Friday, September 20, 2013

The West

The West.

Many have hard of the term 'The West'. Most though don't truly know what it actually does mean, and just simply believe its a different way and of referring to the Western World, or even perhaps, Leaders in all again, and as emanating and from the Western World too actually. While the Western World though, can be said to in many a way even, to simply consist of Western Leaders in all (and such as speak of the G8 even), and Westernization in all again, can be said to be the attempt to spread Western News Media, Western Education and especially Western Entertainment and all over the World too, 'The West' in many a way, does speak of the Western World, and its very peak actually.

To understand this better, is to know what exactly does constitute 'The West' in all. That in many a way, it does speak of what some could term 'Western Humour' (and as with this at the basis even, and of Western Intelligence too in all), Western Social Constructs, and also Western Social Cohesion in all. To speak of Social Constructs in all again, is to in all ways even speak of places in all and, where at the very most, the so termed 'Western Intelligentsia' in all, do meet with each other actually, but in many a way too all this, not only speaking of a party perhaps, but that in all again, many who do engage in these Social Constructs put up by 'The West', are in many a way even, judged and as based around Racial stereotyping too actually [that in all ways even, this does speak of Modern Europeans, and as said the most perfect of beings, and everybody else judged according and to whether they do meet Modern European ideals and of Socializing in all that is]. To speak of Social Cohesion, is to also perhaps even speak of France and England today, and as said even, to be the perfect societies in all, and as with regards to the interaction between different peoples, but that in all ways even, these everyday interactions, are actually based around Sexual stereotyping actually (and speak of whom is the most attractive or handsome and of all of us too), and in many a way even, the very belief that Sexual stereotyping in all, and in the Western World too, is least prevalent and in Modern England and France today [the very belief too that, even the most funny looking of us, can sleep, and with the most beautiful of English 'girls' that is]. Finally again, is to speak of 'Western Humour' in all, and as with it at the very basis of Western Intelligence in all again, and as with it actually in all, said to be grounded in what one could call 'Trial and Error' actually, and as with telling one that, Western Intelligence in all too really, does actually emanate and with 'Trial and Error' in itself, and as with this even not only at the basis of 'Western Humour' in all (and as with remembering a funny joke too, and attempting to impress or amuse others that one believes have never heard the joke before that is), but that this 'Western Humour' in all, and as grounded in 'Trial and Error' (and as with truly thinking deeply and of how to impress another), and that Western Intelligence in all again, and as grounded in 'Western Humour' too, does speak in all too even, and of in many a way using 'Trial and Error' (and as with speak of Western Research even), and as the very basis, and of Western Knowledge Accumulation too [that Western Research in all, and as originating with 'Trial and Error', does speak of lots of time spent doing Research (and as with speak of Utilitarianism and Shangri-la too), and as with Western Research even, not actually speaking of the Logical in all, but in all ways even, and of finding an Instant Solution actually, and to just about any problem too that is] [That in all, most believe the Western World to operate around many a Theory, when in reality, it does operate in all again, and as based around Authoritarianism too, and the finding of an Instant Solution, and to just about any problem too that is]. In many a way too, those in 'The West'/Europe in all, and as said to be the most intelligent of peoples, and as with speak even, and of the Instant Solution that is.

In many a way too, this post very much has to do, and with freeing one from 'The West' in all that is [its Images in all again, and of grandeur too actually]. In many a way 'The West', and as coming to define Godliness in our lives, and as with those in 'The West' in all, not perceived Religious actually, but somewhat like God in all truly. In all, the best way to perceive the West, is to replace 'Western Humour' in all again, and Western Intelligence too, and with what some do term Icons/Iconography, and as with this speaking even of basic Humour & Intelligence, and not only in the form of Icons actually, but also in the form of Prayer too really. In many a way too, Western Social Constructs (and as with they falsely deemed traditionally European too) [and as with they more actually British in their ways], do speak in all again, and of socializing, and as based around Traditional Music too actually [and not Western interpretations, and of European Classical Music either]. Finally in all again, Social Cohesion, very much going and with the world of Folktales too.

In the attempt in all again and to trump 'The West' in all, and as with attempting to make all this Worldly in all too really, is to associate Icons and as versus 'The West' too, and the attempt in all again, to speak of what a perfect combo and as consisting of Icons, Folktales and Traditional Music too would consist of: that it would all very much be along the lines and of Lord Rama and the Ramayana as Iconography, Br'er Rabbit and the Folktale, and also speak of Jimi Hendrix and Traditional Music too that is [that these three in all, do trump 'The West', and as with regards to Western Class/Intelligence mentalities, Sexual stereotyping, and also Racial stereotyping in all too that is].

World Iconography:

World Folktales:

World Traditional Music (Putumayo):