Thursday, July 22, 2010

Basic Education

There are many, out there, who have absolutely, no interest, in going, to school, whatsoever. None, zilch; but still, they seek out, and want to find, a way, they can survive, on their own, working wise. They probably, spend, some of their time, ambling aimlessly around, in a similar manner, to the way, Lenny Kravitz, struts around. They don't really, know, what they want, to do, with their lives, but truly know, that one day, they will, but fear, being unprepared, for it all. The whole purpose, with this entry, is to help, such folk, realize, they can, be prepared, for anything, they wish, to do, in their lives, at a basic, or intermediate level, by engaging, in any, of the tracks, presented below. Schools out, and the bell, ain't ringing, ever more, for these folks, again.

South America: Literature study

For those, wishing, not to go, to school, in South America, they can, attempt, well enough, to, make a living, by studying, literature. In South America, the vast, majority, of problems, people face, are intellectual, in nature [Paulo Coelho style]; Just about, everything, from running a shop, to owning, a car repair shop, is rather, intellectual, in nature. In South America, people, don't simply, buy clothes for instance [meaning, they don't buy them, to look good]. In South America, they buy clothes, to present themselves, as being, intelligent; its kinda different, that way. They don't eat, food, that tastes, good, instead, they are, connoisseurs. They don't buy, cars, to look, wealthy, instead, they seek out, the likes, of Rolls Royce, so as to, look, intellectual. A car repair shop, in South America, is run, on the premise, that people, want, their cars, to fit, a certain, image; they may, for instance, want it, to be, a certain color, have certain wheels, make a certain sound, and the likes. Its all image, and intellectualism. Understanding intellectualism, has its basis, in studying, literature; all kinds, of literature, and not just, South American. The whole goal, is really, to know people [psychologically/profile wise], and their motivations; doing so, allows one, to know, how to, meet, their needs, and demands. In many ways, working, like this, also, requires one, to be, very much, a hustler, of some kind, as one, will discover, that meeting, the needs, and demands, of the people, requires, one, to have, connections, to people, who can, supply one, with rare goods. A person, wants his car, to have, a really, sleek look, and one, has to know, where, to find, the right kind, of paint. This involves, in engaging, in what they call, Researching. Researching, is different, from Research, and can be, carried out, over, the internet. Its all about, looking, for information, and can lead, one, eventually, to discover, what they call, the black market. Thats kinda what, South America, is all about.

Africa: Constructivism

I don't really know, how to explain, Constructivism, well enough, but you will find, that only, in Africa, do you ever, hear the words: "Lets have, a constructive dialogue". Taking that statement, as the basis, of Constructivism, one, can then attempt, to describe, Constructivism, as the attempt, to construct, a reality, or picture, of whats happening, in the now. When one, seeks, to engage, in a constructive dialogue, one realizes, they really need, to know, what they are talking, about; failure, to do so, results, in people, getting, the wrong impression. By the wrong impression, it is meant, that people, fail, to realize, the gravity [seriousness], of the matter, at hand. Africa, is a rather, unstable continent, and what makes it, even more unstable, is the failure, to understand, instability, and its consequences. For instance, a person, might declare, that a certain, minister, in Africa, has bought, an aeroplane, with money, taken, from the government. The use, of the word, aeroplane, and taken, is misleading; if one, was to use, 'personal jet' and stolen, one would see, the seriousness, of the matter, at hand. To fully realize, what is been said, is to understand, that in Africa, if one, commits, a crime, and is not, arrested, almost immediately, they can, very well, get away, with it. Its kinda like that. The concept, of the public outcry, only works, in Africa, and only, when the people, fully realize, the gravity, and consequences, of an improper action. Engaging, in Constructivism, can easily, be carried out, only, if one, knows, what, they are truly, talking about. Doing this, involves, engaging, in the study, of the Dictionary, Glossaries, and Scholarly works. Africa, is a kind, of complicated, continent, as people, rarely, ever truly know, whats going on, in it. And the key, to engaging, in Constructivism, is explaining, reality, as it is; this very much, involves, being able, to describe, what one, is seeing, accurately. Many Africans, speak, of their problems, generally, and never, truly know, whats going on, in their lives. Scholarly works, include, the works, of the likes, of, Toyin Falola. For the enterprising Nigerian, or the unemployed one, reading, the works, of, Falola, would help one, truly grasp, whats going on, in Nigeria, at the moment; as mentioned before, Africa, is a continent, people, hear about things, and never, truly, see them. This all, might not be, too easy, to see, if one, has never, lived, in Africa. Constructivism, is further enhanced, by engaging, in what, they call, Study. Study, is very much, associated, with the reading of Journals, which are, all about, Constructivism. Africa, used to have, some great, Political journals, many of which, went under, assumingly, because of, corrupt politicians. In reality, many went under, because of, corrupt businessmen. In Africa, one cannot, talk, of corruption, on a large scale, without, mentioning, businessmen/women. They are often, at the heart, of it all. In Kenya, for instance, during, the Moi era, one could not, talk, of Government corruption, without, mentioning, the names, of top businessmen, like Kamlesh Patni, and Paul Muite. In Nigeria, one could not, speak, of Government corruption, under Obasanjo, without speaking, of Alhaji Dangote. Its kinda like that; it was, the businessmen, that led, to the fall of many, of, Africas, political journals. Politicians in Africa, tend to be, opportunists.

Asia: Martial Arts

In Asia, seeking out, ones aspirations, will eventually, lead, to people problems. Many problems, often seen, in the movies, such as, people, refusing, to pay up debts, or gangs, raised, to destroy, ones property, or even worse, assassins, sent out, to take ones life, are really Asian, in origin. These are, the kinds of problems, people meet, in Asia. They are, politically motivated, with a business angle, to them all. In many ways, alot, of what, people, consider, corruption, in Africa, to be about [powerful people turning the masses, against an opponent], really happen, in Asia, in wars, between, business people. Knowing, how to deal, with these problems, requires, strategic thinking. One cannot, solve, these kind, of problems, politically [meaning, the use, of policemen, or even, the law system]. Its hard, to prove, these kind, of things. What one, needs, to do, is act, on these problems, like they did, in old Asia; in a martial manner. The Martial Arts, while many things at once, often, tend to program, ones subconcsious, with patterns, that help one, in strategic thinking. These patterns, are very much, about, solving, people based problems. The Martial Arts, in China for instance, were used, in helping, people, train, to become, Swamis. The most, famous, of these, martial arts, was, Shaolin King Fu, which was, associated, with, Shaolin Monks, who are really, Swamis, who know, Martial Arts. When one trains, in the Martial Arts, one should remember, to train, in systems, that don't, conflict, with each other. For instance, one should not, mix, Praying Mantis Kung-fu [Fire], with, Wing Chun Kung fu [Earth], or risk, developing, MPD. When attempting, to deal, with people problems, politically motivated, Asians, also, pretty much need, what they call, Publications. Publications, are really, all about, Sociology, presented, in a political manner. A good example, of an Asian publication, is Asia Week. Really good.

North America: Music Impresario

A Music Impresario, is really, a kind, of musical genius. In fact, a Music Impressario, is a person, trained, in the playing, of different, musical instruments. Prince, for instance, is a Music Impressario. He is said, to play, about, 7-8 instruments, excellently; even the drums. The reason, for this, is in knowing, several things; one, that most, problems, in North America, are of, the integrationist, kind. Making things, fit in. Two, is in knowing, that Americans, really, tend to have, musical instruments, and not, music instruments. Music instruments, are really, seen, only, in Europe. American music, is different, from, European music, in that, it is, performed, and not, played, as European music, is. Performance, is really, about, integration. In all, being a Music Impressario, is really all about, being, a Songwriter. It trains one, to be, an integrationist. European music, has accompaniments [parts added to simply please], while, North American music, is all about, accommodation [parts, that make up, a whole]. Most American movie characters, tend to be, integrationists. They are out, to make, a whole, out of, many parts. Prince, would very much, make, the perfect, movie character, capable, of playing, a detective, superhero, and even, president. An enhancement, in being, an integrationist, is owning, lots, of what, they call, Reference material. References, of all kinds, as that is what, Americans, seek out, when attempting, to deal, with any kind, of problem; Radio show hosts, Desktop References [O'reilly Nutshell series], social experts [of all kinds, such as Librarians], and even, taxi cab drivers.

Europe: Performance Artist

Performance Artists, are kind of, known, out there, today, but not really, celebrated, anymore. When one, thinks, Performance Artist, today, they think, mime, or juggler. In reality though, the Performance Arts, are broad, in scope, and feature, the likes, of, Oratory, Singing, and even, acting in theatre. What, the performance arts, do really, to those, who train in them, is that, it makes them, idea full. They become, people, filled, with all sorts, of, general ideas. Not only that, the performance arts, help one, become, intuitive, socially. One simply knows, what people, expect, and how, to please them. They call this, being, socially clued in. Yet still, performance arts training, can help one, in solving, all kinds, of problems, if one, can only see them, from a, social perspective; this means, knowing, what people expect, and knowing, how to please them. A performance artist, could for example, make, a really good, real estate agent. Most real estate agents, think, selling real estate, is all about, service [being well spoken]. A performance artist, could also, very much, make, for a good, public relations expert. In reality though, one sees, that, applying, the performance arts, to problem solving, from a social perspective, goes, hand in hand, with computers. To fully understand, what is been said, is to know, that the logic, performance artists, use, is similar, to the gate-logic, used, by computers. Its all about, opening gates, with the right, keyword. Knowing, for instance, the right words, to make, people, respond, to one. Computers, were really, created, to solve problems, from a social, perspective. It depends though, with the Architecture. Computer organization, is heavily, based on, scheduling, which is really, how, performance artists, solve problems; real estate agents, and public relations agents too. Gate logic, is really, about scheduling. To support, all this, performance artists, need, to engage, in seeking out, what they call, Sources. Sources, are materials, needed, to clue in one, about people, socially. Good examples, of Sources, consists, of most magazines out there, socializing, and fiction. Sounds crazy, but one, cannot, truly appreciate this, until, they run, into, a terrible, public relations expert. Performance Artists, are very much, associated, with what, they call, Media. In general speech, performance artists, who perform, excellently, or well, are rewarded, via, the Media. They are featured, in the news, go to the best restaurants, have access, to the best fashions, and live, in the best houses. Thats kinda what, Media [constructs], is all about. Senators [performance artists -- oratory skills], make for better, Media material, than politicians, do. So do, Public Speakers.

Middle East: Innovators

In the Middle East, if you have no, interest, in schooling, one would be recommended, to be, an Innovator. Innovation, is a word, many, misunderstand, due to, reading, too many, European sources. Europeans, believe, innovation, to be about, novelty. Someone, decides, to introduce, internet chat (IM), as an office tool, and they believe, that, to be, innovation. Innovation really though, is all about, the study, of change. Why does, change occur? What brings about change? How does one, deal, with change. Middle Easterners, more than others, have a general, interest, in history, of all kinds. They enjoy that stuff, and the study, of innovation, goes, hand in hand, with the study, of history. Innovation though, can be studied, as a separate, subject, and this, involves really, the study, of society, and technology. This, is a topic, often only, studied, by Thinkers, such as, Neil Postman, and Jacques Ellul. And while, historical change, is not, forthcoming oftenly, that, brought about, by the introduction, of new technology, is often, seen. Understanding, this change, and how, it affects, society, is what, Innovators do, so as to, take advantage, of opportunity, or help, resolve, arising problems. As said before, not, a very clear, topic. Technology here, does not, only include, devices, as many believe, but also, constructs, such as, the Media, new cultural practises, and especially, what they refer, to, as, Policy. Innovation, as a study, often goes, hand in hand, with what they call, Research. Research, is often, misunderstood, by many. They believe, its all, about, finding facts, or, information [in reality, thats Researching]. Research, is heavily, based, on understanding. With Research, upon coming, across, a problem, one first, seeks, to formulate, a solution. Theoretical, in nature. Once, the solution, is formulated, Research, is done, to find out, its practicality. Whether, it can, truly, be applied, based on, existing, societal framework [policies and culture], and also, the availability, of needed integrators [tools]. Tools/integrators, are needed, basically, to make, the solution, fit in, into, the existing, framework. The introduction, of the car, saw also, the introduction, of the, DMV [car driver licensing].