Saturday, November 19, 2011


- from an Individual perspective (and probably too, as a 'History Buff' in all), what truly, is the best way, to see Europe in all actually [and as with helping even too really, the majority in all, distinguish, between Truth (Europe), and Fact (Media)]?

In many ways really, Europe in all, can probably best be seen, from the following 5 perspectives:

1. Cities: London, Hamburg, Vienna, Stockholm and Moscow even.

2. Cultures: English, Norman, Frank, Danes and even, the Rhineland Germans.

3. Societies: English, Austrian, Royal Dutch, Russian, or even, Royal Scandinavian too actually.

4. Literature & Arts: English, 'Dutch', Arthurian, Baroque and even, Eastern European too actually.

5. Famed Figures: Kings/Queens, Robin Hood, (Religious) Philosophers, Swordsmen (and women) [and especially the Deutsch], and finally, the Arthurians too in all really.


- but in many ways truly (and as with France even, heavily even truly really, grounded, in the Merovingian World actually), the best way in all, to see Europe too in all actually, is from, the perspective really, of its 'Medieval Law & Renaissance styled Politics' in all really [and the world too even, of Papal Europe actually] [and with all this, in many ways too (and as with embodying even, the European Spirit in all actually), truly reaches its heights even, in Central Europe actually (and the unknown world even too, of Draconian European Politics in all actually)].


(European Global History)