Good'day America: A Socio-Political History of America.
In many a way, speak of a Socio-Political History of America, speaks even and of just what terms like 'the United States of America', or even 'the USA', truly mean actually.
In many a way though, this post in all, is intended, and for those in America, considered very much outsiders in all, and to American society in itself that us. It begins off, by attempting to tell many a person, considered a minority too, just whom in all again, White people in America, truly are. That not all White people in America, are the same, and that they in all again, do live under differing Political systems in all.
In all, White America, and as divided into the following groups: Canadian-Americans, British-Americans, Australian-Americans, Euro-Americans, Native White American groups, South-American Whites and also Whites from many another differing region/place in all. All the above is said, because many an American problem today, is often presented and by many an American TV show, and such as the Today Show for instance, as being common to all Americans actually, and as with many a minority on hearing anything about racism in America, believing it to be true of all White Americans that is.
The first group, Canadian-Americans, are responsible for inventing the America, of Minority representation. It is they in all, and who do speak of racism, and from the very perspective of exclusion of many a person in all, and from American political life too. In all again, the very world even of Affirmative action, and speak even of funding minority public schools for instance. In many a way too, the very belief that minorities in all, are not truly intelligent people, and need white assistance of a kind, to basically survive that is. Canadian-Americans too, and as consisting of figures and such as Bill Clinton and even David Letterman that is.
British-Americans, are a rather unknown group in all. But one in many a way, might have heard of them, and via speak of America, and as being ruled by many a Secret Organization that is [and speak even perhaps, of British Maritime Law actually]. In all again, a group that highly identifies by skin colour, and truly believes even that all White Americans, should be one with each other, and not care to associate or interact with other skin colours in all, and as with the belief that non-white people in all, will one day eventually, become extinct from Earth. In all again, all other White groups in America, and as somewhat housing similar beliefs and very much due to a belief that British-Americans in all, have played a fundamental role in American History actually, and speak again even, and of British-Americans, is to speak in all and of figures and such as Tom Hanks, or even Christian Bale too actually [ to complicate this further though, is to speak of the fact that, there are populations in America, and of Persian origins too, and speak even of Boston America that is, and who could be confused for being British-American, and when they are not. This in all ways even speaks of figures and such as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis, and even Ben Affleck too].
Australian-Americans, are far more popular to most, and than most out there, do actually believe them to be. For it is they, and more than any other group of White peoples in all, who are often featured in many a textbook in all again, and on recent American History too. To understand this better, is to know that it is Australian-Americans, that were behind the formulation of the Antebellum South (or America after Slavery), and speak even of Jim Crow too actually [and as with Jim Crow even, speaking of America in all, and as somewhat similar to Colonial Kenya even, and as with regards to segregation laws that is]. In many a way too, the group of White Americans in all, truly behind even America's self-help industry, and in all ways even, consists of peoples, and such as Bruce Willis, Dale Carnegie, and even American Country singer Hank Williams too.
Euro-Americans, are largely unknown somewhat to most. They are however in all ways even, a rather private group, having arrived in America, and during the American Civil War period too. They are in many a way involved in many an American Multinational (and not Corporation either), and in many a way too, are responsible for the birth of America's Gated Communities in all. Not much to be said of this group in all again, they even wealthy perhaps, but in all ways even consists of people in all and such as Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullock, the cast of the TV show 'Life Goes on', Marcia Cross and even Kelly Clarkson too. In many a way too though, this group as having come to be prominent in all, and in helping design modern
American Political Imagery, and as with example of an American Flag, and with an Eagle superimposed on it, but in all ways even, this group too, as responsible in all, and for uplifting Chinese/'East Asian' presences in America, and as with regards even to Self-Images, and as with this group too, responsible in all, and for having attempted in all again, to claim that China, was the next Global Superpower that is.
Native White American groups, speak of White Americans in all, and who have been in America, and for almost an eternity now. They in many a way in all, have speech patterns and that do differ from other White Americans too, and as with these speech patterns even, speaking of Robert DeNiro, or even Al Pacino too for instance. In all ways too, a group that remains hidden in many a way, and from American Public view, and as with they even rather private in their ways, and no longer in all, do put out Images of themselves, and on the International or even National American scene too (and to some extent that is). In all ways even, a group of White Americans, rather self-sufficient in their ways, and includes figures and such as Axl Rose for instance, Steven Tyler, Richard Gere, Cindy Crawford, and even Julia Roberts too.
South-American Whites, speaks in all ways obviously, and of White populations from South America in all, and now residing in America too. They are in all again not rather well known too, but in many a way too, center themselves in all, and in the State of Nevada actually. In all ways even is to tell many a minority that, when they do think of American racism, and as including the frequent use of the term 'nigger' even, then one should be made aware that, it is this group, that practises such racism in all. They however though, also do tend in all, to associate with White groups in all again, and as coming in from the Middle East too (and who are equally racist that is), and in all ways even speaks of folks in all, and such as Napolean Hill, Dick Cheney, Sharon Stone, and even Tina Fey too (Omani).
Finally in all again, speak of White populations, coming in from Africa, Central Asia and even Asia too, and who do in all, tend to cluster with each other actually. A group in many a way not well know actually, but in many a way too, are associated with White poverty in America in all. A group in all again, that has never truly been able to fit in into American life in all, and in many a way, have somewhat preferred to remain as they simply are. They however have made some inroads in American life, Politically too, and are the kind even and to some extent, to readily help minorities actually, and as with this speaking even of many an American Aid Organization, and such as the American Red Cross for instance. In many a way too, this group as originally in all falsely presenting themselves, as being Italian Immigrants to America, when Italians in all, actually do look like Sylvester Stallone, Lenny Kravitz, Scarlett Johansson and even Natalie Portman too. In all again, this group as made up of figures and such as JFK (John F. Kennedy), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Keanu Reaves, and even Donald Rumsfeld too. In many a way too, this group as making a home, and in the State of Florida that is.
In all ways even, viewing White American populations as such, could very well help many an outsider to American life, and especially the recent immigrant to America in all, simply know whom they are in America actually [that America in all, is in many a way even, politically divided, and not only by State, but even speak of Ethnicity too actually]. In many a way though, is to also speak of Political terms, and such as the United States for instance. In all, the United States, as very much referring to Native White American groups in all, but with this in all again, speaking of certain peoples in all, that one might falsely believe to be minorities, when they do actually fall under the United States. Examples include Bow Wow, Slash, Thomas Sowell and even Al Roker too.
In many a way too, the term the USA, as coming in all again, to actually speak of African-Americans in the United States of America that is, and as with this even specifically referring to, descendants of African 'slaves' to America, and as with many even simply choosing to live simple lives, and in what some do term America's Inner Cities. In all again, the group, and culturally too, responsible for giving America its Street Graffiti Art, Breakdancing, Southern Black Cuisine (and such as Southern Fried Chicken too), and even what some do call Street Ball (or Street Basketball that is). In all ways too, a group that does define itself differently and from other Black populations to be seen in America, and as with this group preferring to be well-educated and in a individual manner too in all, and as with speak even of the likes of Kwame Jackson for instance, and a group in all again that does differ from Black populations coming in from the Middle East and Asia too, and who do fall under the banner of 'Black America', and in many a way aspire to lead Middle Class lifestyles, and as with this in all ways even speaking of the worship of Oprah Winfrey for instance. In many a way too, 'Black America', and as falling under the term the US, and where in all again Black America does meet White America in all, and via many a Feminist formation too actually.
In all ways even is to tell many a person new to America, and lost in their ways that, it is the State of Minnesota, that they might truly wish to seek out (and instead of Texas too), and in hoping in all, to adapt or acclimatize, and to American life that is. Finally too, the term 'the United States of America', and as said a modern Umbrella term, and for all said Americans too that is.