Monday, November 7, 2011

Progress & Afrique

- many who do live perhaps, within Afrique (and Kenia too even), do truly wonder really, how to live out their lives in all truly. Many often, do associate living life, with Advancement issues (such as Food security even), or even truly, Development issues (such as Entertainment issues perhaps) [and two issues in all too, that have come, to tie, Afrique, closely to modern Europe/UK, and the Middle East too even, respectively].

Living life/Life in Afrique/Kenia though, is highly in all, associated truly, with Progress actually (and as it was even seen, in old Europe too really) [with modern Europe on the otherhand, heavily based around, Advancement issues really (and Socialist thought too even actually)]. However though, while Progress in Europe, has been highly envisioned truly, in the form of Literature (and Media publishing too even), in Afrique (and as with Americanistas even), it was highly based around, what they do term 'Literary Journalism' (and with Journalism too in all actually, a field emanating/born, in Afrique really) [and Media publishing too in all (and in Afrique), often in the form really, of 'Literary prose' (and as with the example even, of the Blogosphere for instance)].

In many ways truly, readings in all, to help one truly understand and see, their condition (as with living even), within Afrique, and positively move on [and not waste lots of time too either, around really, the useless world even, of African (and Afrique based) politicking/politicians (and their endless never ending promises too, of Advancement and Development in all, that will never ever truly in the end, become a reality really)].



* Americanista (Legion) writings actually.

** Personal Essays, and the frontrunners too even, to 'Literary Journalism', and 'Literary Prose' actually.