Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Conversations with God (series in religious thought) pt. 1

St. Jerome

#Two children, Mike and Jerome, have been sent, on an assignment, to discover, the true, meaning, of Life. It is when, on their way, to doing this, they come, across, St. Jerome, seated, on a desking top, under a tree. On seeing him, they decide, to pose, the question, to him.

Mike and Jerome: Good morning to you, St. Jerome

St. Jerome: Hello kids, and what, would you, be doing here, at this hour?

Jerome: We are on a mission, to discover, the meaning, of Life; what is it, St. Jerome?

St. Jerome: Life, you ask me, about Life? Then, I'll tell you, what I think.

St. Jerome: Life, is very much, a mystery. And the mystery, at hand, little ones, is not, a murder mystery, but the mystery, of creation itself. How did all this, around us, really, come about? And the answer, to that, will unfold, unto us, the very mystery, of Life; its meaning, and its possibilities.

Mike: But what, does that exactly, mean?

St. Jerome: Well Mike, if you, could tap, into the mind, of the Lord, then you would, understand, how all this, came about; And knowing that, Life, would be filled, with, endless opportunity; a heaven, on earth.

Jerome: And how, does one, tap, into the mind, of the Lord?

St. Jerome: Well Jerome, thats not, as complicated, as you think, it might be. Understanding, the mystery, of creation, is really, about, understanding, the mystery, of sex; Now, that might sound, a bit, offhand, to you, but it should not. Engaging, in sex, makes one, very creative, if, one, is able, to reach, the highest heights, of orgasm. Doing so, automatically, makes one, creative. It is why, many, are drawn, to sex; they really seek, to know, how to create.

Mike: But how, does sex, and orgasm, make you, creative?

St. Jerome: Sex, and orgasm, Mike, make you, creative, by helping, you, understand, three acts, of creation: process, procedure and composition. Knowing, and understanding them, fully, will allow you, to be able, to manifest, or create, whatever, you desire. In the end, you become, what they call, all-powerful; just like the Lord.

St. Jerome: Well, thats all, I have to say, kids; now, be going along; its almost, dinner time.