Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Wilderness

The Wilderness.

Most today, just don't know of the dangers, that Modern Infrastructure in all, poses to the majority of us. That Modern Infrastructure, is not Architecture & Design, and is in many a way, isolated from Nature in itself  too [and as compared to Architecture & Design, and which attempts to create Living Spaces, adjoined/connected in all, and to Nature in itself too that is].

The dangers of Modern Infrastructure in all, actually does lie with what could happen, and within Modern Living spaces too. That when one comes to be highly dependent on Modern Infrastructure, one in many a way then, is in a state of addiction actually (and as with regards to sensitivity to pain that is), but that in all again, becoming dependent on Modern Infrastructure in all, can lead to Oppressive States of Existence, and such as those seen in Mussolini's Fascist Italy, or even in Spain and under Francisco Franco too.