Thursday, September 12, 2013

Duties, Roles & Responsibilities

Duties, Roles & Responsibilities.

We live in a World today, where most are in search, and as with regards even, to general feelings of Ennui (lack of Interest), in search for Meaning in all, and in their everyday lives too that is. In many a way, this does speak of defining everyday life, and from the very perspective of Duties, Roles and Responsibilities too. That in many a way, this does not only speak of living a life and as based around a highly functionable Home even, finding an Identity in ones Locale in all, but also, speak very much of, and of defining what an Individual, and in the everyday sense too, truly is [and speak of what does constitute our everyday lives, and as divided along the Public, Private, Secret and even Personal spheres of everyday living that is].

In all ways even, all this does speak even of the fact that, before one can speak in many a way of creating Independent Communities in all, and as with even speak of work for all, one must know in some ways, what does constitute Duties, Roles & Responsibilities, and as with attempting to create Localized Identities, and for all within a Community too that is. 

Unknown to many too, Duties, Roles & Responsibilities today, and as defined by the Western/Modern World in all, do speak in many a way, and of the Jewish World actually [that most today, and around the World too, and when it does come to Duties, Roles & Responsibilities, are very much Jewish in their ways actually]. The problem with all this is that, the Jewish World (and as with speak of Jewish History too), has in many a way been defined, and by Ghetto mentalities in all [that the Jewish Mentality in all, has always been one about escaping the Ghetto, and living in many a way, a Middle-Class life too actually].

Posted above though, is a work by the name of the 'American Transcendentalists', and which in many a way, can help free one and from the bondage in all, many do find themselves in (and as with speak of brainwashing and subconscious programming too), and as with regards to defining themselves, and as based around Duties, Roles & Responsibilities too [and as many feeling somewhat slave-like, and when it does come to all this], and that Transcendentalism in all, can help one in all again, learn how to develop basic Thought in all, and as with regards to creating everyday Identities actually, Home oriented too, Individual in their ways, and even Local in nature too, and as with freeing one in all again, and not only from Modern Jewish mentalities in all, but in all ways even, helping one see just whom in all again, they once were, and as with speak of Family History too [and as with Skepticism too, and as with it still prevalent in China today, what in many a way, was at the very heart and of the ruin too, and of Chinese Civilization in all that is] [and with America too, traditionally ruled by Pragmatism, and as with regards to all this actually].

To finally end all this, a reminder that Transcendentalism in all, can truly help teach one how to free themselves, and from the shackles of slavery/servitude in many a way, and that many do find themselves today in, and in their homes, workplaces, and even Individual lives too [and as with speak furtherly even, and of just what to do, and with the present too that is].