Monday, July 19, 2010

Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford

Law of Attraction:

One of the better, movies, I have watched, in recent years, is Match Point, with Scarlett Johansson [Yoh'-han-sen']. Anyone, who has ever watched, a Scarlett, Johansson, movie, knows, she's kinda, always, depressed, and gloomy looking, in nearly, all her movies. Why this is so, remains, a mystery. This movie though, Match Point, is different; it shows, a more, real, Scarlett Johansson. And there is a scene, right near, the start, of the movie, which has, the star, of the movie [not Scarlett], walking into a room, wherein, Scarlett, is busy, amusing herself, playing, some pool. She is all alone, while doing this. And the star, he walks in there, and finds her, in there, upon when, Scarlett, looks up, and very seductively, kind of says, "hello there". Its kind of, an interesting scene, and is kind of, unexpected, as Scarlett, comes across, as a real, femme fatale, and in all, its a whole, "who mama!!", moment. One does not, see it, coming, and when it does, its all, Scarlett; on fire, and no water, to put it out.

Many have heard, about, the Law of Attraction. They kinda think, its all about, winking, pouting lips, playing with ones hair, but all that, is not, really right. All that, is kinda, about, the scent, of attraction. The Law of Attraction, has more, to do, with hypnotizing one, and thats, kinda what, Scarlett [Johansson], does, in the movie. Hypnotisim. Hypnotism, is not, really, about, affecting reality, as many believe; its really, all about, exposing, the truth. Hypnotism, and the Law of Attraction, can be used, in a relationship. This kind of relationship, is not too hard, to define, and see. At its basis, it has, any member of it, doing, things, to the utmost, detail. This very much, involves, doing, just about, anything, to the, utmost, detail. One does it, to the tiniest, smallets, bit-iest, detail. If one, folds, a towel, for instance, they don't, fold it, carefully, but fold it, to be, perfect. If one seeks, to cook, one should cook, the perfect meal; meaning, using the right, amount, quality, of all ingredients. Stir it, perfectly, too. If speaking, do so, with perfect grammer, perfect expressions, and perfect manners. One should remember, perfect here, means, to the utmost detail, and not, correctly, or carefully. Practise, makes perfect.

What this does, doing this, is that, it kind of, hypnotises, the people, you meet. It puts them, in a kind, of trance, and one, can easily know, whom they are, dealing with. They are kind of, in awe, of one. And, the end result, of all this, is that, one, kind of, pulls/attracts, others, into, ones life. One can, easily, attract/pull, the kind of, people, they want, in their lives; one does this, really, by realizing, they need, such a person [or people], in their lives. Its kind of, automatic/magical, that way. One simply meets, the kind of people, they wish, to draw into, their lives. Its not easy though, being perfect, and all.

Within, a relationship format, the Law of Attraction, is about, doing things really, to expose, ones partner, as not, truly, being perfect. These things, are not, premediated. They just, happen, at the spur, of the moment, and kind of, expose, ones partner, to the other. A kind of, interesting, relationship. The problem, with this, relationship, model, though, is that, it can, kind of, become, authoritarian; kind of like, what Marcia Cross, is, in, Desperate Housewives. And when it does, people begin, to draw, away, from one; kind of fast. Sex though, in this, relationship model, is kind of, really great, as it is done, to the utmost, detail. And thats kinda what, the Law of Attraction, is all about.