Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monetary Systems

There are those, out there, who at one point, in their lives, decide, they want, to make, lots of money, fast. They kind of hate, the way, they are living, and don't really want to, live/work, anymore. They begin, to make out, their options: they think, forex, commodities trading, and some, even go as far, as learning, how Banking works. There are those however, who seek, to learn, how monetary systems work; how money, flows, and circulates, believing, they can subvert, some of the flow, into a bank account, somewhere. To make, a difficult subject, more easy, anyone, who studies, money, and monetary systems, seriously, eventually learns, that it does not come down, to economics, as many think, but to, psychological profiles. There is a certain, personality, that spends money, in a certain way. And one comes, to learn, that different regions, of the world, actually, have different, monetary systems, due to their having, different, money personalities.

Many people, out there, seek to know, whom they really are, so that, they can go out there, and do their thing, which really means, make some money. Knowing whom they really are, can sometimes turn, into a lifelong, endeavor. They however need, to make money, now, somewhat, and they can go, about, doing this, by learning, of the different, money personalities, in the different, regions, of the world.

North America: Amusement personality

In North America, when one sets out, to make money, they will learn, that they need, to have, an amusing personality, to do so. And whats amusement? Amusement, is all about, somewhat, putting down, oneself, for the satisfaction, of others. A comedian, is an example, of an amusement personality, and one of the reasons, why comedians, are only really found, in North America. A musician, not singer, is an amusement personality, as they have, to work hard, to make money. Singers, are kind of, fun personalities. How does, the North American, or American really, monetary system, work? Some wish to know, so as to copy it, but they should know, it only works, in North America, due to the presence, of the amusement, personality. In North America, money, is created, by the Governmet, with regards, to how much, energy, the country, possesses. Thats kinda known, by many. But it is what, the Government, does with this energy, that most people, don't understand. The Government, employs, many people, energy driven, to help, produce, as much raw materials, as they can. People don't know this, about America, that one can find, raw materials, of any kind, just about, anywhere. With raw materials, in plenty, it is then, for the American 'citizen', running, on an amusement personality, to take in, these easy, to find, raw materials, and make something, of them. Raw materials, also very much, includes, the media, in America, as it is more highly accessible, than in other parts, of the world. In other parts, of the world, media, is kinda, private business, accessed, by some. The amusement personality, having access, to raw materials easily, and knowing, what they want to do, turn to the banks, for a loan. The whole idea, is to borrow money, to set up, a system [philosophy really], which is easy, as long, as they really know, what they want, to do. Once they have something, interesting, they want to do, the banks, lend them, the money, and they set up, the system, and before too long, start to become, profitable. Thats if, they have something, interesting, going on. When they have made, enough money, they pay back, the money borrowed, to the banks, without, much interest; its kinda like, a free loan. If they really know, what they are doing [make lots of money], they can set up, other further endeavors, with their own money. Thats why, American banking, is different; the Federal Reserve, kinds of, gives money freely, to Americans. The Federal Reserve, simply regulates, the flow, of money, partly ensuring, that people, have money, to buy, interesting stuff and also, to make such stuff. American capitalism, is driven really, by amusement personalities. Yet still, what is it, that the Amusement personality, produces? Amusement personalities, are known, for mainly producing, material stuff. Anything, that comes, with the word, material, before it: material culture, material belongings, material products, material objects, material structures (antennas), materiality (bracelets, eye spectacles) and all the likes. Thats what, Americans, do best; produce, material stuff, and nobody, can beat them at it, really, due to their having, an advanced amusement personality.

South America: Fun personality

In South America, the monetary systems, work, on the fun personality. At the core, of it all, are the Large Scale industries. Large scale industries, are very, minerals, driven. They need, all kinds, of minerals; from diamond, to bauxite. The Government, finds, as much, minerals, as they can, needed, to run, the large scale industries. They then, create, money, from this. This money, is used to run, the large scale industries. In South America, at one time, everybody, was very much, at the same level; working, for the large scale industries. However, some folks decided, to branch out. The fun personality, is all about, kind of, enjoying themselves. People, working, for the large scale industries, make money, and spend it, in other parts, of the large scale industries, for enjoyment. Those, however, some, who are ambitious, begin to think, "I can provide, a better product, or service, than what, the large scale industries, are generating." They go to the banks, to borrow some money, to start generating, this new product, or service. The bank, might lend them the money itself, or wish, to have a kind of stake, in the endeavor, itself. They put out, the new product or service, and if people like it, they begin, to buy it, making the endeavorer, kind of popular, famous, and a media personality. All this, is the basis, of modern capitalism; the difference though, is that while modern capitalism, is driven, by quality, South American capitalism, was driven, by substance. People who engage, in modern capitalism, will buy a dress, for the feel good factor; those who engage, in South American Capitalism, will buy a dress, to for instance, go out dancing. Thats really what, fun personalities, do. Same with sneakers; in North America, they are a fashion statement. In South America, they are used, to play soccer. Banks, in South America, are kinda, independent, and are regulated, by a Central Bank, to ensure, favourable practises.

Europe: Entertaining personality

The European monetary system, the old one really, is kind of, interesting. In old Europe, they kinda believed, in free energy, to run, their facilities. Wind mills, heat energy, water, and even solar energy, were maximized, to run, their facilities. Once, everything, was set up, and running, the Europeans, got down, to living. And what is it, exactly, they did? They produced, knowledge; Cultural knowledge. What is Cultural knowledge? Cultural knowledge, constitutes, of what, was covered, under, transmuting knowledge. The Arts, Religion, Oral culture [theories and theorems], Information networks [general knowledge], and Studies. The Europeans, produced this, in large amounts. The whole goal, was to have people, not driven, by money, but who simply, loved, living life. Thats what, Cultural knowledge, is all about. Good wines [Orality], were simply, about, good health, and not, enjoyment [South American wines]. When enough, of this knowledge, had been produced, and the people, began, to look, really good, and were envied, by some around them, and others, from outside, Europe ["She is the most beautiful woman in the world, the Queen of France; why would you want, to attack them?"]. Thats kinda how, Europe, worked. Some of this knowledge, if it made, the people, feel good, about themselves, was classified, as National Wealth. It was not shared, with others, out there. If it made, the people, envied, by people out there, it was classified, as National Treasure. Examples, include, the Mona Lisa, the Arc de Triomphe, and possibly too, the Eiffel tower. National Treasure, also very much, included people; like the Queen of France, or the Musketeers too. Princess Madeleine, of Sweden, is an example, of modern, National Treasure. However, the Europeans, sold out, some of this knowledge [usually Oral culture (theories and theorems), information networks, and mostly studies], and from the sale, of all this, generated, what was known, as, bullion [gold, silver, and not bronze]. Some of this culture, was sold, to Asia, and thats why, some countries, like India, have a German, French and English feel, to them. Once, any group, of Europeans, was making, enough money [great culture], they set out, to invite others, to socialize, with them. People came from afar; Asia, Africa, and even, the Americas. They were awed by Europe; great Architecture, great food, beautiful women, very personable men, and great Arts. Took time to build, but worked. In those days, there was no, European Central Bank.

Africa: Recreational personality

When most think, Africa, they don't really think, money too. When they exchange, their money, for African, they kinda believe, they just got conned. They know, Africa works, monetary wise, but they kinda believe, there is a voodoo part, to it all. Africa, is kind of complicated, as many of its old industries, are today, intertwined, with Europes. In Africa, the most important, task, of the Government, was to produce, food, and medicines [sumu]. Its kinda hard, to find food, in Africa, but not. To generate money, the Government, calculates, the amount, of manpower, needed, to produce food. These people, are then found, and they get about, to producing, food. One might think it, easy, but it is not so. Africans, are not easy, to exploit. They would rather live, under trees, than work, doing something, they don't really like, or have to work, more, than necessary. This was solved, by the Government, in several ways. The most important way, was via, small scale farming. The Europeans, will tell you, it does not work, but in Africa, it works, really well. The Government, simply finds out, how much food, they need, and asks, small scale farmers, to help produce it. Large scale farming, in Africa, does not work, due to poor employment; nobody shows up for work, or they work, rather slow. Thats Africans for ya. In general though, when Africans, were paid, their money, for their produce, they engaged, in what some call, recreational actuivity. Recreational activity, is all about, pleasing others; in traditional African society, and partly modern, when an African, made money, they set out, to please others. They bought people, they knew, gifts, or simply, easily lent them, money. Thats kinda how, the African economy, worked. In the seventies, when American stuff, was all over, Africa, one could be surprised, by just about anything. Life in Africa, was then, pretty memorable. Taking people, out for dinner, is really, an African custom. Yet still, there is another, angle, to it all. African landowners, did not only, grow food; they began, to engage, in what, some call today, commercial farming. Commercial farming, is all about, the growing, of what, some call, commodities. Coffee, tea, cotton, pyrethrum, were all grown, by Africans, and exported, mainly, outside Africa. In Southern/Eastern Africa, this was done, via the Swahili, to all parts, of Asia. Africans, during the off season [farming wise], engaged too, in producing, curios, of all kinds, which included, religious masks, and furniture, and this was the basis, of transnational, African trade. There was however, another angle, to it all. Africans, began, to develop, specialized knowledge, in what some, could call, the Agricultural sciences [like veterinary medicine], and the Industrial Sciences [from producing oils [agricultural based], to chemical substances (foods like porridge), to glues, and paints]. The Africans, were very good, at this. Engaging, in these sciences, is all about, having, a recreational personality, as such personalities, are driven, to please others, which is the basis, of these sciences. A vet, can only, do a good job, if driven, to please others. Africans, also engaged, in producing, mechanics [not machines, machinery, or mechanical], which were all about, inventing, mechanized, agricultural tools. They still do this, in parts, of Kenya today. Alot of this stuff, was exported, outside Africa, and was eventually, appropriated, by the Europeans, and all this, is now, the basis, in one way or another, of the European economies. The Chemicals Industries, in Europe, grew from, African expertise. Thats kinda how, it works, or worked, in Africa. In Africa, Banking, is really, what they call, Corporate Banking.

Asia: Celebratory personality

In Asia, they have, what they call, the celebratory personality, which is a personality, that sets out, to celebrate. Celebrating, is about, having others, enjoy with one, their success. If a person, cooks a good meal, they invite everyone, to taste it, with them. In Asia, the monetary system, is very much, based, around, the Sun. The Sun, in Asia, is the most pleasant, in just about, all regions, of the world; some believe, that it is the worst, due to made up, horror stories, of how hot, India, supposedly gets. India, is a very warm, nice place. In Asia, economists, calculated, the amount of hours, called manhours, needed, to run, Government, enterprises, and business. The Government itself, really. One finds, that in Asia, people are enervated, or feel energetic, based, on the sun. When the sun, is out, in Asia, people love working, and will work long. When it is, dim, or not shining, too bright, its like, they all get, depressed, and wish not, to work. The sun, is at the basis, of Asian, monetary systems. Asian banking, is what today, many consider, normal banking. A banking, whose, basis, is all about, savings. In Asia, a person, comes up, with a good idea, that they believe, others, will like, or really, be enthralled by. Interesting enough, most of these ideas, are in the, 'Entertainment', industry. This includes, everything, from toys, to fireworks, to jeeps. All celebratory stuff. When a person, has such an idea, they then, approach the banks, for a loan, to manufacture, the idea. The banks, if in agreement, lends them, the money, and they go about, making, the idea, real. Once a success, in doing so, they set about, promoting, the idea. This, consists, of what, they call, a promo. They put up posters, tell others, by word of mouth, viral email marketing, and even, a display. They have, turbaned men, guarding, at the display; fireworks too, and if really ambitious, Aishwarya Rai (Bachchan), shows up to, for it all. Thats kinda what, a real promo, is all about. However, there is more, to the Asian, monetary system. We shall use, India, as a basis, for explaining this. India, in the past, had a Government, that was heavily engaged, in manufacturing, of all kinds, of stuff [spices for example], and selling them, out there. They however, were mainly involved, in producing, all kinds, of tools. Tools, equipment, machines, machinery [Tata is really indian], gadgets, instruments, and the likes. They produced, lots of them, which they sold, out there, to the world, making India, very wealthy. The concept, of the hardware store, including, the likes, of Office depot, have Indian, origins. They all really need, a celebratory, personality. Indians, working for the Government, could branch out, and produce, new kinds of tools, for sale. However, the Indians, also engaged, in other stuff. This other stuff, was the basis, of what they call, the Entertainment, industry. This stuff, can best, be referred to, as, Entertainment value. Things like, toys really, vcr's, jeeps, speedboats, and the likes, were not only, manufactured, by Indians, but also, by other Asians. It was this, 'Entertainment' industry, that united, the whole, of Asia, together, and have made them, kind of similar. The Indians, invented, the VCR; the Japanese, perfected it. Thats kinda how, it worked, in Asia. However, there is more, to it. Managing, all this, via the banks, and the monetary system, with the Sun, at the center, of it all, was done, in India, via what they call, the Vedic sciences. From Vedic mathematics, to Vedic astrology ["when should we launch" stuff]. The Vedic sciences, have the Sun, at their core, and how it influences, human behavior. Thats Asia.

Middle East: Creative personality

Some, might doubt this, having been brainwashed, that Israelis, are the only, creative people, in the Middle East. They hear, of the semiconductors industry, in Israel, and believe, Israel, to be, a very important, country, not knowing, the Saudis, know that stuff, better, than the Israelis do. The creative personality, is one, not driven, to please others, in any way, but driven really, to create. The best example of this, were painters, of old, who shut themselves, out, from society, and merely painted, for the sheer pleasure, of it. Thats the personality, you find, in the Middle East. How the Middle Eastern, money systems, work, is really, a kind of mystery. The Middle Eastern economy, traditionally, speaking, has been, driven, by problem solving. How to design, and manufacture, semiconductors, is a small part, of it all. In the old days, the Middle Easterners, knew, plannings, philosophy, 'mtemo', expertise [similar to the Swahili, and the Orient], and all other kinds, of interesting, problem solving. They made money, advicing people, on all kinds, of problems, giving rise, to financial industries, such as, Asset management, financial instruments, Investment management, and even, consultancies. However, what drives, the Middle Eastern, monetary system, can be said, to be, the Sufi Order, of the Whirling Dervishes. Its kinda like that, but its not. Middle Easterners, are driven, to make money, from pointing out, things, going wrong, in their economy/society, and outside them. In the Middle Eastern region, people, occasionally, go crazy, for some reason, unknown. Some believe, it has to do, with what they call, the Sands of Time. Things change, and they never go, back, to normal. Its kind of like that, and money, is generated, and given, to people, who are believed, to be conscious beings; they understand change, and know what they are doing, in solving problems. The belief, that there should be, only one, kind of money, in an economy, is really, of Middle Eastern origin. It is controlled, by a kind, of, Central Bank, who give it, to conscious beings. Conscious being, manifest themselves, in Religious identities. Its not too easy, explaining all this, as there is some magic [voodoo], to it all. Currency exchanges, are also driven, by this kind, of economy.

Thats monetary systems.