Monday, July 26, 2010


This special edition, of Relationship Design, with Cindy Crawford, does not attempt, to present, any, new material. What is covered, here, are relationship models, as seen, in the past, but especially, coming, from Europe. Europe, is kind of, a rich goldmine, when it comes, to cultural design, of any kind, and this, was, at the heart, of the motive, to cover, the region, as compared, to other places, out there. The relationship models, covered here, still work, and the main, reason, for covering them, might be, due, to all, those folks out there, living them, but doing it, kind of wrong really. Several regions, will be covered here, and there is ample, material, to get, a family started, as these, relationship models, are heavily, family based.

: Dynasty

England, the family based, relationship model, was not, too hard, to envision. It was rather, political, in nature, and its dynamics, less complex, than believed. At the heart, of it all, you have, a man and woman, English, living, in a manor house, somewhere. What makes it interesting though, is that, the man, and woman, don't communicate, much. While in the home, they mostly, kept, to themselves, each, doing, their own thing. Conversation, between them, was mostly, carried out, in the form, of, mentioning things. At dinner, for instance, the dinner, would be, eaten, silently, and once, in a while, the man, or woman, would mention, something. If the couple, was rich, they had, one or two, servants, living, with them, but outdoors, and consisting, of a cook, and a maid. At times, if the couple, did not, have, any children, they had, someone, usually, a 'stray', of a kind, living, with them. The best, example, is that, of the struggling, student. English couples, such as this, did not, interact much, with people, out there, as many, believe. Their interaction, was rather, seasonal. Summer in London, for instance. Their interaction, with others, was common, if, they had, children; then, an interesting phenomenon, took place, as English couples, associated very much, with the parents, of their childrens, friends. The so called, concept, of family friends. However, on a larger, scale, this said couple, did interact, with their, larger family: siblings, cousins, parents, and the likes. This interaction, was rather, common, if still, not seasonal, and consisted really, of visiting, family, who lived far, and wide. Family, spread out, all over Europe, and even, in other continents. These families, were close knit, so to speak, and mainly, only, interacted, with themselves. They often, sought, three things, in their lives: wealth, prestige, and heraldry. Some sought, to accumulate, great wealth and be, reknowed, for it. Others, sought, to attain, prestige, which simply meant, being, a well known, family household name [the talk of the town]. Finally, you had those, who sought, to attain, heraldry, which meant, be known, for doing, certain, social work. For many English, this often, meant, starting, a school somewhere, or even, a hospital, with their name, attached to it.

: House

The word House, is often, associated, with royalty today, as in, the 'House of Al Saud', or, the Tudor House. In
France though, House, often, referred to as 'Regime [fr]', consisted really, of a well known, wealthy couple. They were kind of, politically, connected, and were, really reknowed, for owning, a business outfit, of some kind. For instance, a family, House really, that owns, its own, private airline. The dynamics, of this relationship model, were not, too difficult, to see. The couple, associated, with each other, around, material culture, of one kind, or another. For instance, today, they would meet, at the television set. They also, probably, shared, a ride, or vehicle, with each other. Dinner, was also, kind of, a large event. They probably, went jogging together, or played, tennis together. All their contact, was around, some material culture. They never, simply spoke, to each other, as the English did. When they had, kids, their children, went to, private schools; the best [probably reknowed, through Europe]. The couple, did not, mingle, or interact, with each other, in their spare time; this time, was spent, interacting, with workmates. The couple, simply met, over, material culture, but interacted freely, with their workmates. Their kids too, hanged out really, with friends, from school, and not, the neighbourhood. However, the couple, was also, acquainted, with some, personal friends, very much, like them, in that, they had, attained, the same, level of success. The goal, of this, interaction, was really, a competition, of some kind, to see, whose marriage, or relationship, was happier, and working better. Men, boasted, of the new deals, they were making. Women, bragged, about, the new diamond ring, or holiday, their spouse, presented to them. It was, a competition, if going awry, could lead, to, affairs, fights [duels really], and even, downfalls [of the House]. A relationship model, kind of common, today.

Deutschland: Romance

In Deutschland, the relationship model, seen, was kind of, simple, in nature, although, difficult, to carry out. It had, at its heart, Romance; a kind, of drama, carried out, between the couple, and affecting, everything, associated with them. Romance, is not, as it is, presented, in the movies. In the movies, what you really have, is Romantic; people, simply raising, each others feelings. Romance, at its heart, also very much, involves, the concept, of, keeping secrets. Either, of the couple, has a secret, of one kind, or another, that simply, threatens, to tear them, apart. With Romance, when the relationship, is going, down, in spirits really, either, of the couple, seeks, to raise them, by showering, the other, with lots, of love. A great gift, a trip somewhere, a specially cooked meal, or the likes. When this occurs, the showered couple, acts, in a pitiful manner, and takes, the opportunity, to somewhat, if not outrightly, expose, a secret. The end result, can be, disastrous. A once, happy man, with a successful business, can see, the business, start, to falter, with employees, fearing, for their future, due, to uncovering, a past affair, or even, a fatal sickness. What really, makes it worse, is that, any of the couple, has other, people, dependent, on them. Some, who might try, to tear them, apart. The wife, might have, parents, who are, dependent, on her. The children too, might be, affected, by growing up, in an unhappy, household. All very Freudian, Erickson, in dynamics. The whole goal, is to keep, Romance, alive, by exposing, positive, or wonderful, secrets really.

: Courts

In Spain, the family, was centered around, the so called, Court system. The Court system, is rather, well known, mostly, for its having, figures, known as, Pages, around. Pages, simply inspired, the Court, or were, central figures, in helping, run it. The family, in
Spain, was heavily, Matriarchical. The Court, was ruled, over, by a, female figure, who was very much, a Queen like figure. The whole goal, with the Court system, was to build, very much, what they called, a business empire. The Matriachical figure, sat atop, a business empire, whose outreach, covered, as many areas, as possible; today for instance, it could consist, of publishing, theatre houses, stores, and even possibly, wine making. This business empire, was run, through, the Court, with, the Page(s), at the center, of running things. Those, working, the business empire, eventually, became, family, with each other. They, for instance, went, to the same church, as the matriarch figure. They even, married, within, each other. Facilities, of all kinds, such as, exercising facilities, and even, private clubs, were opened, for the usage, of those, working, in the business empire. The members, also, often got, together, for gatherings, such as feasts. In many ways, they operated, in a, similar manner, to the way, multinationals, operate today. Since, the Court, was very much, matriarchical, the female, offsprings, took over, in its runnings, while the males, often, sought out, another Court.

: Crown

In Austria, the concept, of family, was heavily associated, with what they refer to, as, the Crown. A Crown really, is an, esteemed family, who have contributed, something, on a national, scale. They are kinda, known, through out, a whole country, for instance, for some, contribution. Today, this contribution, is usually, academic, in nature. It could be small too, like a, family, of poets, or musicians. In
Austria though, what you find, is a couple, who outside, the family home, are known, by their, professional, titles. Someone, could be, a writer, a professor, a doctor even, or, a royalty title, like the Queen. Thats whom, they were, always, outside, their homes. At home, the couple, were kind of, inverted, in their ways. They often, reverted, to being, very much, like kids. They behaved, in a very, child like, manner, and for those, houses, who were, rich, in one way, or another, they had, what they called, a Staff. Staffs, were made up, of, servants, who often, came, from all over, Europe, and worked, part time really. It was more, of a, job, with them. Staff, basically, cleaned after, and even, looked after, any, of the couple, and their, children. Even with, children around, the couple, always, interacted, very much, like kids, with each other, and with, their kids. The Staff, mostly lived, alone, when not, at work; they sought, to engage, in seeking out, spiritual enlightenment, via, the act, of keeping diaries. In these diaries, were often, recorded, their thoughts, about, the world, and themselves, based on, asking, what if, where, when, who, and the likes. The staff, also, very much, interacted, with each other, and even, married, with each other; they however, also, very much, came and went, at will. The Kids, too, did not, go, to schools [including private schools], like other, European kids, but to what, they call, Academies. Academies, were basically, institutions, that trained, the kids, in what they call, the Classical Arts; gymnastics, was a, very common, form, of instruction. Otherwise, they were, trained, to become, thinkers, of one kind, or another; Theorists really.

: La Familia

In Italy, the concept, of the family, was rather, unique, and even cool, in its ways; it was, heavily based, around, Italian Christianity. At the center, of it all, was each, figure, in the family, usually, large/structural, adopting, a saint, as an identity. The members, of the family structure, La Familia, interacted, with each other, in the form, of sainthood. The saints, though, were more, or less, divided, into three groups. At the heart, of it all, you had, a figure, adopting, the personality, of Jesus Christ. The rest, were divided, into, various factions. You had, one group, as the, Apostles of Christ, another, as the, Disciples of Christ, and a third, as the, Followers of Christ. And while, the Apostles of Christ, listened to everything, he said, the Disciples, argued, with him, about his points, while the Followers, chose, to either, listen, or not, to what, Christ, had to say. You had, another group, of Italians, who really, created, an identity, as Friars. They were a kind, of Monks. The job, of these, Friars, was to look, after, the family, in a, structural way. It was, they, who basically, made things, happen. If someone, needed, a ride, to somewhere, they provided, the transport. If someone, wanted, to start, a business, they sought out, the resources, needed, and the likes. These Friars, were divided, into two, as there was, a group of them, who did, this, on a more, or less, national, and international, scale. If an Italian, wanted to do, business, in
Brazil, they provided, the opportunity. These international, Friars, formed, what was known, as the, Italian Jesuits, and providing, resources or opportunity, was part, of what, they did; they did, many other things, on a more, or less, international scale. Italians then, lived, in city-states, and what, is not known, is that, different, Italian groups, were not, really, friendly, with each other. A dignitary, from China, would receive, a warmer welcome, in Naples, than a, visitor, from Milan. To deal, with this, antagonistic, behavior, amongst Italians, a mode, of relating, very much, similar, to what is seen, in Italian Opera, was developed. In totality, Italians, from different, city-states, interacted, with each other, in a similar, manner, to what you see, in Italian Opera. A good example, of this, can be seen, in the movie, the Merchant of Venice; the movie, and not the book. Italians, being very, family oriented, also, allowed for, individual effort, if it made sense. In general though, Italians, identifying, as saints, in their homes, changed, the identity, outside it, and became, very much, similar, to messiahs. They became, messianic. Messianic figures, are controversial figures, in that, they seek, to solve, problems, out there, via, the use, of common sense. One might think, this obvious, but one, would be surprised, at how many, people out there, don't get, common sense. Many, out there, believe, common sense, to be, controversial, and figures, who teach, common sense, often called, messiahs, are seen, as controversial, and often, stoned to death. It is only, later on, that many, in the public, figure, that the, controversial figure, actually knew, what he/she, was doing. Dee Hock, was once, a messianic figure. Thats Italia. At the top, of it all though, is a, certain figure, that is more, or less, more moral, than all, the other Italians. He is, more or less, like a, high priest. His job, is to teach, morality, in one form or another, and help, move, Italia, forward, culturally, from a religious, perspective. This figure, has, St. Jude, as his, right hand man, and is, often, called upon, at times, of crisis.

Addendum: One, of the, more interesting, relationship models, family oriented, seen, out there, that has, lasted, the test, of time, is that, of the Clan. The Clan, is very, common today, in the,
Middle East, and has it roots, in the, biblical era. It is a form, of organization, that is, very much, strictly religious. Its main, benefit though, is its, potential, to accumulate, great wealth; sultan like wealth. Old, but still, very much, effective.