Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Outcast: Rejection philosophized

In life, when you have, to do anything, in some, or even many cases, depending, on whom you are, you will probably, have to, interact, with others. This is especially true, in Asia. And, when, you have, to do so, you will, eventually, meet, with people, you could call, stupid. They just wish, to cause, problems; for no reason, at all. Further attempts, which are blocked, could lead, one, to ask, why, this is so; and most, who do so, eventually, politicize everything, very much, leading, to thoughts, and even discussions, of racism, tribalism, ethnic hatred, and the likes.

Politicizing things, is really done, by those, who attempt, to plan things out. They often, realize, that they need, a technician, or specialist, such as a lawyer, to deal, with stupid people. But for those, out there, who know, that the world today, is really, all about, mtemo, they come, to realize, that, socializing things, is a much, better way, of dealing, with stupid people. That in truth, most people, out there, see others, not as, political entities [as most who make plans believe], but as, social entities [in general, as cool, or uncool]. And when, one, attempts, to do, just about, anything, anywhere, [from applying for a visa, to dating], they eventually, realize, that, they are rejected, as a social entity [cool or uncool], and, not, as a political one, as many, would believe. People, who make plans, believe, that stuff, such as, interracial dating, and even, interracial sex, exist. They don't, really, and what, you really have, is cool people dating, and uncool people, not. How though, one defines, cool, and uncool, worldwide, differs, and one, has to, know this, or face, political problems, as a result, of, disorderly behavior. Having political problems, is a result, of people, viewing one, as a, religious, entity.

In general, though, how cool, and uncool, is, defined, out there, in the whole wide world, is as, follows:

North America: Personality

In North America, being cool, or uncool, is about, having, the right, personality. You have to, know, the slang, have the right clothes, good smells, right speech, and even, proper walk. Having, an uncool, personality, in North America, will result, in many problems; from difficulties, finding a job, to difficulties, in finding, a nice apartment. Americans, are kind of, predatory, in that regard; its like, they automatically, discriminate, against people, who are not, cool. It happens, automatically. One should learn however, that using, mtemo, in getting things, done, needs one, to be aware, of whats, really going on. What this means, is that, you could be, cool in America, and still face, problems, due to the fact, that the person, you are dealing with, sees themselves, as being, uncool. You have to learn, how to see, into people, and adapt, to their levels, of coolness. Its really, that simple. And being, cool, in America really, is all about, being amusing. If you are, really amusing [like Rick the Temp (Rick Campanelli) {one of the coolest people, in North America}], you will never, have problems, while, in North America.

South America: Culture

In South America, getting things, done, is all about, having, the right culture. Coming, from the, right culture. South America, is more, multicultural, than North America, as people, are allowed, to practise, their native cultures, and still be, South American. In North America, doing so, results, in one, being classified, as cool, or uncool, rather easily [North Americans, are really cool]. Interestingly enough, what constitutes, as being, the coolest, culture, in South America, might surprise, many; for surprisingly enough, being an African, especially, from the Congo world, will result, in doors, opening, more easily, than one might imagine. To really, understand, this phenomenon, is to, understand, that, South American, culture, exists, in three layers. You have, the top class, middle class, and the poor; and what you find, is that, those at the top, have a culture, heavily imbued, with African elements [from the Congo/Central African world]. Those at the middle, have a culture, imbued, with Native American, elements. Those at the bottom, have a culture, which can, generally, be called, Western [Media driven]. Thats kinda how, it would work, in South America. Claude Makelele, would make waves, on visiting, South America. Japanese culture, also figures high, in South America. Lebanese, and Eastern European, tend to, feature, lowly. At the bottom though, is American culture; surprisingly enough. South Americans, don't like, North Americans, of any kind. You will face, big problems, in South America, as a North American.

Africa: Intelligence

In Africa, surprisingly enough, people, are actually, classified, by intelligence. This might sound, surprising, as the number, of stupid people, in Africa, has risen, dramatically, in past decades. Its stupidity, galore. This makes, existing, in Africa, today, a kind, of, Machiavellian feat. In olden Africa, if you were stupid, people, not only, did not help you, in any way, but they, did things, to you too. They would, con you, or even, rob you. Thats because really, stupidity in Africa, can have, serious consequences. The whole place, is unstable, and stupidity, can turn, everything, upside down, in a way, that would, even surprise, Superman. Many people, believe, that so called, African dictators, such as, Idi Amin, Mobutu, Moi, and even, Abacha, were stupid people; they were not. They were, actually, intelligent, but knew, that Africa, was filled, with stupid people. Thats kinda why, they ruled, for a long time. It had nothing, to do, with the military, as many believe, as, African militaries, are kind of, independent, and might not, even answer, to the president, if they wish not to. The problem, with Africa, today though, is that, showing intelligence, can get you killed. Most, don't know this, that, reading a book, while in Africa, will have others, after your throat. It is believed, by Africans today, that people, who read books, or even, listen to music, are stupid, and know nothing, really. As I said, before, its stupidity, galore. This kind, of mentality, has resulted, in some parts, of Africa [West Africa really], going back, to even, 10,000 B.C. Africans, believe, in kind of, hustling, their way, through life, which really, means, scamming, and conning, others. As a result, of the ignorant, rising, in number, in Africa, one finds that, Africa, is only able, to function, due to, slavery-like systems, in existence. People, in Africa, today, are kept [kind of owned]. Thats really, how Africa, works today; slavery-like, with the 'slaves', living, in the slums. In all, the concept, of being cool, does not, really exist, in Africa, today. Its just stupidity, and if you don't, show it, something, might happen, to you. The likes, of Idi Amin, and Abacha, had an, intelligent cool, similar, to that, of Shaft; thats why, they ruled, for so long. African Kings, of the olden world, were like, Shaft (Spearman).

Asia: Religion

In Asia, being cool, has everything, to do, with religion really, and what, this really means, is learning, Asian, cultural ways, and manners. Asians, are very, cultural, from a, religious, perspective. In Japan, if a man, greets you, while in the presence, of his wife, you should not, stare, or look, too long, at her [Asian women, greet others cheerfully]. In India, don't ask men, about, the women, or where, to meet them. In Thailand, don't try, to act, too Western; believing them, uncool, and you, cool. Kind of like, being condescending. Learning, Asian, cultural ways, and manners, can be difficult, for those, who believe, that, Asian religion, is sacrilegious. What this, means really, is that, they believe, Asian culture, is practised, in a, methodical, manner. That when, you bow, you make, a perfect bow. Its kind of, difficult, that way, as learning, how to, bow, like an Asian, for instance, is kind of, difficult. Most people, out there, either bow, perfectly, or slackingly. And interestingly enough, learning, Asian cultural ways, and manners, has to do, with one, practising, Asian religions, sacrilegiously, or simply, being conscientious. Its in the practise, and not beliefs, where being, sacrilegious, matters. Just knowing, right and wrong, pretty well [practise wise]. If you lack, Asian manners, and cultural ways, while in Asia, you will find, yourself, slowly, isolated, from the rest, of society. The taxi driver, for instance, will drive, slowly. People, will speak, to you, nicely, and sweetly. Finding a job, will take you, a really, long time, and promotions, will be scarce. Asian thinking, is very much, based, on the sacrilegious [practise], and not, on, pure logic [beliefs]. Asians, don't understand, Greek, or Roman thought.

Middle East: Sharia

In the Middle East, being cool, or uncool, has to do, with ones knowledge, of Sharia. The problem, with Sharia, for many, is that, its kind of, an informal, law system. It is not, constitutional, in nature. In the Middle East, offending, another, can be, rather easy, if one, does not, understand, Islamic practises. For instance, dressing inappropriately; poor jokes, uncleanliness, greeting women stupidly, showing pride, and the likes. When, you do not, respect, Islamic practises, something bad, can happen, to you, as Middle Easterners, are quick, to show anger. They become, fiery, and when they do, anything, can happen, to you. Sharia, is not only, used, to deal, with somewhat, crazy people, but also, very much, with how, to respect people. For, in the Middle East, its all about, respect, of a high order. If a rich, wealthy man, is passing by, don't stare. Walk by, or look around, as if, musing, or thinking, to oneself. Thats kinda how, it is. Sharia, also, is very much, needed, just in case, you piss off, somebody, and they become, fiery; you will need it, to cool them, down.

Europe: Skin Color

Europe, is the most, backward place, when it comes, to notions, of cool, and uncool. It is, somewhat, programmed, into the people, that people, with certain, skin colors, are more cooler, than the rest. Its really a kind, of psycho place, as being, the wrong color, and really cool, can almost, get you killed. In reality though, you find, that, there is, a color hierarchy, in Europe, based on, coolness; and at the top, you find the color white, followed by, black, then yellow, and finally, brown. If you are a, cool, brownskinned, person, don't go, to Europe; you could, get killed. Its really, that primitive, and there is nothing, more, to say about it.