Monday, July 26, 2010

Reasoning: Social skills theorized

Many people, who have, interacted, with Americans, of all sorts, kinda, believe them, to be different, by State. That Ohians, might be friendly, New Yorkers rude, and Californians, straight out untrustworthy. They kinda, figure all that, from mainly, interacting, with them, politically. For those, however, who interact, with Americans, of all kinds, socially, they come, to realize, that, they differ, in how, they reason, about, others. This means, how, they think about, others, how they, talk to them, how they, deal with them, and even, how, they go about, picking up, chicks. The differences, are the key, to understanding, the American [of all kinds], as a, social beast.

Americanos: Greek (Americanos, are very, Greek, in how, they reason, about others. They tend, to take on, the combatant, spearman, and saintly personalities, when, basically, dealing, with others).

Americans: Bavarian [one word, Derrick; watch it]

Americophiles: Quebecois {how this happened, very much, remains, a mystery}

Citizens: Spanish [not Zorro though, he is Mexican]

Americanistas: Celtic (shaken, but not stirred) [alright!! -- schwiing!!]

and out!!