Friday, September 13, 2013

Canada: The Great White North

Canada: The Great White North

Many in a way, don't truly know the true History of Canada. To say the least, life in Canada has never been truly pleasant (and outside Quebec too), and as with this speaking of not only 'Anne of Green Gables' too, but in many a way even and unknown to most too, life in Canada in all, and traditionally too (and outside Quebec that is), has very much been similar, and to what you do see in a TV show, and such as Shane and with David Carradine too [that many do falsely believe 'Shane' in all, to truly represent life and as was once seen in America, when in reality, it actually speaks of Canada].

Canadians in many a way (and outside Quebec too), are not a happy people. The reason for this, very much has to do, and with just how life in all, is truly lived in Canada. That unknown to most, living in Canada, is not the easiest of things, and mainly due to the fact that, on attempting to do anything, one will require Help, Aid or Assistance, and of any kind too. Canada, is not a Wealthy Country (and as unknown to most, it is in heavy even, debt, and to the IMF, and outside Quebec too), and this in many a way, speaks also of Canadians requiring Help, Aid or Assistance, and in anything they do [to understand this better, is to speak of problem solving, and from the perspective of Design too, and as with saying that, when one thinks Design, it is best copy Designs in all again, and as seen in the Nature of a place, and when thinking of problem-solving too for instance, and from a Local perspective that is] [and as with this speaking even, of copying Wild Creatures in Nature, and as with regards even, to how regular one should eat for instance].

To understand Canadians and Canada, is to know that, Canada in many a way, has positioned itself, and as the harbinger and protector even, and of White Images of Success too [that it is Canada in all, and not Australia, Europe or America even, that attempts in many a way, to strongly present White skinned peoples, and as being highly successful that is]. Unknown to most though, Canadians are in many a way, ashamed of themselves (and as with Canada mainly populated by White skinned peoples), in that, they love to portray Images of White Success, and from an Independence perspective too, when in reality, Canadians in all, tend to seek out as much Help, Aid or Assistance, and as they can truly find that is [that many in all again, are today brainwashed into thinking of White Success, and from the perspective successful White persons, as having made it all by themselves. or in all ways even, rather highly Independent that is].

In the attempt to reform Canada, is to first of all speak of what does constitute Help, Aid and Assistance, and from an ideological perspective too. That when one speaks of Help ideologically, one is actually referring to what they do term Egalitarianism [that Egalitarianism in all, is all about defining what Help truly is actually]. What of Aid? Ideologically, it speaks of what they do term Cosmopolitanism actually [and as in speak of a fundraising, and by Cosmopolitan figures in society too, and as with case of so called Cosmopolitan New York, actually a creation of Canadian Immigrants to New York that is]. Finally, Assistance too, and ideologically in all, actually does speak in all ways even, and of what they do term Worldliness [and as in the case, of a Car Towing business for instance].

In all, is to tell many a Canadian that (and as with Canadians too, proud of themselves and as a part of the NGO world), rather than wasting time, arguing and bickering and of why America is simply great, and why Canadian Governments suck, that building Societies in all (and as with a holding a Party too), does in all ways even, speak of places, and that one can go to, and speak or talk with others, open themselves up, and in all ways even, speak or talk of any kind of Help, Aid or Assistance they might require [and with this too, all a part of a Canadian tradition, and of what they do call Brainstorming actually].

In many a way, this is what Canadian Politics truly are all about. Whom in Canada in all, can get the Help, Aid or Assistance they require, and who cannot [and as with telling many a non-white person in Canada that, there is game being played here, and the game is all about who is, and who is not, a Minority] [that in many a way too, defining Minorities, and as with speak of gender, age, race or even class issues, is an everyday Canadian reality, and similar mentalities seen in America too, actually do arise, and with Canadian Immigrants to America too] [and with those disabled in Canada in all, actually dealing with Gender issues, and not Class issues and as many tend to believe that is].

In all, Canadian Bureaucratic Governments, have proven unreliable, and in solving Canadian problems (and as with they more Cultural even, and not truly Political too) [and as with Canadians wasting alot of time, speaking of what is truly American, and what is truly Canadian on the otherhand, and secretly hating any American too]. In all, is to tell Canadians that, Societies, Egalitarian, Cosmopolitan, and even Wordly in their ways, can very well be enhanced, and by the Arts Industries too [and as in telling Canadians that, or even pointing it out too, Canadian Music in many a way, is Egalitarian in its ways, and speaks of Help, while the Movie industries on the otherhand, can in many a way help in Cosmopolitan issues, and with Canadian Magazines too, speaking of Wordly issues in many a way]. In many a way too, Toronto and Ontario, and at the very heart even, and of Egalitarianism in Canada, while Vancouver and BC, at the very heart too, and of Cosmopolitanism in Canada, and finally Calgary and Alberta too, speaking of Worldliness, and in Canada too. In all, a simple way of Canadians to learn how to create Independent Communities, and as with their not wasting time with Canadian Bureaucratic Governments (and who are highly Elitist in their ways and as with aspiring to be somewhat like Central Europeans in all), and instead, go about creating Canadian Identities, based around Egalitarianism, Cosmopolitanism or even Worldliness, and as with speaking of many a Canadian Political issue, far more Cultural in its ways actually, and not truly Political either [that in all again, if one does live in Canada, one will discover that it is not finding Food that's a problem, but in many a way, finding Food that one actually does like].

Finally in many a way too, speak of an unknown History of Canada, that if one in all again does attempt to fight for Minority rights and of any kind too, one could very well find themselves thrown into a detention center or even a prison too, and by Canada's Authoritarian and Bureacratic Governments actually [and something more prevalent and than most do assume it all to be, and as with Canadians wondering why some are wealthy in Canada and others not, and in a Canada too, that does attempt to pretend, that Minorities don't truly exist in Canada, and that everyone is an equal of a kind and to each other too actually]. To end all this though, is to speak of a Canadian Consciousness in all, and as based around Help, Aid and Assistance issues, and as with attempting to tell Calgarians in all that, the somewhat recent floods in Calgary, could very well have emanated from a Canadian Consciousness [and one of seeking Help, Aid and Assistance, and in anything one does too].