Wednesday, November 16, 2011


- there are about, three ways truly, to view, 'Nairobi city' ('Kenya') in all actually, and in the attempt too, to truly understand in all, development and advancement issues associated in all with it actually.

The first way/manner, sees in all, viewing it truly, from its more or less 'Flambouyant-like' figures actually, which speaks truly too, of connecting Nairobi/'Kenya', to 'Southern Africa' in all too actually (and the very world too even really, of 'Lonrho Africa' actually) [and a view in all too, that comes in right after 'independence' actually, and lasts even, to the beginnings of the eighties in all actually, and in many ways truly too, connects Nairobi in all really, to British-American 'Southern Africa' really].

The second way/manner in all, is to view Nairobi in all really, as a city in all too actually, and a city too really, operating mainly too in all, as a major even, Transportation Hub really, connecting Nairobi/'Kenya', to not only, the rest of 'Kenya' in all really, but to Africa even, the Middle East, and even truly actually, many of the Worlds more popular destinations in all actually [and with Nairobi as a city too, heavily defined in all, by Roman Catholicism, Missionary activity, and even finally, African Tribal Religious groups in all really] (and the birth in all too again really, of Nairobi, as a polluted mess in all actually).

The third view, and the correct manner in all too really, to view Nairobi in all actually, is from its pre-independence days too really, and a view in all too, rather religious in its ways actually (as with Nairobi too really, formerly in all, an Arch-diocese actually), but one too, based truly on viewing Nairobi in itself, from its Flora actually [i.e. vegetation, animal/bird-life, flower/botanical gardens, and finally truly even, its loam Soils in all actually] [and as with all this too really, defining truly, any advancement, development, or even truly too, City-life/progress issues in all really] (and rather too actually, than using in all really, Real-Estate, and as a marker too, of advancement, development, or progress/City-life even, issues in all really).

In many ways too again really, Nairobi, is now best in all referred to as, Cambria truly [and as with Nairobi even, not truly actually, a Maasai (or even, African) word actually (but one simply in all truly, made up actually)].