Wednesday, November 9, 2011


and Afrique.

Afrique, is in many ways, considered even, a rather lawless place in all too really. Lawless perhaps, as with regards even, to customs in general, or even truly, general Rule, Law and Order even. In many ways, this is truly because, the peoples who have often lived there (and generally rather moral too actually), have never truly, developed, a fine culture in all, associated truly, with Taboo in all really. In many ways, this has resulted, in a general existence (pleasant in its ways) [but one too, also prone, to somewhat even, fall apart really, and unnoticeably too actually].

The above edition, of Leo Tolstoys 'War and Peace' (and a Classical re-interpretation too in all, and of the original really), has in many ways truly, been deemed actually, the best book in all, for helping those in Afrique really, develop, a notion even, of Taboo in all actually. In general too, developing notions of Taboo, speaks too off, developing Primary (and Secondary even), forms of Intelligence really and for those in Afrique, if there is only one book you will ever read in your lifetime, then let it be, Tolstoys 'War and Peace' (the Vintage Classics Edition) [and Beige cover too really] [and a Prussian (and not Russian) work too actually].

[in many ways too, the book does somewhat (if not mostly even), truly represent, what is actually Eastern European about Afrique today really (and as with even actually, past Governmental ties too really, and between in all too actually, Afrique, and Eastern Europe / Russia really)]