Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Kenia/'Kenya' in all, and unknown to most too, is a place that has been known to many a person, and since the rather olden times too actually. At the very least, the first peoples to have know about the place, were the Swahili, and who have been on the Swahili Coast, and since nearly the ancient times too. The Image above, and of a Man with Ribbon on his Hair, is not European/'Central Europe' or even Italian either, but actually is an Image in all, and that was associated with certain groups of people (some Italian), and who did settle in Kenia (and near the Swahili Coast too), and in the rather old times too actually. In many a way too, the movie Casanova and as starring Heath Ledger too, is not true to its Italian ways/origins, but is actually a Kenian interpretation and of Casanova, and by these groups who did settle in Kenia that is.