Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Lady of Czestochowa

- with Italians in themselves, ranging too, from Woody Allen to Stephen Hawkings, to Marie Fredriksson, Per Gessle, or even Laura Linney herself, from Lenny Kravitz to Laila Ali too actually, from Monica Belluci (both of them) to Silvio Berlusconi, and finally even, from Carla Gugino to Bronson Pinchot to Natalie Portman again, and finally too even really, Scarlett Johansson herself, Italians in many ways, remain unrecognizable to most, due to a falsely presented Image too actually, of Italians themselves (and associated in all too really, with Gangsterism, Italian-Americans, Sicilians, and finally even, Sylvester Stallone's personal Self-Images in all actually) [and who too, is probably today's, Worlds most famous Italian Personality (and as with he too even, originating in all, from Umbria actually, and Caravaggios regional homeplace too in all really)].

In all ways though, Italians in all, can best be recognized even, via 'Our Lady of Czestochowa' (who is falsely believed too again, Polish) [but is actually in all truly, Italian, and a major part even, of the Italian core Identity actually (with she too, 'Our Lady' in all, emanating in all too really, from Athena herself actually)].

The movie above, and by Sylvester Stallone too, in many ways too really, does represent 'Our Lady of Czestochowa', from the perspectives in all too again, of Italian Communications [and the very problems in all too actually, she does bring, to ones life/Life in all really].