Sunday, November 6, 2011

Creationist Myths

(Ovid - Heroides, Amores)

Africa, is a place that one finds, to be recurrently filled, with all sorts really, of myths in all truly. 'Myths' in all too, having to do, with just how, to live out life in itself, and especially even too really, with regards, to issues of Continuity, Continuation, or even, Progress itself actually, and due in all too really, to the difficulty in all actually, of envisioning out life, heavily based around, Practises only really (and not, Thoughts, or Principles too even actually). As a result, many Africans, have actually developed even, a huge repertoire, of myths in all, that they use actually to guide them, with dealing with the rather many even, Psychic in all, problems, they do actually meet (and don't really know either too really, how to actually deal with them in all really too) [and Psychic problems in all too really, associated with Death, Pain, Loss, Rebirth, Kismet, Bliss, or even, Ruin too actually] [and problems too, that have shaped in all 'Group Consciousness', and amongst Africans really, and as with they even, having come to define, the evolution of Africans in all, in just about everyway really (from Intelligence, to 'Physical looks' too actually)].

The above works, by Ovid (the Amores & Heroides), are actually in all, not only inspired, by the God Mercury, but are also in all actually too, of Italian (Roma) origins really [with Mercury too, simply Hermes in all actually, but in another form too really]. They are in all, well aptly suited, for those in Afrique, with regards to dealing with, the above mentioned in all really, Psychic problems/issues, that those in Afrique, should not assume, to inflict (or afflict) only, those in Africa, and outside Afrique too really. In all, works truly, mythic in nature, to help one in all deal with, not only the above mentioned Psychic problems/issues in all, but also in all too really, help one in all too, not develop actually, a fear (general even), of not, wanting, to live out life in itself in all really [and as with risk taking too actually] [with Africans too in all, heavily considering even, the practical, and not the emotional, when in all too, attempting really, to live out life in itself actually].

[the work below, by Alexandre Dumas, is in many ways truly, a re-interpretation, of the original, and as with the goal really, of actually turning it, into a Classical work really (and inspired even actually, by Mercury in all too really); a work, that as with Kenia actually really, can be considered, a form, of National Literature even, as it in all actually deals with, the above mentioned Psychic problems/issues, and from a more or less even, practical (or philosophical too even), manner really].

The Countess of Charny: