Monday, September 16, 2013

Black, White & Brown

Black, White & Brown.

This post in many a way, does attempt to show in all, just how in all again, to best go about perceiving the differences between us. That many today, have been conditioned and in viewing the differences between us, and mainly from Facial Features, Hair kinds/varieties, and even in all again, speaking of Nationality and Country of origin too. In many a way, speak of Facial Features, and as with they Caucosoid, Negroid or Mongoloid too, does not speak of inferiority and superiority too, but in all ways even, and of Artistic differences actually [that in all again, Caucosoid, Negroid and Mongloid peoples, simply produce different forms of Art, and as with Caucosoid peoples for instance, not well knowledgeable, and of how to go about performing a (TV) Comedy Routine for instance (it being Negroid people too, and who actually do know how to do this)]. Speak of Hair kinds/varieties in all, actually speaks in many a way, and of Skeletal differences in all that is, and as with those with tightly curled hair (or 'African hair' and as some do call it), actually having rather rigid Skeletal systems in all, and as compared to Straight haired people too, and who do have limber Skeletal systems actually. To speak of Nationality and Country of origin, is to associate it in all again, and with the very world of News Media too actually [that many in all do believe in News Media, and as with regards to living standards in their places of residence in all, and as with comparing them too, and to living standards in all again, and as seen in Western Countries (and rather than actually looking for inspiration, and as with regards to all this, based around highly developing even, Local News Media that is)].

This post though, does attempt to educate one, and on just how life in all, and from the Ancient times, and until the very times of the French Revolution too, just how life in all, was actually lived like [and as with speak even of the differences between us all]. That these differences, were very much based around Skin Colour, and as with furtherly stating that and despite what a Modern Historian in all might think too, that Ancient Egypt was actually truly populated only by Brown skinned peoples, Ancient Nubia/Nubia by Black skinned peoples, while Ancient Libya in all again, was actually White skinned.

To best know the differences between the Colours (and as with this speaking of Melanin and Neuromelanin too), is to best know how they actually do live out their lives in all. That unknown to most (and as with speaking of life throughout most of History), life in many a way, was grounded, and in what one could term 'Brown Models of living'. These 'Brown Models of living' in all, and as with Brown skinned peoples having been rather prominent throughout History (and as with Aristotle have been Brown skinned too, and Negroid), in all ways though, this actually does speak of living life, and as highly based around creating a Good/Great Memory in all that is. That life in all again, was actually one Great/Good Memory, and in all ways even, everyday life was perceived, and from the very perspective of details, consistencies, minutiae, particulars, specifics, fine points, regularity etc., and as with all this being taken into account, and when thinking simply of creating a Great Memory and of life that is. A good way though to remember whom we once were and when we did live under the 'Brown Models of living', is perhaps by looking through the Alexandre Dumas work 'The Count of Monte Cristo' (the Oxford World Classics edition). This differs though, and from what one could call 'White Models of living', and as with White skinned peoples, highly living lives, and as based around the making and taking, and of many a Choice, Option and Will too [that in the White World, living life to the max, has to do and with being offered as many Choices, Options and even the expressing of Willpower and to the utmost too, and in anything one does that is]. Most today though do falsely believe that we do live under some forms of White oppression actually (and as with this true to some extent, but in all again it actually referring to speak of White Sexuality, and as with choices, options and will in our lives, more or less sexual in their nature too), but the the truth is, the World today, is actually highly based around 'Black Models of living' [and as with speak of Nubian Civilization even]. To speak of 'Black Models of living' is to acquaint everyday Black life, and with all kinds of Disruptions and Disturbances too, and as with this true of Modern lifestyles in all, but in all ways even all this speaking of creating Harmonious environments, and with as little disruptions and disturbances to it, and all this too, very much in the name of looking out, or searching for, and for what some do call 'Inner Peace' too actually [that in the Black world, one seeks to create Identities, and as based around 'Inner Peace', and so as to prevent as many a disruption or disturbance, and in ones everyday life too that is].

The above in many a way though, does constitute the differences between the Skin Colours (and as with White skinned Europeans in all, living under 'Brown Models of living' and as seen throughout European History, but in many a way too, the differences between the Skin Colours, very much has to do with Voices [that White skinned, Brown skinned and Black skinned peoples in all, actually do have different Voices from each other (and as with Black skinned peoples too, having Voices with high tones to it that is)].

In many a way, speak of Computer Systems in our lives today, actually does speak of them and surprisingly enough, and as being designed, and around 'Black Models of living' too. That in all, many a Computer today, is divided into sub-systems, and systems too, that do interact with each other, and as based around disruptions and disturbances, and as with also pointing out that, living life under 'Black Models of living', actually does go along and with Viral communications too [meaning in all again that, just how in all Viruses do spread, is very much how information in all today, does actually spread like, and not only within computers too, but also within Black communities actually] [and as with Black skinned peoples in all, more susceptible, and to Viruses, and as compared to other Skin Colours too actually]. To make this clearer, is to speak of a Computer, and as designed and as based around 'White Models of living', and as with telling one that, this is how in all Donald Knuth, and in his seminal work 'The Art of Computer Programming', attempted to show/teach in all, that you could create Computer Systems, and as highly based around the offering and of as many Choices, Options and Will even, and in anything one did that is.

In all ways even, a final way of comparing the different Skin Colours, does in all ways even, emanate from Nature actually, and as with Brown skinned peoples, very much associated with talk of the Elements [Earth, Air, Water, Fire], and with Black skinned peoples, very much associated with Minerals [Silver, Gold, Platinum etc.] [and speak also and in many a way too, and of issues of Attractivity that is, plaguing Black communities in all], and finally in all again, White skinned peoples, and as going along and with many a Phenomena in Nature too (and such as a Beautiful Sunset for instance), but in all ways even, the White World, and as coming even and to be defined by Nature based Phenomena, and such as Hurricanes and Tornados too [that this in all, is whom White people are like, and when violent that is].

In all ways even, speak of Media today, and how it does attempt to portray people, and as based around Skin Colours too, and as compared to the everyday lives of the different Skin Colours in all, and as with the Media today brainwashing people that, White skinned peoples do deal with issues of Attractivity in general [and as attempting to present themselves as highly attractive], while Brown skinned peoples deal with issues and of Peace and Calmness in their lives, and with Black skinned peoples said to deal with issues of intelligence in all [and when in reality and as with speak of everyday Modern lives, White skinned peoples highly even, deal with issues of Peace and Calmness, Black skinned peoples with issues Attractivity (and as with gaining Wealth in the Black World, all about portraying oneself as attractive), and Brown skinned peoples and with issues of Intelligence actually (and as with this referring even, to simply thinking differently, and from the norm too that is)].