Monday, July 12, 2010

Neural and Nerve networks

Many know, about, neural, and nerve networks. They know about them, but don't really know, anything about them. They are just nerves, and most don't know, they cover, the whole body, and even come, in systems. Most people, only really know, the associated word, with nervous systems: that being, networks. The most famous network out there, known to most, is the, internet. Most have heard, about it, but have no true idea, how it works. If you read a book, text, on the internet, they make you believe, it works very much, like a traffic system. Some, being radical perhaps, claim, it works, like a trafficking system. People hear, of words, like routers, and think them, more like, traffic lights. Thats kinda how, the internet, is believed to work, but not how, it really works. Internet experts, know this. The internet, unknown to many, really works, like a football team (soccer). Its up and down, very rapidly, tricks and exposures, and a goal, as arrival. Thats very much, how the internet works; the routers, are simply players, and not referees, as the radical books, might have you believe.

But all that, is just, kind of, boastful talk, to kind of, impress the chicks; Naomi Campbell. Lets get back, to Neural systems, and Nerve systems. Both kinda differ, but are very much, similar, in many ways. Nerve systems, are really associated, with ones, Visual system. Ones Visual system, consists really, of the 5 senses. What the nerve systems do, is not only, enable, ones visual system, to work properly, but also very much, to enhance it. When you develop, your nerve system strongly, you develop, what some call, x-ray vision, infrared hearing, and even, gamma taste. Heightened sensitivity, that has nothing, to do, with what they call, the sixth sense. The Arabians, of
Saudi Arabia, are reknowed, for having, nerves of steel [superman style]. Many, tend to have, x-ray vision, and very much, tend to see, into things. They arrive, at a crime scene, and somewhat, easily know, what happened, due to seeing, the most, minuscule, of details.

The Neural systems though, differ, from the nerve systems. They are associated really, with what, they call out there, the sixth sense. Some call, the sixth sense, intuition. The Neural systems though, are more complicated than, simply, the sixth sense. They are for instance, used, when one reads, a book, or listens, to a piece, of music. It is they, who are responsible, for programming, your reading, into your memory. They get more complicated than that though. The Neural systems, are associated, with what Jung, called, Synchronicity. And what exactly is Synchronicity? Synchronicity, is really about, tapping, into another persons, or living beings, neural networks. When you do this, you can somewhat predict, the future. Knowing this, is the foundation, of understanding, Hindu spirituality [not a part, of Hinduism]. The Hindus of India, often darkskinned, had a spirituality, which enabled them, to develop, very strong, neural networks. By doing this, they kinda lived life, based on, synchronicity. Their core spirituality though, was based on, tapping, into the neural networks, of trees. This is where, Buddha, and the Bodhi tree, starts, to make sense. Trees, many of them old really, are connected together, via neural networks, futherly connected together, via the roots. The Hindus, and Buddha, knew, how to tap, into them, and access, knowledge, of the earths, inner workings. The Neural networks, are more powerful, than this though. With well, developed, neural networks, one can use their imagination, and sixth sense, to sense, whats going on, right now, on the planet, Mars. Thats Hindu spirituality, on a higher scale. With developed neural networks, life, somewhat becomes, very different. People, know other people, rather easily; friendships, are of a different mold. With developed neural networks, one can sense, whats written, in a book, lying closed, next to one. This is the basis, of what some call, speed reading. Its not about, memorization, and remembering, as many believe, but really, about, knowing. People, with well developed, neural networks, can speedread, a book, and with a sound, logical basis, kind of, make out, what the book, is all about. Some people, do exams, this way [remember the basics, and kinda make up, everything else]. Recreate physics, for the examiner. The danger, of well developed, neural networks, is in, what they call, polluted environments. A person, with well developed, neural networks, living in a place, with lots of Media, can easily, go crazy. They simply, just take in, too much information, alot, fear based. A not too interesting movie, about, some of this, is Avatar. Developing strong neural networks, takes, alot of time, and is very much, based, on past lives. People, who are very religious, and moral, are those, who tend to have, strong neural networks. In all, it requires, alot of, spiritual training.

Transmuting Knowledge:

Transmuting of Knowledge, is an important, but unknown, industry, out there. Its all about, how to get knowledge, to people, out there. How do you do it? The classroom, tv, computer, or what else, can do. Transmuting knowledge, is kind of, a difficult, endeavor. At its heart, its associated, with the, neural networks. While many, believe, its all about, knowing, or understanding, which is what, teaching and training, are kinda about, transmuting knowledge, really, is all about, willing, forbearance, and competence. Difficult words, but not really so. It deals really, with presenting, knowledge. If one can present knowledge, clearly, one can do away, with teaching, and even, training. Its a whole new industry, probably controversial, to many. Teaching, and training, are kinda old, really. And though still used today, they are kinda, really outmoded, and were really developed, when humans, were kinda slow [not too intelligent]. Alot of people, out there, can think, rather clearly, for themselves, if not deeply, and what is rather needed today, is based, on, notes [willing], lists [forbearance], and instructions [competence]. Thats kinda how, you "teach", people today: notes, lists, and instructions. An industry untapped, but highly profitable, as in the success, of the sale, of books [notes], such as, Schaums Outlines. Textbooks, don't really do much, today. While teaching, and training, have become outmoded, as people, have lost interest, in education generally, society, has become, divided, into parts, and levels [hierarchies], not based, on education, as many believe, but, on the transmusion, of knowledge. Most people, just don't realize this; that issues, of discrimination, and racism, have taken, new dimensions. As an example, of how this is, we shall show, how knowledge, is very much, transmuted today.

Sculptures: Sculptures, have historically, been used, to transmute, religious knowledge, to people. This was seen, heavily, in old Italy, and Africa; where, sculptures, of all sorts, were made, from the religious, perspective. They imbued, those who were, around them, with various, religious values. You simply, more or less, became, like the sculpture, especially, from the perspective, of body shape, and looks [not look]. Sculptures though, are very cultural, and people, attracted, to the same sculptures, tend to be similar, culturally. Posters, don't work, although, they attract, people, who are similar, culturally. Some African masks, often strongly sought, by some, who believe, in occult like practises, imbued, people, with magical beliefs. Its kinda hard, to program oneself, with magical beliefs, like defying, gravity.

Arts: The Arts, have traditionally, been used, to also, transmute, knowledge, of all kinds. The most commonly known, and seen really [not understood], has been, the influence, of music. The danger, with music though, is that, its very much, oriented, to a specific grouping. Its just not, for everybody, out there. Good examples, could be seen, in traditional Africa. In traditional Africa, not only, was music divided, by gender, it was also, very much, divided, by age. Not only, was there music, for the different genders, and age groups, but musical instruments too, were divided, this way. In traditional Africa, men played, certain instruments, and women others; children played, certain instruments, and adults others. In South American music, and Caribbean too, where the use, of bongo drums, is common, one might wish, to really know, that bongo drums, which have origins, in the congo world, are really, childrens instruments. If you play them, you become, like a kid [not child or child-like]. Unknown to many, the Arts, today, divide society, by gender, and age.

Oral culture: Oral culture, is very much known, from the African perspective; this is so, because, traditional Africa, had a well advanced, culture, of oral transmusion. In other parts, of the world, the oral culture, was pretty basic. Traditional Africans, knew, how to transmute, just about, any knowledge, via their oral culture; from history, to medicine. This was done really, from the perspective, of memory; good stories, really, that were easy, to remember. In other cultures, the oral culture, was really only, targeted, towards kids. Oral culture, should not be confused, with teaching, which is about, the passing on, of knowledge. The Indians, are pretty good, at teaching. Oral culture, at its heart, is about, understanding, from a historical, perspective. Things are taught, from the perspective, of developments. All told, in a story telling, format. Oral culture, where it exists, divides people, from the perspective, of hair.

Orality: Orality, is similar, in nature, to oral culture. It is however, all about, the passing on, of 'going ons'. Whats going on, at the moment. It is something, very popular, in the Western world, where, alot, of knowledge, is transmuted, via orality. In the Western world, if shut out, from an orality network, you are pretty much, lost, about, whats going on, in just about, everything; from politics, to business, to health. Magazines, books, and the internet, pale, in comparison, to orality networks, in the Western world. People, simply in the know. Orality networks, have very much, divided, society, by features [or look]. This is complicated, as many believe it, to be about, skin color, but its not. Its about, ones look really, or, the complete composition, of ones features. A Somali, and some Eastern Europeans, have similar features, and thus, would be part, of the same, orality network, in the Western world.

Information networks: Information networks, are networks, that pass on, knowledge, based on, facts, or information. They are kind of, media driven, but not. Some are, similar, to gossip forums, but not. They also at times, take the format, of publishing, as in the form of, ethnic magazines, or simply, underground publications, of some sort. Information networks, are shared, by people, with similar, movements. People, who basically, move, or walk, the same. Thieves for instance, have similar movements, and share, information networks, similar, to what you see, in the movie, the French Connection. People, who move the same, are likely, to drive, the same cars, wear the same clothes, and live, in similar houses.

Studies: Studies, are the new, schooling really. They consist, of private education really, taking, the form really, of small classes. They are similar, to tutorials, in the university system. Anybody, who has been, to university, knows, that tutorials, are very different, from other, classes. People, tend to be, more open. Studies, are really about, the passing on, of common sense, with regards, on how to do something. Big industry, in its own right, having given birth, to seminars, public talks, and other, such, forums. Studies, have divided, society, by voice. People, with similar voice sounds, accents, and the likes, tend to group, together, when it comes to, anything, on how to go about, doing something.

Many out there, know that, society, is still divided, by color. This is true, when it comes, to survival mechanisms. They are very, color, oriented. Discrimination, can be rampant, especially, when it comes, to Security issues.

In all, Knowledge transmusion, is a huge industry, untapped. People, don't want to go, to school, anymore; especially true, for kids, and many kids today, learn, all they need to know, about life, from forums, such as, MTV.