Monday, September 16, 2013

Political Structures

Political Structures.

We live in a World today, where many are not offered, many an alternative in all, and when it does come to learning just how to survive that is. What this does mean is that, we live in societies today, highly Centralized, and to the extent that, we do in all even speak of a single person, ruling over 5-10 Million people actually [and as with speak of many a Modern Presidency today too that is]. This was not true of the past, as in the past, people in all did live in societies, and which did offer, many an alternative in all again, and as with regards to what kind of Political Structures, they did desire in their lives that is [in all again, speak of societies, and which by example perhaps, can  best be perceived today, and from the perspective of a Country, having not only a Presidency, but in many a way even, speak of Religious Leaders, offer a different opinion in all, and on how life should be lived that is].

This post, does attempt in many a way, to re-introduce the masses in all, and to just how in all again, to go about best perceiving Political Structures, and in their daily lives too. Three examples will be given (though numerous do exist), and as with they pertaining to the following: (1). Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, (2). Religious Philosophy, (3). Religious Instruction.

To speak of Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, is to not only speak of it as having been traditionally popular all over the World, but that in all again, Ceremony in all does speak of many a social engagement (but one too, very much accompanied and by a form of dress that is), while Rites do speak of just how one greets and parts with another, while Ritual on the otherhand, is rather known, and simply speaks of creating bonds, and of the intimate kind too that is. In many a way, a way of living seen all over the World, and as with the example of 'Middle Egypt' for instance [and as with it separate from Lower Egypt too (towards Cairo), and even Upper Egypt (towards Nubia)] [and as with also saying that, alot of Modern Scholarship and Media out there today, and that does speak of Ancient Egypt, actually only speaks of 'Middle Egypt', and not Lower Egypt or Upper Egypt either, and as with those in Lower Egypt in all, in many a way too, living life based around Religious Philosophy, while those in Upper Egypt, did live lives based around Religious Instruction actually] [In many a way too, 'Middle Egypt', and as with they Afro-Asiatic speakers, while Upper Egypt on the otherhand, was actually made of Semitic speakers, and with Lower Egypt, made up of Semite speakers actually, and as with telling one that Jews in all, are not Semites and as Modern Publishing tells one, but are instead actually Afro-Asiatic speakers, and as with Anti-Semitism too, speaking of a time in History in all, where Semite speakers (and as they found in Lower Egypt, Greece and even Italy), were very much hated on, and by other groups of people actually (and as with Anti-Semitism too, rampant amongst Semitic speakers actually)] [in many a way too, Egypt as rather divided politically, and as with mentioning that the Egypt of the Bible, is actually 'Middle Egypt', and in many a way even, those from Upper Egypt, and especially Middle Egypt too, were not often given free passage, and into Lower Egypt that is].

When we do speak of Religious Philosophy, we are in many a way speaking of creating Political Structures, and as based around Habit, Custom and Tradition in all [and as with all this rather Constitutional in its ways, and as with Habit speaking in many a way of the Extrapersonal, Custom of the Interpersonal, and Tradition of the Intrapersonal too] and with Religious Instruction on the otherhand, speaking of Vice, Virtue and Ethics  in all that is.

In many a way, a good way to perceive the History of Europe, and as with it one whereby many a group of people perhaps, would set up a Political Structure, and as based around the three mentioned ways of living (though many others did exist), and then waited to see, if anyone would be interested, and in their way of living that is. A fine example of this was France, and whereby those who chose to live under the King of France, chose in many a way to live a life based around Religious Philosophy (and as with this speaking of the Jesuits in France), while those who did choose to live under the Queen of France, lived a life in many a way based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual (and as with this even speaking of the Musketeers), and finally those who did live directly under the Church in France (and as with speak of its Cardinals too), actually did live a life based around Religious Instruction in all. In many a way though, there did exist several other ways of living in France, and such as speak of the Arthurians (and as offering a way of life based around Myth), and also the Merovingians too actually (and as with they offering a way of living life, Byzantine in its ways, and as simply based around Scholarship actually) [and as with this referring even, to truly seeking out a good University Education for instance] [for other groups though, many of them in all, were actually simply educated, and in their Homes too actually, though they did have other many a Learning Institution to turn too actually].

In many a way too, life in Sweden and as based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, but with the Royal Family in Sweden, separate from the rest of Sweden in all, and as they did (and to this very day too), live a life based around Religious Philosophy actually. For Spain too, is to perhaps speak of the magnanimous work Don Quixote and by 'Cervantes' too, and as in telling those in Spain that, the work in many a way, is actually based on Ceremony, Rites & Ritual, and which could come to revolutionize everyday life in Spain actually.

Finally in all, speak of America too, and as with this speaking even and of the Promise of America (and the American Dream too), and which does in all refer (and as with speak of Boston too), to the very fact that, Americans in all are rather creative even, and with coming up with many an idea in all again, and on how to live life (and as mentioned above too), but more or less at the Communal level that is [that this in many a way speaks of the American Dream, and speaks of American History, and as a place whereupon landing on its shores, Boston that is, one was in many a way offered a basic way of living, and within America too, but with not too much help offered either (you simply had to know whom you were when you did it all that is)]. In many a way, America still rather helpful in all, and as with regards to all this, and in many a way too, speak of life in America today, speaks of the Southern States in all, living a life based around Evangelical Movements too, and which in all again, do attempt to create life/Political Structures in all, and as based around Religious Instruction too. In many a way too, speak of the Notre Dame in America (and as with it accompanied by a University/'Learning Institution' too), speaks in many a way, and of offering a way of living in all, and as based around Ceremony, Rites & Ritual too [and as with this too, the very way even Italian-Americans in all, do live their lives: Ceremony, Rites & Ritual that is].

In all though, the concept of the Presidency, still valid, but unknown to most, it is actually an Ancient way of living (or Political Structure that is), and one even, associated with Sumerian Civilization for instance.

Finally, the name Europe, very much Celt/Arthurian, and speaks of Arthurian lifestyles in all, and as truly even, coming to define a unified European Identity in all that is. 

Ceremony, Rites & Ritual: