Saturday, September 7, 2013



We live in a World today, where Modern Publishing/Media in all, does tell us that Humanity is at the peak of its Intelligence (Link) [and due mainly to the inventions of the Television and the Car too], and when in reality, most of Humanity today, is Cognitively Impaired actually.

To put the Car and Television in perspective for all, is to perhaps tell one that no one knows who invented the TV or the Car either, but in all ways even, is to perhaps tell one that, these inventions were very much works in progress (meaning that they took a rather long time even, to be come a reality, and as with the case of the Computer too, having been envisioned in a simple form, and by Charles Babbage too for instance) [although, and controversially said too, the Arthurians in Italy, actually did invent the Gallardo and a Ferrari too, and in the 18th Century that is] [that the Europeans in all too, were actually very well versed in Gears and Wheels, and with the Swiss Watch too, a rather old European/Swiss invention actually].

Most Humans today though, and despite a Modern Education too, are actually Cognitively Impaired. To understand what this means, is to also know just how Modern Education in all, has actually truly failed its adherents. That Modern Education, appears highly based around dealing with issues of being Visually Impaired, Speech Impediments and even poor Sensory Perceptions too. To understand this better, is to speak of how many in the Modern World today, are heavily guided by Visual Aids, Speech Recognition and even Sensory Stimulation, and in the bid to teaching them something.

Visual Aids, do speak of the fact that most Humans today, are condition in only believing in the Truth, and as based around Pictures in all [that 'Seeing is Believing', is considered a major truth in all again, and as compared to past times, when Creative Imagination, was very much used to discern the Truth that is]. Speech Recognition on the otherhand, speaks not only of learning how to speak in an Authoritarian manner, but in all ways even, a form of intelligence in all too, associated with what they do call 'Cause and Effect', and very much too, a linear form of intelligence that is [that 'Cause and Effect', does in all ways even, speak of the belief that the World does function in a rather linear fashion, and as compared to the Butterfly Effect too for instance]. Sensory Stimulation on the otherhand, speaks of Humans in all again, only truly learning things, and from the perspective of not only being Punishned too, but in many a way, viewing everything around them, and from the perspective of Pain/Pleasure that is (and as with Pleasure here, defined as being all about Escapism, and not being in touch with Reality either, and as it truly is] [and as with watching TV too much, surfin' the Internet too much, Sex/Masturbation addictions, or Sleeping too much too, all forms of Escapism actually].

To speak of the troubles of Visual Aids [and as with they Photographic Images too], is to not only speak of Humanity today being fooled into believing that Pictures are Reality (and that they cannot be doctored/falsified for instance), and that depending on them for Reality (and as with not using Creative Imagination to prove things either), does develop a mentality in all, of 'Seeing is Believing' and as a major truth, but that in many a way too, one can be easily fooled, and as with the obvious case of many not knowing that, many an actress does masquerade as being Liv Tyler or Monica Bellucci too, or that the Apollo 13 landing on the Moon, was taken as factual truth (and as with not using Creative Imagination to analyse it all), and as by saying that, nobody knows how they did actually leave the Moon, as there was no Launch Pad on it, or Sub-Station too, to guide them out of the Moon that is. Those are the dangers, of only believing in Visual Aids (and 'Seeing is Believing' as a prime truth), and in that, one can easily be fooled, and via the use of Visual Aids (Photographic Images), and as evidence of anything too, in believing in anything too that is [and as with this referring even, to what they do call Follow-through that is][and especially if the Image in question, is perceived as being not Public either].

To speak of Speech Recognition, is to not only speak of Humans being molded, to recognize certain Voice tones in all, Authoritative too, but that Speech Recognition is actually in all again, a valid form of Intelligence, and when viewed only from Voice Pitch too actually [that those who do speak with high Voices Pitches for instance, are not sure of what they are saying, those who do speak with medium Voice Pitches, are somewhat knowledgeable/doubtful of what they are saying, and that those who do use low Voice Pitches, are actually lying to one] [those on the otherhand, who do speak in a Sweet Voice, actually don't like one, while those who try to be Nice, are actually fearful by nature].

To speak of Sensory Stimulation, and Sensory Perceptions too, is to speak of Humans in all, being Shaped in all again, and in not only believing in anything, that will lead to Punishment actually [but that in all again, Humans in all and in the past too, did learn from making Mistakes (and speak of all kinds of Support Mechanisms that is), while today, many in all are simply Shaped, to basically think and from the very perspective of addition, subtraction, multiplication or even division in all, and all guided by the fear of punishment too, and as compared for instance, to learning how to think, and as based around Boolean Logic for instance] [In all that, many today, are made to view Truth in all again, and not from the perspectives of right/wrong, correct/incorrect, or even true/false, but instead, are highly made to view reality, and from the perspective of proper/improper, and which does speak of punishment too].

This in all, the above, does contrast and from past times too, where Basic Intelligence in all again, was envisioned, and from the perspective of viewing everything, and from speak of Associations, Classification and even Clustering too. That the three in all again, did speak of viewing things and from the perspective of things being Interconnected (Associations), Interrelated (Classification), and even Interwined (Clustering) too. That all these three again, did speak of knowing what Balance (Associations), Equilibrium (Classifications), and even Stasis (Clustering) truly mean [and as with leaving all this to the reader, to find out their meanings, and as with telling them that knowing all this, will give one a basic idea of what Engineering is truly all about, or even that, when shown a picture in all again, and of Dandelions too, one still does not know what flowers truly are, and as with perhaps attempting to make all this philosophical, and speaking in all too of Birth-Death-Re-birth Cycles that is].