Friday, November 25, 2011

The Count

and the realm too even, of European Prestigious Titles.

- the History of Europe, can in many ways truly, be presented in all really, from the perspective even, of Honorary Titles in all really, and as seen there actually too. In many ways too really, they in all can be classified as: Royal Titles, Prestigious Titles, Religious Titles and even Popular Titles too actually [with Royal Titles in all too, rather European actually, Prestigious Titles on the otherhand in many ways too really, Greek, Religious Titles on the otherhand again, truly Italian in their ways, and Popular Titles in all (such as the Jongleur, the Musician or the Chef even), not only truly in many ways European History 101 too actually, but also, what makes Europe in many ways too in all really, rather Egyptian somewhat actually].

It is however, via European Prestigious Titles (such as the Count, the Marquis, the Chevalier, or even the Vicomte too actually), that Europe in all, truly does meet Afrique/Kenia [as these Titles in all, have been used Historically actually, in Afrique/Kenia, and as with regards even, to Power itself, and even truly, Presentation Skills in all too actually (with the Count, the most popular truly, of all these actually)].

In many ways truly in all, the basic Presentation Profile of Afrique/Kenia (and as with being Natural even), is truly the Count, and speaks too in all really, of a person too in all, who is truly good at perhaps, displacing (or easing even), Tensions in all, that seem to be arising (and in place too actually). In many ways truly, the person whom most in Afrique/Kenia truly are, when they attempt in all even, to solve, just about any problem in all actually.


The Realm of European Prestigious Titles: