing in all, and of whom Women truly are like. This too, rather important in all, and for many a Man too, and who does know there is something Feminine about them in all, and don't truly know what it is. A glimpse in all again, and in this post too, to simply help many a Man, and not too happy with the Women in their lives, to probably understand why this is.

To know Woman, is to know that unlike Man, she is highly described and by Esteem issues too [and as versus Confidence issues that is]. To speak of Esteem, is to speak in all again, and of just how one does Define themselves: what one is able of, their abilities too, or even what one is capable truly off. It is here, and as versus speak of Confidence too (and speak in all again even of Enlightenment, Transcendence etc.), that Women in all again, do define themselves and as based around Esteem too, and by highly even, comparing themselves in all, and from a Physical point of view too, to not only Men [and speak even of Male Genitals, and as versus Female Genitalia], but also in many a way, highly identifying with their Menstrual Cycles in all, and as with wondering truly even, why they do actually menstruate that is.

Second off, is to speak of the basic Psychology of Woman. That unlike Man in all, and who do tend to view things and from the very perspective of differences and similarities in all, Women on the otherhand, tend to highly view things, and from the perspective of Superiority, Equality and Inferiority too. In many a way, this does speak of projecting many a personal issue, and to oneself even, and even others too [in all, attempting to see just how one in all again, is equal to another and as with regards to Perfectionism, or who in all again, is superior or inferior to one that is].

Thirdly, Woman, and as by nature too, rather Fearful even. In many a way, the very way Women do perceive Goddesses in all, and as with speak of Women and unlike Men too, primarily viewing themselves, and from the Fear Instinct actually [and as versus Men, and who do primarily even, view themselves, and from the Subconscious Mind too, and basic speak even, and of routine in our lives that is]. In all, Woman, as not being Spiritual (and as compared to their attempting to fool many a Man, that they are very much like Goddesses), in that, Women don't truly know Spirituality and from the perspective of the Spiritual in us (and speak even of the Unconscious, the Soul, the Subconscious Mind, the Mind etc.), and instead, highly view life and from the very perspective of personal issues, matters and problems, and as with expecting other Women to help them deal with this all, or truly even, expecting Men, to be servile to them, and as with regards to all this too that is [in all, the very failure to use Spirituality, and in attempting to get to the very root even, and of many a problem, and as compared to living a life in all, and of the same problems, issues, matters in all again, being recurrent in our lives in all that is].